Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Vent time

My ex is a total shithead. It was late August, 2004, that I last saw my kids. Since then I have been trying to track them down through the legal system, and through my own investigations. Because it is the other parent who has taken my kids, the police wont get involved, unless I can provide evidence that the kids are in harm, it is bullshit. The other day, through a lot of cross matching, I found out where my kids go to school, well it was more of a 20% chance, so good odds. Today I called the school to find out some interesting things.

  • Apparently there is an Intervention Order out against me. The school have not seen this, but they were told about it.
  • There is a restiction placed on the file, saying I can not have access to it. It is not a legally binding restricition, they just did it.
  • The worst news of all, my kids left the school back in March this year, with apparently no forwarding address.
So this Friday, I am making the 600km round trip to where the school is, to try and get any details I can. The saga continues. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 6/16/2005 10:22:00 am, Blogger mj said...

Hope the journey is fruitful. Good luck Rebecca!

At 9/22/2005 05:08:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I do feel for you, Bec.

Maybe the words of an officer that I talked to yesterday will help clean up your thinking:
"Whoever files the Intervention Order first is the victim." -- That saves the magistrates and police a lot of time: You're guilty.

I'm an American. I came here 5 years ago to be with an Australian woman and work in IT.

The local magistrates' courts are crowded every Thursday and Friday around Melbourne dealing with over 60 hearings a day on Intervention Orders. I live in Frankston.

If it's any consolation, you are in the minority. Try being male in Australia. The statistic that 87% of the abusers in relationships are male drive the law (and vice versa.)
It's a pitiful implementation of a law that defines men in Australia as drunken, abusive brutes; and women as the victims -- providing they file first!

I know what feelings you're having. I have struggled through the whole gamut in the last few months. Finally, I just signed the house and its contents over.


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