What do you call these two days?
Hi Christmas Decorations, and other things that just shouldn't be seen at this time of the year. I got to sleep in today. w00t! It was fantastic, there I was just lazing away in bed for a Saturday morning, thinking about nothing, trying not to think about having to get up to go to the toilet, but in the end my bladder won. So eventually I dragged my arse out of bed around 5am. Now I know what you are thinking, what kind of a freak thinks that 5am on a Saturday morning is a sleep in? Well the kind of freak who is use to getting up at 1:30am for work is the kind of freak that would. Today is a bit unusual for me, I'm not quite sure what to do, after all, what do you call these two days? Oh, that's right, it's called a WEEKEND. A bit of a foreign term for me, being a shift worker and all, but a term I will kind of get use to over the next few weeks. You see I am back into classes for the next 6 weeks, which means Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm. It's going to kill me, I just don't know how people can work such insane hours. So what to do today, well I plan to do a load of washing, clean up the house a bit, and once again, it is time for some fun with the car, yes it is service time again. As readers of this blog, you may all remember the last time I tried this, if not, just defocus your eyes, think of some Harp music, and click on this link. This time though, I am going all out. I have purchased this thing called a Timing Light, which apparently makes your car go better. I have no idea what I am doing with it, but I will give it a go. At least if I can't get it to work, then I can always use to to fake being a Cop with a Radar Gun. In other news, I've won an award. I now have finally got my Silver Medal for blood donations. I think back now at the 97.5 litres or so of blood I have given over the last 15 years, and think "Dang, in some countries, you get paid for this!" Because I haven't put up any photos for a while, here is one of me accepting the award, fresh from the Australia Post bag (Bag not present in photo, it had other things to do.).

WooHoo! Bec wants to be a Hillbilly! That's what your coiffure reminds me of. Except that we call them "braids" here. Luckily, I have been around, and I know the meaning of the word "plaits." Unlike that dadgum "abattoir" thingy that I had to look up. I still have issues with that.
Oh, well. Hillbilly Mom without issues is like Rebecca without an award: a condition rarely found in nature. Congratulations on your bleeding award. Or is that improper to say in your neck of the woods. Is it...how you say...an insult? So sorry. I am just pulling your leg, which means I am just teasing you, not really pulling your leg, because it's long enough already, and to pull your leg would make you walk unevenly and you might trip and break your nose for the 3,459,931st time.
Hi Hillbilly Mom,
I DO NOT want to be a Hillbilly! Here are the reasons why
1) I do not own, or want to own a ute/SUV/Pick Up/Campervan/Trailer.
2) I like my underwear to remain hidden.
3) I do not consider Cola to be one of the five food groups
4) I do not own a shotgun, nor would I get a handgun, just incase the realatives drop in to say hello.
5) I still have all of my teeth.
Plaits and Braids are two different things here. A plat is just where you get the long part of the hair and plait that together. A Braid is where you get all of the hair and work it into a long plait.
Also we wouldn't call it a "bleeding" award, it would be a "bloody" award, something that can be used either way as an insult or a compliment. You will also be happy to know, I have not broken my nose again since the last time I did it.
Hi Sheriff,
SO are you now saying I look 16? lol
Actually I don't think I do too bad for my age, mind you, having played cricket in the sun for years, I'm just waiting for the skin to crack.
Ohhh a school fantasy... ;)
Hi Misha,
Yeah the plaits do kind of work, but the blue? NO WAY! I just wish our uniform was red, but then again, a blue signal is actually a purple signal, which should be read as a red signal. So in a way I guess I am wearing red.
Waking up this late is very weird to the system, although I did manage to sleep in until 5am on Saturday.
Hi Mr Huggies,
Meh, school, well it is a break from driving for a while, so I'll enjoy the change, but it is certainly not as good as a holiday.
Well do I suddenly remember Kylie Mole from The Comedy Company?
*wolf whistle*
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