Well it made me laugh
Hi Dextrin, and other non think things. I got sent this GIF file today. I don't know the details of it, but I am going to call it "Typical Windows User, Using Internet Explorer." I'm sure after that title, you can all work out I'm a MAC girl. As they say, once you go MAC, you never go back. lol

That is gruesome, but he made me laugh. He also made me long for the kinder, gentler days of Bob and Carl.
Hi Hillbilly Mom,
Bob and Carl will be returning soon. I have another three in their series, maybe more, just need the time to write them down. You have been warned. lol
That is cool - I'l be circulating it - infact I may actually have to use it in a post soon... The one where I beg and plead for people to use Firefox becasue I now sadly know that my blog looks shithouse when viewed using IE...
that is absolutely hilarious, my father is pretty impatient on the computer so I might just send him that as a warning;-)
Another cool Animation. I was actually thinking of going to Linux myself with that cute Penguin "Tux" just siting on his ass full of Pilchards.
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