Sunday, November 13, 2005

I could put up some examples

Hi End Of Year invitations, and other non RSVP cards. Well blogger is playing up again, so I can't post the post I intended to post, so instead I am posting this post, in which I really don't know what I will be posting about, but hey, it is a post, so there. An interesting Saturday last week. I was handed a Bass guitar, to have a bit of a play. Now I thought back about how long it had been since I had played Bass, and it was 7 years. Since then I really hadn't played it at all. Well there was the occcsasional riff, but nothing serious, and even that stopped about 3 years ago. One thing I really noticed was just how much I REALLY SUCK at playing Bass now. Not only couldn't I remember any songs, I couldn't get my fingers to move to play the notes. Then when I did get something happening, I was dropping into guitar chords, and it sounded like crap. It made me want to do two things. One, keep playing, and work hard at remembering everything. Two, cut my fingernails so I could actually play what I wanted to play. In the end I just gave up, and thought about going back to my first musical love of drumming. Given it has been about 15 years since I seriously played the drums, this will just stay as a thought, and no animals will be harmed. I am still looking for a place to move to, so much searching on the net is happening. One thing that has really taken my notice is just how bad real estate people are at taking photos. Now I wish I could put up some examples here, but curse you blogger (Grrrrr!), so instead I will just have to describe some of the DON'T's they DO.

  • Horizon lines are always at a 10 degree angle or more.
  • Blinds are opened wide, so the photo is backlit and you can't see the details of inside the house.
  • No need to wind down your window or even stop for that matter, just point and click from a moving car.
  • Stand in the middle of a room to take a photo. People only want to see half of a toilet and a basin, instead of the whole bathroom.
  • It doesn't matter if a car is parked in front of the place, take the photo anyway, it adds character.
I kind of wish there was a market for taking decent photos for Real Estate, but having worked in the industry, I know they are all cheap arse turds, not worthy of such quality. In other news; Suspected Terrorists have been arrested in both Melbourne and Sydney. Police have said this has made massive differences to the safety of Australia. I would have to agree with this fact. Now, when you stagger out of a pub at three o'clock in the morning, it is impossible to get a kebab from a roadside van. OK, so that last political comment was very lame. I think I will leave the political comments to Rachy at Legless, she has her finger on the buzzer when it comes to that kind of stuff. In other news for me, I went shoe shopping, but once again, thanks to blogger, I can't show you the results just yet. I had intended to just get a pair of sandals for use next week, when I have my ingrown toenail cut out, look forward to the post on that. Instead of just the sandals, I walked out of there two hours later, and $360 poorer, but I have another three pairs of shoes. I guess that is my Christmas shopping done. Finally after much thinking about it, I've decided to put a photo of my boy on here. For those of you who want to see it, this is the link Boys.jpg. This photo was taken the last time I was them, August 21, 2004. I am in two minds right now. I could push to get to see them, but that would still take at least six month, and in the next six months I have a lot on my plate with finishing up my training course at work, and getting a few things sorted out in my life. If I pushed to see them, the other things could fail due to the extra pressure, which would mean a poor quality of life for some time. If I just wait until the court case comes up in a little over a year, then by then, I will be set for life, and able to give them a much better life. Problem is, that is putting my kids on hold, because I have more important things to do, and as every parent knows, nothing is more important than your kids. I guess I have a lot to think about. Well that is enough crapping on for one day. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca


At 11/16/2005 06:19:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Are these comment things working?

At 11/16/2005 12:52:00 pm, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

If you can see this, it is working. Last week Blogger was eating my posts when I tried to publish. The "recover post" thingy had saved about half of it. MamaKBear's blogroll has been disappearing. Blogger: you get what you pay for.

I like the picture of your boys. The one on the left looks like you, I think. They are quite cute. I hope they are not little devils like mine, who like nothing better than to fight and tattle every 10 minutes. I hope you get to spend more time with them when the time is right.

At 11/16/2005 04:31:00 pm, Blogger Amanda said...

your boys r adorable!

At 11/17/2005 06:47:00 am, Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Cute boys! 3 pairs of shoes for $360.00? I love shoes, I have 3 pair under my desk at work plus the ones on my feet this very moment, I have a closet full of shoes but I'm too cheap to pay very much for them. I figure 18 pair of $20.00 shoes is better than 1 pair at $160.00. But the $160.00 shoes are SOOOOOO much cuter! You have to post pictures soon!

At 11/17/2005 07:06:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

he he, lame political jokes are always the best ones! and your boys are gorgeous, they look mischievous but nevertheless gorgeous. I truly hope things start working out for you on that front sometime soon

At 11/17/2005 07:07:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Rebecca,
Yes, the comments are working, you dag.

Hi Hillbilly Mom,
This isn't about you, it is about ME! Sound familiar, mmmm?
Yeah, my boys are cute, and thankfully not little devils either. Mind you, with having not seen them for so long now, I do wonder if that has changed, but I doubt it, I was a good parent, and will be again some day.

Hi Amanda,
Thanks. I better get over to your blog again soon too.

Hi Mrscoach2u
Yeah, the shoes were expensive. I'll post some photos of them soon, I just need to get an ingrown toenail cut out first, then they will fit me better.


At 11/18/2005 03:09:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Rachy,
Well if it is lame jokes you want, you have come to the right place. Stick around and be purely annoyed.
It's not that my boys are mischievous, it is just on that day we were having a lot of fun, and they had a cardboard box to play in. We all know what a dangerous mix kids and a cardboard box are.


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