Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rachy in Camp

Hi Paper Clips, and other non Sex Pistols clothing. I think I have gone blind. Yesterday I made it out to the Krispy Kreme donut store, waited in line for nearly an hour, and obtained some of their said product. Now the tasting has begun. As I stood in the queue, I started to get a headache from all of the sweet sugary fried smell. This was an issue, because I had only been in the queue for five minutes, and I wasn't even inside the store yet. I knew this was going to be bad, but oh so good at the same time. As I shuffled forward, getting closer and closer to the display window, free piping hot donuts, Krispy Kreme Originals were being handed out. I must say at this point in time, my first contact with one of these donuts, wasn't all that bad, but I have to say, not earth moving. There was a slight amount of disappointment creeping into my stomach. But good donuts was not the reason for this journey. Having an adventure to blog about was the entire point of the matter. I made my selection, one dozen original donuts, one dozen variety donuts, paid my $23.90, and walked out of the store. The next step was to ride back across town, but with an important stop along the way. I really should have made a toilet stop somewhere, but fear of having someone steal my donuts, made me take my bladder to new extremes. I made my important stop, to see Rachy in Camp Austin. I dumped my bags, rushed to the toilet, and gave birth to Sydney Harbour. I had no idea I could hold that much fluid in me. Anyway, after that business was out of the way (and after I washed my hands), I handed Rachy a prized original glazed KK donut. She seems to be recovering well, which is good, except given I have now taken her in Sherbet Bombs, and a donut, I think she will end up with diabetes if I keep visiting her. From there, I headed off to work, where the sight of a White box, with green dots on it, caused many people to drool. A few originals were handed out to a couple of friends. It was like feeding Gremlins after midnight, and the thought that I should have got more, so I could have just dumped and run, to save myself, came to mind. Thankfully I got out of there alive. My supply of donuts was diminishing by the minute, but I still had one more delivery to make. As I passed through Spatula City on the train, Andy was waiting on the platform for me, and more donuts were handed over. I said "There you go", he said "Boobies". Fast forward to today. For breakfast I have now sampled most of the donuts from the variety box. Another posting will cover my review of these products, after all, I have to try and stretch this thing out to get my bloggingsworth of it. All I will say is, the sugar is kicking in, and now I am definitely going blind, and I wish this twitch would stop. Blog Out, HooRoo Rebecca


At 7/06/2006 11:13:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Patrick,
I would have to agree with you, I really don't know what all the fuss is about.
My whole reason for going there was for a blog entry. I was not expecting to find some new food I just couldn't live with out.
So far, all I can say is "Good Marketing" but that is about it. They are certainly not the best donuts I have ever tasted.

At 7/07/2006 12:16:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

Funny that you mention that you drove a train through Spatula City but I can't find it on the MET Network Map unless it used to be called something else like General Motors.

At 7/07/2006 12:23:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Dr Evil,
As I said in the opening comment, "Non". Youhave been caught out by the English language, and its contexts.

Hi Mr Huggies,
No such thing as the MET either these days. Spatula City is a location, just a "Stop On Request" location.


At 7/07/2006 02:16:00 pm, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Your blood sugar level is probably equal to that of Ange guess that emans the reading would be off the scanner!!! I may have to admit you two to hospital and give you both some insulin very soon..then it is off to the Eye Hospital for laser surgery :)

At 7/08/2006 09:07:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Dr Evil,
I have to agee with you regarding the donuts. Nothing more than hype. I would much prefer a donut from Olympic Donuts at Footscray Station any day.

Hi Cazzie,
Yes, you may need that laser eye surgery, just what is a "emans"? lol
Having eaten the donuts, I kind of have gone right off lollies now. If you will exucse the chocolate bar Ange and I shared yesterday as we picked up your bus.


At 7/13/2006 01:32:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, the good old sugar-rush headache... takes me back to my childhood, it does. Though in my case it was more due to chocolate chip cookies than doughnuts.

Patrick, have you read "The Tipping Point"?


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