Big Blogger THE WINNER!!!
This Is Big Blogger,
Well after a hard battle, a winner is finally ready to emerge from the Cyberhouse.
After the final votes had been counted, here are the results.
Sheep on a Unicycle 301
Hillbilly Mom 2583
Mr Huggies 4002
The Winner of Big Blogger, for 2005 is MR HUGGIES!!!!
Well done Mr Huggies, you played a good game, and it has really worked for you.
To Hillbilly Mom, you tried as much as you could, but at the end of the day, the voting public just weren't on your side. Thank you very much for playing, remeber you do go away being the higest ranked American, well done. A prize will be coming your way shortly.
For Mr Huggies, you walk away from the Cyberhouse, the proud winner of nothing! You can wear your underpants on the outside though, because you are a WINNER!
Well that is all we have time for, for Big Blogger 2005, thanks for internetting, see you next time.
Blog Out
Big Blogger
i didnt win and i wear my undies on the outside anyway. so there.
Thanks! :) . This was fun and now we can return to our normal blogging lives.
Big Blogger has changed my life! I highly recommend Big Blogger to anyone wanting to lose weight, gain weight or grow a moustache.
Thanks Misha!
Well done Mr Huggies, a prize will be coming your way soon, just need your postal address.
Thanks to everyone who has been involved with Big Blogger over the past few months. It may return in some form at some time. At the end of the day though, you all made it what it was, thanks again.
Hi Public,
We know who you are, and where you are, We will track you down and give you emergency electrolysis to rid you of the fur.
Big Blogger
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