Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Accent after weeks

Hi Poached Eggs, and other non stolen food stuffs. Well Peter Allen is right. You all know that song, the one that makes you feel homesick. Yep you know what I'm talking about "Constant traveller, Tenterfield Saddler". Of course I am actually thinking of "I still call Australia home" and I am really glad to be home, even if I am on the other side of the country for the next week. Yep, here I am in Perth, living it up, doing stuff all because of the heat. An interesting flight home. Qantas were not flying direct on the day we left Thailand, so it was a Cathy Pacific flight from Bangkok to Singapore (how the hell did they get airline of the year?), before a three hour lay over in Singapore, before finally flying Qantas to Perth. As we were boarding the plane, I knew I was finally heading home, when from behind me I heard the words "Bloody hell, this bastard is going to be chockers." I smiled, and turned to the guy behind me, and said "I am so glad to hear that. Nothing like a bit of an Aussie accent after weeks of not hearing it." That set us both off, saying things like "Wouldn't mind a Dog's eye and a bit of dead horse.", "Too right mate, bonza." and other such slang. When the plane started to taxi off down the runway, we were on our way, and only 4 and a half hours or so away from Perth, I was looking forward to landing back home, but then something "unAustralian" happened. The pilot announced to everyone "G'Day everyone, you are not going to believe this, but we have to go back to the terminal. We thought everyone was here, but it turns out someone got left behind. Sorry about this, Qantas don't do the passenger count here in Singapore, they think they do a better job themselves. Well I guess we have proven that wrong tonight." So after going back, we had lost our flight path, so we had to sit at the terminal for about another 40 minutes. The pilot did well to get us into Perth only 20 minutes late. Even with him making up time, we didn't get in until 1:30am, then we had to go through Customs, and weren't they in a silly mood at that time of the morning. Mind you, overseas visitors may not see the funny side. When you fly into other countries, they are heavily armed, and checking for all kinds of weapons. Last thing they want is for you to overtake the country with your own private army. But Australia is different.... When you land here, you are confronted by a Beagle, that goes around sniffing your bag, and some guy who demands to know if you are carrying any fruit. We don't care if you have a WMD in your back pack, but try and bring a banana into the country, and it's 20 years in gaol for you. Well, it's good to be home. I've eaten my first Vegemite in weeks, and it tastes good. Oh, and I noticed the footy starts this week too. No matter how far, or how wide I roam, I still call Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi! Blog Out, HooRoo, Rebecca.


At 2/22/2006 05:53:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELCOME back Becc, glad to hear you found your way home safe. Cazzie

At 2/22/2006 08:18:00 pm, Blogger LanternLight said...

HOORAY you're back!!!

We don't care if you have a WMD in your back pack, but try and bring a banana into the country, and it's 20 years in gaol for you.

Yep, I can see you in prison now.

"Whatcha in for?"
Crim1: "Armed Robbery"
Crim2: "Murder"
Crim3 aka Rebecca: "Bringing a loaded banana into the country".


At 2/23/2006 08:45:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

So Bec did you leave your WMD in Thailand as I requested ?


Osma Bin Huggies

At 2/23/2006 01:55:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Cazzie,
I can't take all the credit for getting back, thankfully the pilot was an Aussie, and had a pretty good idea where Australia was. Which is not what I can say for my hotel in Bangkok, who thinks I live in Austria.

Hi Lantern,
The banana wasn't loaded. But I am sure if I went to prison, there would be a few banana's that were. I thinks I will stay on the straight and narrow, with that thought in mind.

Hi Hr Huggies,
No WMD left now. I got a good deal, but do you accept Thai Baht?


At 2/28/2006 05:50:00 am, Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

I must show my ignorance and ask-----what is a footy? Here, it's a sock that just goes to the ankle and doesn't show out of your shoes. Doesn't seem to have the same definiton there.

At 2/28/2006 09:03:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Rachy,
Yeah, there is no place like Qantas. I am so glad I flew with them, despite the ticket costing me about twice as much as I could have got it for elsewhere. SO be the whims of flying Business class I guess.
As for more travel stories, well, you have heard them. I guess I will just have to make something up now. lol

Hi Sheriff,
Thanks for welcoming me back. Sure it would have been nice to see you at the airport, with a marching band, cheering me home. But I can handle the rejection.

Hi Hrs Coach,
Footy is Football. Oh and I a talking real football too, as seen here
Mind you, havig said that, I was very happy to be able to watch the entire Superbowl live in Thailand.



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