Though this place
Hi Heart shaped boxes, and other non medical type storage devices. This was meant to be a blog entry about donuts. Hey I know I have been crapping on about them, but I have to milk it for all it is worth. But instead it is back to some dream analysis. It has been a while since I've had weird dreams, but last night, there were two. Short dreams, but dreams none the less. Names of people have been changed so that the innocent are protected. First dream. Back when I worked in AudioVisual, we use to have an inhouse technician at the Melbourne Town Hall. Well last night, I had a dream that one of the techs I use to work with had returned to be the inhouse tech at the MTH. They were so pleased that this was happening, that they held a ticket tape parade, and a public holiday was granted to the people of the fair city. The weird thing is, the person in question was never the Inhouse tech there. Second Dream. My friend Anna and I, were about to go camping. Before that though, we decided to get something to eat, and headed down to a suburb called Camberwell to get said food. For some reason, Camberwell had been turned into a large modern open air plaza. There were people everywhere, and even though this place was about a kilometre long, and about half a kilometre wide, all the tables and chairs matched. I couldn't find anything I liked to eat, so I just sat down at one of the tables. Anna soon returned, and with her was a large Bull Mastiff dog. This dog took an instant liking to me, and kept wanting me to pat it. The problem was, each time I patted the dog, which was hard to avoid, because it kept jumping all over me, something happened to the plaza. Each time I patted the dog, one of the little stores, was overtaken by the large store which dominated the plaza. The name of this store was "Fällige Kleidung für Männer". Now for all of you who are having troublr understanding German as you read this, that means "Mature Clothing For Men". So there are the dreams, make of them what you will. I think the donuts from a place with initials which makes them one letter short of a racist movement may have had something to do with it, but yesterday I only ate my final half a donut. Today I am off to play hockey yet again. The good thing is for all of you who have been wanting to see me in my uniform, this could be the day. Cazzie is hoping to get to the game, and to have her camera with her. If there are photos, I will publish them. Speaking of photos, Cazzie actually has some on her site of me. Quite embarrassing I have to say, but worth having a look for the laugh. Blog Out, HooRoo, Rebecca.
Speaking of photos, Cazzie actually has some on her site of me.
And you said you'd never do it! :-)
Ummm, open mouth/insert foot:
Looks like you're lost weight...
As long as the store didn't change it's name to "Seig Heil Fuher"
I can't help but wonder, but this wouldn't happen to be your hockey uni, would it? Judging by what you wear playing football, I can't be far off, can I?
It is ok Lantern, I promise to devulge all pics here on after that have been forwarded to me at the next grog blog...not LOL
Funny you put that link there Stew, now you are realy onto Rebecca!! She is by far the tallest chick in the team there...and the rest are just..well..just midgets :) (LIKE ME)
Rebecca, dreams are what keep me awake during the day and scared to go to sleep at night. Theywake me at 5 am and I cannot go back to sleep after that :(
And if you get some pictures, get one over to Rachel for posting if you can...
Hmm...methinks I know why the StewHammster is OH SO BUSY all the time!
LOL hillbilly mom, you are right onto him, Stewie that is, LOL
Hey Becc, when you find the time to scratch your butt, can you post the Hockey pics for the World to see? :) You are an awesome player :)
Hi Lantern,
Yes I have lost weight. Bit hard to eat with your foot stuck in your mouth.
Hi Mr Huggies,
No, not a chance of that happening. The weird thing is I remember the store name, and could translate it. While I understand some German, actually remembering it from a dream is very strange.
Hi Stewed,
No, that is not what my uniform looks like, but I must say I do like the look, and I will put it to the club for the next season.
Hi Cazzie,
If that dream scares you, I guess I shouldn't tell you the one about seeing my ex's brothers buried alive in shallow hot coal graves dug by mummies, at the local Shell Servo. I think if you look through the archives you might be able to find that one.
Hi Tom,
I have some of the pics taken, posting will happen soon. Just got to photoshop out a few of my chins.
Hi Hillbilly Mom,
Mmm, yes, I think you may be on to something there, given his angle to try and win Big Blogger.
Hi Cazzie,
I will post the pictures soon, I just have a few other things that need to be blogged about first. Once they are done, the photos will appear.
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