Friday, April 15, 2005

I'm leaving on a Jet-Train

Hi Nail Polish Removers, and other non corrosive chemical blends, Well as the title suggests, I'm leaving on a Jet-Train, to Sydney next week. Well I don't think it is a jet-train, the XPT is more likely to be a turbo charged V12, or something like that in a push-pull set, but Jet-Train will do. I booked my ticket on the train, becuase I don't fly too well. The strange thing is, after spending over night on a train, I arrive in much better condition than I would if I had flown the one hour there. I really need a break, and it has been about five years since I had a holiday. Given that I am going back into training at work in two weeks, and because I just happened to be on the phone to CountryLink at the time, I booked my ticket. My plans while I am there, are pretty simple. I've got some family and friends to see there, and since I have last seen them, there have been a lot of changes in my life. If they don't want to see me, I am cool with that, I'll be happy not to have contact with them, if they don't want to contact me. I'm not being negative about the whole thing, but I've reached a point in my life where I am not going to try and hold onto the past. But I am hopeful this wont happen, I have respect for them, and I hope likewise. Apart from seeing people there, I plan to have a day kicking back enjoying the sights and sounds of the Sydney Tramway Museum. Tradgic I know, coming from Melbourne, and going to Sydney to see trams, but hey, a girl has to have a hobby. The other good news at work is the police are going to come down there, and open a can of whoopie. Only problem is I wont be there to see it. It would have been nice to see all the scum being done over. I don't take pity on these people, they are violent towards me, and I am just trying to do my job. The sooner they are fixed up, the better. Gee this post is sounding a bit dark and heavy, it wasn't intened to be that way, I guess I go up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, but heck, at least I did sleep last night, even if it was on the floor in my loungeroom. Ok so I didn't plan to sleep there, I was kicking back watching the footy show, and next thing I knew it was morning. Here is a life tip, don't try and rub your eyes in the morning when you are still wearing your glasses from last night. in the half comotose state I was in, it is a shock thinking your eyes have lost all feeling. Well time for me to hang out the washing and blog out, until next time. Blog Out HooRoo Becky


At 4/15/2005 05:31:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec

Nice to see your using the marvellous train called the XPT hehehehehe... Plenty of the blue wash set will keep you company. Try one of the five star meals on the XPT. Come highly recomended :) .

I hope things work out with your family and friends. I hope they don't dis you because blood is thicker than water. I'm not that close to my own family because I went through alot of hurt with them when I was younger so I know how you feel. These days things have mellowed more out but I have my own life with Ms Huggies. :)

Their is nothing wrong with the Hobby of liking Trams. Your just going to check out another cities trams that is all.

I hope the cops fix the problems at your work. It is not good have this shit going on. I have had trouble myself with these sort of people at my work. I just tell them to fuck off. They don't seem to realise if they hit me not only will I press charges agaist them but take civil action as well.

As for this post of yours sounding dark and heavy. No big deal as it is your blog :) ...

Have a good trip.

Kind Regards


At 4/16/2005 12:40:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Huggies,
I'm pretty confident the blue rinse set wont be bothering me too much, I'm riding first class. lol
The family is my uncle & family, and also a cousin, from the other side of the family. I don;t have any contact with my "mother and father" or "sister", entirely their choice, but something I am happy with. My uncle sent me a letter about six months ago saying pretty much that blood is thicker than water, blah, blah, blah, so this is tipping the toe in the blood, so to speak. If they choose to have nothing to do with me after I see them, I am cool with that.
Yeah trams are a bit much for me, but it is a hobby. When I lived in Brisvegas, I use to go driving on the tracks on Old Cleveland Road, just to be reminded of Melbourne. Tradgic I know.

At 4/16/2005 07:25:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec...

First class on the XPT. I never thought it could be. hehehe :) .

Well I hope things work with your uncle and his family. It is sad to hear your close family don't want to know you. I use to have problems with my father alot and for awhile their I didn't speak to him. He is a very negitive person and likes to put people down.

I've also have had problems some other family members who are not as close and I haven't spoken to them for years. Like yourself I prefer it this way.

As for the Tram Fetish I think it is cool. Those Tram Tracks you are refering to use to be the old Carina Terminus. The only exposed section of tram track left in Brisbane.

Back in 1966 when Padington Depot caught fire they rang Lord Major Clem Jones up in the middle of the night. His reply to them was "Let the Fucker Burn".

Kind regards


At 4/16/2005 08:08:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Huggies,
I think you are forgetting about the exposed tram tracks on the old Victoria Bridge (I think that name is right) linking Brisbane with South Brisbane, also if I could be so bold as to add in Ferny Grove. :-P
Clem Jones has a lot to answer for, in my opinion he held Brissy back from a lot of delevopment, and kept it a country town for way too long.

At 4/16/2005 06:51:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Miss Bec,

If it all gets too much, just take the ferry from Circular Quay up to Watsons Bay. It's a lovely journey, and takes you past the old tram depot... ha ha... At Watsons Bay, you can have fish and chips by the beach and forget everything as you watch the sun set over the harbour. I'm gunna post a picture on my blog to inspire thou!

Good luck with the XPT, though I think thay call it the countrylink explorer these days.


At 4/17/2005 06:44:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec

I dont know about the Victoria Bridge. I don't remember seeing any exposed tram tracks on it. This Bridge was rebuilt in the 1970's after the trams were gone.

As for the Ferny Grove dont be so bold :) as it wasn't part of the original tram network in Brisbane.

As far as Clem Jones goes I thought he did well for Brisbane. After all he did invest in a sewage system for Brisbane. I wish Brisbane was still a Country town really.



P.S. Tell M!key the Countrylink Exploder is a different type of train from the XPT.

At 4/17/2005 08:49:00 am, Blogger mj said...


Are you telling me that the XPT still runs? I thought that it had gone to god? Is it still painted red and orange? The ones that used to run Sydney-Canberra back in the '80's-early '90's were.


PS: I just checked the RailAustralia page and now I understand: Canberra isn't serviced by the XPT any more...


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