Saturday, April 23, 2005

Roving Report, done while sitting.

Hi Cusions and other non comport devices, Well here I am chilling out in Sydney. When I say chilling out, what I actually mean, is sweating my arse off! It is very humid and hot for this time of year. Even after checking the weather patterns before I headed up here, and after packing for fine and mild weather, I really should be shoppoing for summer clothes for while I am here. Anyone got a spare visa card they are not using?

The ride up here was very slow. The train was late into Albury, as long time readers will know, and I think just after the Tabletop loop, we got stuck behind a freighter. A slow journey on bottom yellows all the way. I ended up getting off the train at Strathfield, instead of going all the way through to Central, even that was done at about 0830, and we were due into Sydney at 0700. I guess when they say arrive at 0700, they mean the general Sydney metropolitan area, give or take 300km's.

So here I am at Miranda Fair, or Westfield Miranda, or Come I Sucker, the name is something like that. I[ve been good and I have only bought an anklet and a cup of miso soup. The bus ride here was interesting. My driver was female, and there was this old guy who refused to get on the bus because it was being driven by "A bloody woman" [sic], well his loss really, because she shut the door and drove off, leaving him for the next one. A note to think of here is this bus route only requires two drivers on a Saturday, and both drivers on the route for the day are female. I guess the old fool will be waiting a while for the bus. I got chatty with the driver, she had always wanted to be a train driver and apon reaching the shopping centre, the stop was blocked by a Connex bus. She blasted Connex for a bit, then let us off on the street, as I left, she asked me who I drove trains for; "Connex" was my reply. We both had a giggle.

Well it is time for me to drink my soup and to finish my shopping. Later I am going to meet some family for the first time in many years. There has been a lot happen since we last saw each other, and I am really nervous. But don't worry, I am sure it will emd up as a blog entry. Blog Out, HooRoo Rebecca

PS: It is freaky seeing Franklins Supermarkets again.


At 4/23/2005 10:25:00 am, Blogger mj said...

...and how about Woolworths!!?

I'm must almost be a naturalised Victorian now, as I'm calling that chain Safeway wihtout even thinking these days! I still do crack out a "gotta go shopping at Woolies" now and then though.


At 4/23/2005 12:18:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Mikey,
Nah Woolies I am cool with, use to seeing that. Do you need me to get you anything while I am out shopping?

At 4/23/2005 12:55:00 pm, Blogger mj said...



Do yourself and me a favour by buying many packets of Arnotts Gingernut biscuits as possible! The NSW versions are far superior to the VIC versions. They are harder and more flavoursome, and totally awesome when dipped in coffee or tea as they keep their shape and go chewey. mmmmmm, yum.


At 4/26/2005 09:27:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Mikey,
I'm glad I logged on to check the comments before I left. Given that I don't have much room in my suitcase, I will try to get you at least one packet of the biscuits for you.


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