Saturday, March 19, 2005

Cooking with Bec, Vol.2

Hello A4ists, and other non conforming paper sizes, Well it has been suggested to me that I write an adventurous recipe, so here goes. The Incredibly Amazing Melba Toast Saga! For this recipe, you need to be entertaining people, sitting at home eating melba toast is not only sad, but means you really should do somethng with your life. The background story on Melba Toast is that in 1823 a Frenchman, working for an Icelandic company in lower Botswania. Hey who said globalisation was a new thing? Anyway, I digress. One day as he was working on a project to invert coconuts, so you didn't have to go through the hard shell to get to the milk and cookies, he accidently forgot that he had left the toast in the toaster. Conditions were pretty bad, with no electricity in the area, so his toaster was powered by a monkey on a bicycle. Needless to say the monkey wasn't very good at pedelling, and the toaster never got too hot. Later that night, the Frenchman, checked his toaster and found the toast had shrunk down to a little tiny bit. He was amazed at what you could do with this small toast, apart from eating it, you could use it to tile the floor in your bathroom, as a deck of playing cards, or to replace the simcard in your mobile phone. He named this toast in honour of the monkey, whose name was Barry, but he thought Melba had a better ring to it for marketing purposes. But enough of the history, here are just a couple of examples of things I put on Melba Toast, a list that may grow in the future. Cream Cheese and Sundried tomatos. This is an easy one, just get some Cream Cheese, put a nice big dollop of it on the toast, and add a bit of Semi Sundried Tomato to it. THe tomato may need to be cut up a little to fit it on the toast, but it looks nice, and tastes pretty good. Paprika and Egg, with Capsicum. Another simple one, Boil a coulple of eggs, and then mash them with the paprika, the same way you wuold make curried egg. A little bit of lemon pepper also goes well in this mix. Then top with diced capsicum, a good mix of different coloured capsicum helps for the presentation. Seafood Melba. This one is also simple, just a little bit of prep time is needed. What you do is get a tin of crab meat, and add Thousand Island Dressing, until it is a nice mix, not too dry and not to runny. put nice dollops of this on the toast, then add a shrimp or prawn to the top. Finish off with some finely chopped Dill. Well that should do you all for starters. Happy Cooking. Until we next blog, Blog Out. HooRoo Rebecca PS: Sorry I forgot this was meant to be an adventure. All this was done while being chased by ninja's down an old mine shaft.


At 3/19/2005 11:58:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you just use normal toast that you would find in the garden and put toppings on it? Very unaustralian of me to not know what melba toast is.

At 3/20/2005 12:09:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Andrew,
Melba toast is that little toast you can get from the supermarket. It may have another name, but that is the only name I nkow for it. The squares are about 30mm each in size.
I hope that answers your question.

At 3/20/2005 01:10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah, Melba toast has a long tradition. Named after Dame Nellie Melba. Long before it was sold in supermarkets. Shall I do the research of will you?

At 3/20/2005 11:00:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Am I to believe that you actaully like melba toast? I must say I prefer a nice cracker anyday: they don't have that challenging tongue-drying that Nellie's dried bread does...

At 3/21/2005 10:31:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Andrew,
I'm happy for you to do the reseach if you like Andrew, but I thought you would have better things to do with your time. As I said in my post, they were named after a monkey called Barry. Do you doubt my historical facts? lol

Hi M!key,
It is not up to me to like them or not, I just did the catering. I guess I will have to do a recipe in the future that is a bit crackers.


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