Sure it was a Vegas thing
Hi Bees and other non stingy things. So there I was the other night, in a bit of a half dream. I seem to be doing a lot of dreaming lately, must have something to do with working regular hours. I must put a stop to that soon. Anyway, back to this dream. I am having some surgery done soon, and I just happen to be dreaming about having surgery done in general, not about the op I am having. Now things were a little weird in this dream, and I will fore warn my American readers, you may have to google a fair bit of this dream to truly understand it, but here goes. I was taken to a farm in the back of a Sandman, that was decked out with shagpile carpet, and a sun lounge. This farm actually reminded me a lot of the bird enclosures at the Royal Melbourne Zoo, not the big aviary, just the standard bird enclosures. I went into the operating room, which was your standard theatre, except for a moose head on the wall, and an old icebox to one side. I was given the anesthestic and nodded off to sleep, but then woke up during the surgery. The doctor looked at me and asked what I was doing. "Umm, I'm just having a look, I want to see what you are doing." I said. "Well go back to sleep, you are being operated on!" He replied. So I went back to sleep, but woke again shortly. "What is it this time?" The doctor retorted to me. "I have to go to the toilet." I said. So with that, he stormed off out of the room. I got up off the operating table, and even with the open wound, which was very clean, and not dripping blood or anything, I went off to the toilet. When I returned to the room, I saw the doctor riding off into the sunset on a shetland pony. A voice called out to me from behind me in the room. "You look really tired, but don't worry, I can help." I quickly turned around to see Richard Wilkins standing there. He wandered over to the icebox, and took out a tub of homebrand margarine. He walked up to me, and whipped it all over my face. I said to him "How can I ever thank you Richard?" He just took off, jumping through a window, and straight into the back of his Gemini wagon, which was filled with the best sound system you have ever seen, and drove off somewhere doing burn outs all the way. Thankfully before things got really strange, I woke up. So there you have it, another one of my dreams. Oh and in other news, some of you may know that Hillbilly Mom has restarted her feud with me. Well Hillbilly Mom, when you start a feud with me, you start a feud with the whole of Beclakia. While you may have thought the good people of Beclakia were up to nothing, they have in fact, been digging up dirt from your past. As you will see below, we have found a photo from your first marriage. Sure it was a Vegas thing, that lasted for only a fraction of the time Britney Spears marriage was for, but we think you made a lovely couple.

Maybe you are just anticipating the impending morphine dreams! Wouldn't it be fantastic were all patient transport in a Sandman?
I see how you are. First you steal Misha's laundry, now you dare to steal the Royal Crown of Hillmomba. It is ONNNNNN!
I hate it when people steal pics of me to put on the net.
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