Friday, July 21, 2006

Any news at

Hi Potholes, and other non avoidable traffic hazards. In the Hockey photos comment section, the discussion has now moved across to my summer sport, that being Cricket. It appears that Tom is becoming a bit of an Australian played sports tragic, and can't get enough. The question is though, does everyone else want to see a post about cricket? It is a subject that I can crap on a fair bit about, so the boredom factor is a big issue. So I will leave the decision up to you all. Do I blog about cricket, and if so, should the blog entry be in the form of a Test Match, a One Dayer, or a Twenty20 game? Personally, I like Test Matches. In other news, well there really isn't any news at the moment. I've been in one of the dips of the rollercoaster ride that is life, so I have been keeping pretty quite with things. I know what the issues are, and I am dealing with them, but it would be nice if these issues didn't exist. But now I have worked out a way to get back, and things are improving. Now for all of those who have been asking, I am goalkeeping this week at hockey, and I will take along my camera, so there should be photos of me looking like the side of a bus on the Rants soon. Speaking of buses, apparently mine is now sleeping with Cazzie's bus. I will check on it tomorrow. Blog Out, HooRoo, Rebecca.


At 7/21/2006 08:27:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

I don't mind Cricket especially when the 12th Man is calling it.

Do you own a bus as well ? Gee they are breeding aren't they ?

At 7/22/2006 12:48:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grumble, grumble; can't a man ask a question (well, dozens of them) anymore? :) I'll take whatever you feel like writing about. I've watched cricket a few times, and we had a team at my university. It was quite strange to see them out there on the weekend carefully mowing the grass where they'd be bowling. I mean, the ground there was so uneven anyway...

Hmmm... a slew of cute little buses on the way then?

At 7/22/2006 09:39:00 pm, Blogger LanternLight said...

My thoughts are with you...

so there should be photos of me looking like the side of a bus on the Rants soon

I don't believe it :-)

At 7/23/2006 03:19:00 pm, Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Looking like the side of a bus, you say... Unless you're going to have advertising posted all over your torso, you're not giving yourself enough credit.

At 7/25/2006 02:10:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stew, that's a great idea! If racing cars can do it, why not Rebecca! A sponsored keeper, I like that.

At 7/25/2006 06:51:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Mr Huggies,
Yeah, the 12th Man is a pisser. I hope he has something out this summer bagging the Poms.
I did buy a bus too, for the Tram Museum, but they haven't made up their minds what they are doing yet. If they don't make up their minds soon, then it will be sold again.

Hi Tom,
I've played on some shocking wickets in my time, but you use it to your advantage. No more buses for me, I've had enough and couldn't eat another one.

Hi Lantern,
Don't worry, the photos will be seen soon. I will let you all make up your own minds.

Hi Stewed,
The space is available for advertising, as long as the censorship board approves the ad. A lot of money goes a long way towards te decision. :-D

Hi Tom,
There are restrictions on advertising on club clothing. Too much politics for me to get into, I just stop the ball.



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