Friday, April 08, 2005

A 2337 News Special Report

Hello and welcome to this special news report. In yet another bizzare twist of events surrounding the wedding of Prince Charles and The Horse Chick, it has been revealed that Osama Bin Laden, will be attending the wedding. Although Osama is not on the offical wedding party list, it turns out that the Queen scalped her ticket to the event on Ebay. Prince Charles was heard to say "I can't believe this is happening. First, we have to move the location down the the crappy little twn hall, I mean heck, it is only a couple of hundred years old! Then Pope goes and dies, so he doesn't have to perform the nuptuals, and now this! It totally ruins the seating plan. Now George Dubba will want to sit on a differnt table, well stuff him, he was put on the kids table for a reason, and I am not moving him. Osama will just have to sit with Camila's family, no one will notice him there, heck Camila's mum has more facial hair." The Queen is also said to be quite annoyed at events, she was over heard while taking a royal toilet break, "Bloody hell, the bastard only bid five cents, how the hell can he he the highest bidder? Bloody ebay contract, now he will have to attend. Blast out of paper, where is a Corgy when you need one?" In further events surrounding the wedding, it turns out the only television camera that were planning to attend, were the students from the local primary school, doing a media project. This plan is now on hold, as the entire school population has vanished, since going public with this news. More news at 2338


At 4/08/2005 01:27:00 pm, Blogger mj said...

Dear News Team

Drat it! If only i'd known that ticket was up for grabs. I might have bid 10p for it: it would have finally given me an opportunity to frock up and get in the pages of Hello magazine (I'd even settle for OK! magazine if Hello weren't buying)

Celeb slut m!key.

At 4/09/2005 03:02:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Your going to frock up M!key? Is there something you're not telling us? :-P

At 4/09/2005 04:37:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

I wouldn't even pay 5 cents for it.


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