Friday, June 23, 2006

Nil all draw

Hi Corners, and other non fish and chip locations. Well the soccer world cup is on, apparently. I say apparently because it is all everyone is talking about, except me. I hear it is front page news, but for me, the Herald-Sun only ever gets two things right. The comics and the page numbering, and quite often they get the page numbering wrong. But I digress. Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, supporting the Socceroo's, carrying on as though they are going to win the world cup, and cure world hunger at the same time. Well I beg to differ. Call me un-Australian if you like, I don't care. These people who have suddenly become soccer tragics, thinking that a nil all draw is a great game, will be the same people who after the world cup is finished, would call for a Royal commission, if an Aussie Rules game has less than 20 goals scored in it. The thing I really can't stand is not the players, or the sport itself. Any sport takes skill to play, especially at an elite level. What I can't stand is the hooligans who call themselves fans. As an example, as I left work this morning (it was 1am after all), on the streets of Melbourne, there were idiots everywhere, carrying on like feral animals, setting of flares, trashing the city, and yelling and screaming at the tops of their voices. If they didn't have a car horn to press repeatedly, then they would break into a car to find one. The worst thing about this, is the game was still four hours away from starting. This breaking down of the values of society, in the name of soccer, is not the basis of a stable society, not here in Australia, or anywhere in the world. In sport there is a saying, what happens on the field, stays on the field. The problem with the "supporters" is, they think the world is their field, and the game never stops. So to anyone who thinks that soccer is a good thing, then leave it at just the soccer, and the soccer is a game, and the game is just 90 minutes long. Sure there is injury time, but don;'t make the injury time a life time affair, by getting involved in the violence that seems to happen in the presence of soccer. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca


At 6/23/2006 09:15:00 am, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

I will bring my herd to your hockey match and we will set off flares and cheer like hooligans and then try to remember we aren't barracking for the Socceroos..but for Becklakia!!! All hail Becklakia!!! :)(hope I spelled it correctly :( )

At 6/23/2006 09:41:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

So I guess if Australia was to hold the World Cup you would be leaving the Country.

At 6/23/2006 11:36:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Cazzie,
Bring them along if you like, you wont embarrass me, because I am from the nation of Beclakia, and we have never heard of this place you speak of so freely. Actually given the way I have been playing lately, I'm surprised I haven't been dropped. The edge is off my game, so I need a kickstart to get it going again.

Hi Mr Huggies,
Well given the politics involved in getting the world cup to Australia, it would be at least 20 years before it happens. So hopefully by then, I am either dead, visiting another country for the month, or have built up enough of my own private army, that we can kill anyone who has anything to do with soccer, therefore ending the game for good. But somehow I don't see either the game coming here, or any of the other three things happening.


At 7/13/2006 04:11:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on about hooligans. I read a book recently about some of the "hooligan clubs" in eastern Europe, and it's even scarier than I thought.

Just a minor detail to add to your fund of knowledge, but at the World Cup, a game drawn after 90 minutes gets two additional 15-minute "mini-halves" before being settled with those awful (I speak from the keeper's point of view) penalty kicks.


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