Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pay before you Fill

Hi Late night support desk helpline employees, and other non shift working types. I know I have a bit to write about my trip to Sydney, but I will get to that soon, after I have uploaded some photos. Well tonight for the first time, I had to pay before using the pump, at the petrol station. I found this a bit strange, because after all, I drive an '84 laser. If I did try to drive off, they could walk and still catch me. But anyway, in I went to pay first. Now I didn't know how much petrol my car would take, because I was just there to top up the tank for the rest of the month, so I gave the attendant $20, and asked for a reciept. In his best impersonation of someone speaking English he said to me "I give you when you have filled." Well for me that is not good enough. I'm not going to hand money over, for a service that has not been provided, just to have this guy tell me after I have filled the tank that I never gave him any money, and I have to pay again. This guy couldn't understand that. He refused to give me a receipt. So I asked for my money back, and he refused to do that. At no point in time would he understand that unless I got some proof that he had taken my money, I would take my business elsewhere. But in his mind, I wanted my money back, then to go and fill up, before returning to him to pay for it. I think it was fair enough refusing to hand over money if I had no proof that it had happened. After all, I was being treated like I was a criminal who would drive off with out paying, even though this guy had never met me, yet he was appalled that I was thinking he was a crim. In the end I finally got my money from him, and went down the road, where petrol was 3 cents a litre cheaper. I know where to fill up next time. If only Mr Huggies worked closer, then I could get a pizza at the same time, as long as I didn't look like a scum. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 4/28/2005 05:28:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec

An interesting post. I don't know about this servo but maybe they have a problem with drive offs and walk outs.

When people drive in if they look sus or have foreign plates of drive then I will make note of their plate. The only time I will ask them to pre pay is if they have no number plate which is illegal anyway.

Also at night I have the pumps nearest to the roadway shut off with a sign stating it is pre-paid only. I rairly have people using them as they just move their car to another pump.

I have never had the trouble with someone wanting to prepaid fuel and wanting a reciept for the money. If they wanted a reciept for the fuel I tell them until they put the fuel in their car I can't put the money through the till and no reciept can be produced. If it is a real sticky point I can do a hand written reciept.

I'm not going to swipe people's money because I'm on video all the time.



P.S. XB Ford's are the most common car to drive off.
P.S.S. Please don't mention Pizza Plus as it gives me nightmares :(
P.S.S.S. Love the change of colour on the blog :)

At 4/28/2005 09:32:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Yeah, sexy new scheme - very slick.

Are you gunna find a kewl photo to fill the box (since you got rid of the default one?

Ford Lasers ROCK! Esp 1986 Ghia auto's.

m!key (not a fiend)

At 4/28/2005 10:32:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

New kewl photo? What isn't showing up at your end Mikey? Everything looks good here. Is someone not using Firefox? :-)

At 4/28/2005 10:49:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

I'm down with the Fox miss Bec!


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