Friday, April 21, 2006

You all go

Hi Way to Hell, and other non street signs. Ok, so I know it has been a while since I blogged, but I have been busy, honestly. You see, because I have decided to go back to playing hockey, I've had to do a bit of a fitness hit of late. We had a practice game last Wednesday, and I was stuffed from all of the running around. Gee this game is hard when you haven't played for a while. What has made matters worse is this coming Sunday is the opening game of the season, so only two more sleeps for me to get fit. Getting fit would have been easy, except for the big basket of Easter Eggs I got from Cazzie and Co. Now before you all go telling me I could have just not eaten the eggs, well that would be plain rude, and I am not rude. Oh I almost forgot, before Mark asks, yes I will publish a photo of me in my uniform, but it will have to wait until about round four. In other news, I have a rant. We all know of the term, Sunday Drivers. Well I want to add another thing to the list of idiotic, Sunday Walkers. These people are the ones who wander around aimlessly, and screw you up as you try and walk places. Now walking is a pretty simple thing to do. One foot in front of the other, keep in a straight line, turn when you have to, after looking to see you wont bump into anyone. But not for these people. It is like volvo has decided to make footwear, and these people are the test drivers. Everyday I have to deal with these idiots, who swerve all over the footpath, step out in front of you after seeing you walking along, or just stop in the middle of nowhere to do nothing. What we need is a walking school. Somewhere to teach these people a few simple lessons.

  • If you intend to wallow around, KEEP LEFT, don't wander all over the place like a three legged turtle on LSD.
  • Some people walk for a reason, THEY HAVE PLACES TO BE. So stay out of their way. If someone is trying to get past you, just stop and let them get past you, stop trying to dance around with them like you are some B grade celebrity.
  • If you intend to stop for no reason at all, or turn left or right, have a look behind you first, or you will end up flat on your face, eating the pavement, because you got in the way.
  • And finally, Just stay at home, in bed, where you can't do the world any harm, unless you like to fart a lot.
At walking school, there should be a plate system for new walkers, like the L and P plates for cars. If you are just learning to walk on your own (usually about the age of 12), then you need to get an "N" plate, for 'noob' or 'newbie'. That way we know you have no idea, so we can step around you from a distance. For those who have been walking for a while on their own, and are now experiencing the joys of walking with others, you will need a "O" plate, for 'Oh, shit, I stuffed up again'. This means you have not yet mastered the art of walking and talking at the same time. Finally we have the "B" plate, for 'Basically I just have no fucking idea what I am doing at all. The only reason I wear an iPOD is it continually repeats "Breathe in, Breathe Out" to me'. These are people who have failed the walking test on three separate occasions. Their failure is usually caused from the mental scaring of having to wear a walking harness as a small child, but let's face it, it was for a reason, and some people just never learn. So to all the N.O.B.'s out there, stay out of my way. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca


At 4/22/2006 07:08:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

When you mentioned a photo of you in uniform a connex uniform came to mind until I woke up and realise your talking about Hockey.

At 4/22/2006 08:46:00 am, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

Sounds like a good comedy routine, Bec.

At 4/22/2006 10:03:00 am, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

The eggs will einspire you to do all that more exercise I reckon!! LOL
I like the idea of the plates on the back of the hopeless walkers..worse than them are the people who stand right in the fuggin centre of the aisle as you try to get past to do your shopping..talking!!! THey piss me off..I usualy say, "Geez, some people are so rude to take up the whole aisle here!" They are fucknuts anyway and they usualy don't spreken the what to they know ey? Maybe signs with sign language are the way to go as they cant speak english.

At 4/22/2006 03:09:00 pm, Blogger Deadman said...

"a three legged turtle on LSD."


At 4/22/2006 03:55:00 pm, Blogger LanternLight said...

When you mentioned a photo of you in uniform a connex uniform came to mind until I woke up and realise your talking about Hockey.

Why limit Rebecca's choices???

BOTH!!! :-)

At 4/22/2006 09:26:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Mr Huggies,
A photo of me in my work uniform will not be seen on this site. There are laws about it.

Hi Hillbilly Mom,
Great idea, all I need to do now is work in some jokes. I know, "Two guys walk into a bar. Then stop in the doorway and screw around, pissing me off, and stopping me from getting to the bar, GRRRRRR!!!"
Ok, I think I will have to work on this some more.

Hi Cazzie,
I have a simple answer for that one. [BANG!] "Oh sorry about running into you with my trolley and breaking your leg in 7 places. These things have a mind of their own you know."

Hi Mark,
That turtle may turn up in a big blogger house near you soon.

Hi Lantern,
There will be NO photo of me in my uniform, I repeat, NO PHOTO.


At 4/23/2006 05:27:00 pm, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Nice new blog pic

At 4/23/2006 05:27:00 pm, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Nice new blog pic

At 4/23/2006 08:55:00 pm, Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

I'm sure out of your uniform isn't a problem with this crowd either... ^_^

At 4/24/2006 05:42:00 am, Blogger Deadman said...

WTF is a connex uniform???

OUT gets my vote.

At 4/24/2006 08:41:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Rachy,
I'm sure your battery would last longer if you didn't have to swerve around these idiots. I have two words for you "Cattle Prod".

Hi Cazzie,
Thanks, I made it myself.

Hi Cazzie,
I already told you, now stop repeating yourself Parrot Girl. :-P

Hi Stewed,
There have been enough photos of me out of my uniform for quite some time.

Hi Mark,
The company I work for is named connex, the clothes I wear for them is what is called a connex uniform. I will never publish a photo of me in my work uniform, or part there of.



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