Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The trouble with blogging

Hi SMSers, and other non electronic communicative devices. The trouble with blogging, is you have to try and remember little bits and pieces that happened through your day, so you can write about it on your blog. Depending on how seriously you take your blogging, this can be a hard task. You find that you are looking for every little bit of crap, hoping to put some kind of spin on it, so that it makes for a good blog entry. So why am I writing about this? Well today I had a really funny thing happen at work. It was one of those moments that is worthy of an award, I thought "Wow, I have to blog this." and then got on with my day. Now that I have gotten home, do you think I can remember it? No, not at all, hence I have just wasted two minutes of your time, having you read this. Today, something I can remember, is this; Right now I am back in training for a couple of weeks, learning a new system at work. One of the guys I am working with is a bit of s Sci-Fi fan, primarily Star Trek. So what I have taken to doing is asking him questions about the show, but with a logical dumb twist. Today I was asking him about the Teleporter, on the show, questions like:

  • If things were always breaking down on the ship, why couldn't they just teleport new stuff in?
  • Can you use the teleporter for SMS?
  • Are there any civilizations that can't use the teleporter, a bit like putting metal into a microwave?
  • Are there different brands of teleporters, because I would hate to get one of those single regoin ones, like the cheap DVD players.
Needless to say, by the end of the day, he never wants to watch the show again. Now to set to work on the guy who likes pornos. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 5/31/2005 09:59:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec

An interesting blog entry. I tend to take my Camera with me and so I generally take a photo to remind me of the incident or funny thing. On gunzel trips I also carry a notepad and pen which helps.

As for the blokes and Porno's makes some reference to Ron Jermey, Peter North, John Holmes and Jemma Jamerson.



At 6/01/2005 06:11:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

And you wonder why you are barred Andy? :-P

At 6/01/2005 11:07:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*shudder*. that'l do pig.


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