Friday, April 29, 2005

Just one of those moments.

Hi Cotton Threads, and other non sewing devices, Well there I was in K Mark last night, having just put a push bike on lay-by. Now before you cringe Mikey, I'm just starting out again on the pushie, so a $99 bike will do me for now. I also go all the right safety gear, helmet, lights for night riding, on bike computer, and spokey dokeys. I decided to have a look around for some clothes, seeing as though they had a special on ladies wear, and as I was standing there looking at some tops, it happened. Suddenly my left knee went POP! I had some how had a ligament blow out, while standing still, as I fell over, I tried to stop myself from falling too far, and doing more damage, when the next thing happened. As my head hit the wall besides me I heard CRACK! My nose had broken on impact. It was just one of those days. Now I am not too worried about what happened. That knee needs replacing anyway, and it now means I have broken my nose 15 times, heck I even went into work today and I wasn't worried at all. The thing that bugs me is these kind of things just happen to me all the time. The worst part of it all is, I never found a top I liked. Better luck next time. Blog Out, HooRoo Bec


At 4/29/2005 07:50:00 pm, Blogger mj said...


My god! are you really OK??? I hope that they (the faceless medical profession)can tie it all together for you, you poor thing... What have you been doing to wreck your knee so? My left knee is a bit dud compared to my right, and I'm off to the gym to try and build up the muscle mass around it to help support the joint (it's down compared to my right), so I understand knees a bit...

The nose is well harsh also... I'd call that a crap day. Officially.

For that I'll forgive you the KMart bike. Only just. Certainly not my recommendation: just ask me why, or maybe don't...

Get well soon! m!key

At 4/30/2005 07:06:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec...

Sorry to hear about your injuries. Do you want me to kiss it better ? ;) I hope your ok and you get better soon.



At 4/30/2005 08:14:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Mikey,
I know about the "quality" of the K Mart bike, but for starters, and on my budget, it is better than nothing. I hope to get at least one year out of it.
But I am interested to know more about what kind of bike I should have.

Hi Darkseason,
Yep, if it is a freak thing to happen, it will happen to me. It isn't oo bad a break, but it is right on the ridge of my nose, so no wearing my glasses for a while.

Hi Mr Huggies,
Thanks for the offer, but I don't want Mrs Huggies to get annoyed.

The most annoying thing about breaking a nose, is it runs and runs with snot. THere must be a secret supply waiting for when you break it. Of course with a runny nose, you have to blow it, and that hurts.

Well I must get going to work, chat soon all.

At 4/30/2005 08:48:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bec. Wow that's soooo not a good thing to happen. Hope you are OK. I was working with a guy once that had something like that happen - his knee-cap just popped out, and he was in a lot of pain. Hope yours wasn't that bad.

I guess a broken nose to you is like a kicked toe to most people - "Oops silly me, broke my nose again".

In all seriousness, I hope you are alright, and I'm thinking of you.

Hey, and thanks for the personal greeting in there too.

Take care

At 5/02/2005 12:45:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Yes, I'm very sorry I did not make it Richmond Bec. I spent rather longer than I anticipated trying to source ingredients and cooking... Sometime soon we wil coincide, I'm sure. (like next weekend looks better)



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