Sunday, April 10, 2005

Cooking With Bec. Vol.3

Hello Colourful Balloons, and other non latex products, Well today in CWB, we are actually going to steal a recipe, and change it around slightly. Readers of this blog, will recall my friend Monique, who stayed over at my place a few months back, made a wonderful dish, which became known as Monique's Five Finger Chicken. The reason for the name, is long and ancient, or it happened, first, or it was somewhere in the middle, or it referred to an event that was yet to occur, but whicgh would be made clear once you knew of the other event. For those of you who can not follow that sentence, in other words, it was named after a scene in a Quintin Tarrentino film. That film being Kill Bill Vol.2 In the film, there is some martial arts move where you hit the victim with five fingers in certain places on the chest. The person can sit there, for as long as they like, but as soon as they take five steps, they die. With Moniques Five Finger Chicken, you have five mouthfuls, then as you get up to go and get a drink, you walk five steps and die. Well maybe not die, but you will feel that way..., until you fart. So anyway, here is Rebecca's Four Finger Chicken. One less finger, which means one less fart. Now the thing to remember here, is apart from chicken, I wasn't too sure on the other ingredients needed for this meal, so I just went with what I thought would work, in the end, it was quite tasty, and very easy to make. Ingredients: Chicken Mince, as much as you like, I used about 400g. Spring Onion, an entire bunch, Small can of Pineapple pieces. Half a red Capsicum Laksa Paste Tin of Creamed Coconut milk Olive oil Rice. How to do it all. Put the rice on to boil, that is a side dish, or as I put it on the plate, something to put the other stuff on. It makes it easier to eat when you are using chop sticks. If you have trouble with the principles of how to boil rice, stop right here, don't cook, have a piece of fruit instead. Chp up the Spring Onion, into about 10mm long bits, do the same with the Capsicum, and also open the tin of Pineapple. Just put these to the side for now, no eating the pineapple, but you can drink the juice, just don't cut your lip on the tin. Into a frypan, add some olive oil, and when it is heated, add the chicken, brown the chicken (or white it,... just cook it until it changes colour ok.) Add in a couple of heaped teaspoons of Laska Paste. If you like it hot, add in some more, but this ammount gives it just a nice bit of flavour. Mix through the chicken. Add in the Spring Onion, Capsicum and Pineapple, mix through until they are cooked. Add in the Creamed Coconut milk, and stir on a high heat for a few minutes, then turn the heat right down and stir for a few more minutes. Now it is time to serve it all up, and you are done. Enjoy the eating. Blog Out. HooRoo Bec


At 4/10/2005 02:50:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Chef Bec

Another recipe from you kitchen. I will have to let Jacqui know about this one as she likes to cook as well.

Five steps and I will fart. Sounds good. You gotta give thanks for the gas. :)



At 4/10/2005 03:35:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Huggies,
I was actually surprised a bit at how well this one turned out, it has a very nice taste to it. One I will be doing again myself. I've just had some left overs, and it went down quite well.

At 4/10/2005 04:45:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

Hey Bec

Should have sent the leftovers up here ;)



At 4/10/2005 04:51:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Actually the leftovers are now going to be heading into a friend who is working on a station tonight, so she can have dinner.
But I will think of you next time.

At 4/11/2005 08:00:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Can anyone vouch for authenticity of Miss Becs' fart factor claims? Imagine if you made this dish REALLY hot and had to get up for a drink refill quite often? I'd say you should remove any naked flames from the room, just to be safe...


At 4/11/2005 09:21:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Forgot to say nice work with the rogues gallery!

Up in lights!

At 4/11/2005 10:43:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi M!key,
I'll leave the explosive quota up to you, fart as much as you like. Also thanks for noticing the new look links menu. I'm glad you liked it. Now just to learn HTML some more.


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