Tuesday, March 15, 2005

What hour of the day is it?

Hi Subliminalists, and others who just don't get the messege, Well it was a typical weekend for me, just like any other day, only this time my body clock seemed to have swiched off completely. Mmmm, I'll give you all the details. Friday: Awake at 4am for work, start work at 2pm, get home from work at 11pm, stuffing around the house until 3am, decide I should go to bed. Saturday: Slept in until 7am, got up and stayed in my PJ's all day, to see what a lazy day is like. Not bad, I think I will do it again some time. Finally go to bed at 2am Sunday: Awake at 6:30am to go do my volunteer work. Some friends call into the Museum and ask me to their house for dinner that night. It is just up the road form the museum, about 40km away, so I go. We have a great night chatting, and eating marshmellows (I'm a naughty girl I know). I finally leave there about 12:30am, and drive home, getting home at 2am. On to the computer with heaps of work to do, finally look at the clock that says 5am, and think, mmm, should go to bed. Monday: Awake at 8am to get to Geelong for a meeting, surprisingly feeling quite well, despite not much sleep for days. After a big day of running around, I go to bed at 8pm, to get some sleep before work on Tuesday. Tuesday: I beat the alarm, getting up at 2:45am, instead of the alarm annoying me at 3:30am. Now finally it is just after 8:30pm, and I am going to bed. Still not tired. Oh well, I can only try. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca PS: My friends in Seymour are not a figment of my imagination, they are real people, I just protect the names of the innocent unless they want their 15 nanoseconds of fame, via my blog.


At 3/15/2005 08:45:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yes i remember holding you down and forcing those marshmallows in..
It was a very enjoyable evening. It was our pleasure having you over. I will cook next time...Hope you have health cover..lol

At 3/15/2005 11:49:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

I'd be a wreck if I kept a sleep regime as topsy as yours! Time to get those rhythms back in sync before you fall off axis Bec!


(oooh - you linked me: thankew! I thought I'd return the favour on my blog also, so your hits are sure go thru the roof with the traffic I'm dragging in! HA!)


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