Hey Four Eyes!
Hi Two Bob Watches, and other non Bali purchased items.
I'm just going to come out and say it. No holding me back, you can't stop me from doing it. I've had enough of this crap, and it has to stop now. For too long it's been going on, and I have had enough. It is just wrong, wrong, WRONG! So listen up everyone, and damn well make it so.
There I said it. I've had enough of this crap people. It has to stop.
So why am I so pissed off I hear you say? Well think about it for a minute. These people waste so much time, getting their glasses out, putting them on, taking them off, having to clean them, because the dog has licked them, then putting them back on, then taking them off a few seconds later, because they have to change their depth of focus, because someone said something to them. They lose their glasses, they complain about not being able to see something, because they haven't got their glasses on them. They don't let people take a photo of them, because they are wearing their glasses. I've had enough, and it has to stop.
From now on, if you wear glasses, you should have to wear them all the time. If your vision is not that bad, that you don't need them for say driving, then you should have laser eye un-correction, which would have to be a lot easier than correcting them. All you would have to do, is stand in front of the laser at a rave party for a few minutes, and BAM! Permeant eye damage! Then you wouldn't have to worry about finding your glasses all the time, they would be on your face. Don't worry about the fact you now have a seeing eye dog to also deal with, at least they come to you when you whistle.
Now wait a minute, I hear you say. I'm sure I've seen YOU wear glasses Rebecca. Yes, that's true, and here is a photo to prove it:

Now please excuse the fact this photo was taken before my hair had style, that is not the issue here, glasses are the issue.
This morning when I woke up, my eyes decided, nice day, no glasses needed....yet. I went about my business, then sat down to blog, and what do you know, after just 3 nanoseconds, glasses needed. Suddenly the whole world was out of focus, which doesn't help when you are trying to find your glasses.
Here in lies the root of this problem, finding your glasses. I've tried putting them down in the same spot all the time, but it never happens. If I did that, it would mean having to drive half an hour to home each time, from work, just to put my glasses down in the same spot. I'd get back to work, only to find, I have to go back home, to get my glasses again. Sure it means I get out of a lot of productivity at work, but think of the running costs on my car.
I've tried the "two pairs of glasses" trick, in fact I own three pairs of glasses, but still, I can't find them. Which is why, if they can correct someone's vision in a multitude of ways, surely the can un correct them too, just put the battery in the machine the other way around, it worked for Bugs Bunny, therefore it is possible.
Each morning, it is a search for me, to find my glasses, because I have a sleeping issue. For about half an hour, before I actually go to sleep, I'm in this kind of twilight zone, where anything can happen, so my glasses end up anywhere in the house. I've found them in the fridge, inside my pillow case, out in the car, in the cereal box, you name it, I've pretty much put them there, excluding all body cavities, and I am not going to try putting them there.
The problem with my vision, is I have stigmatation in both eyes, to different levels, and I am long sighted. So seeing things which are far away is fine, put something in front of my face, and I wouldn't know what it is, sometimes, and it is that sometimes, which is the issue. I have days, where all the planets line up, all the canines on earth fart in unison, and all the French people are nice, where I can see perfectly well with out my glasses. Then there are the days where I have no idea what I am looking at, even with my glasses on. All I want is the besst of both worlds, or at least for the two worlds to actually look like the one they are meant to be, so I don't have double vision.
So next time you see me, poke me in the eye with a blunt tricycle, then hit the recall button for the homing device I've now fitted to my glasses.
Blog Out
I've had similar problems. When I was younger making shots of 100 to 150 yards with iron sights was no problem. I used to think scopes were for wimps. Now, I find shots over 50 yds. (read 15 yds.) difficult without optics.
Also, I hate to doubt your veracity, but all the French haven't ever been nice at the same time.
Ya look pretty good with the optics.
I keep my glasses in the car. Just in case I might want to put them on while hurtling down curvy two-lane blacktop in my XL SUV.
Your singing challenge is ready, in case you missed it on my blog last night.
Have you heard of Laser Eye Removal. Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles recommend it.
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