Tuesday, April 05, 2005

An Unimportant Update

Hi Bar Codes, and other no scanable items, Well this is kind of my Seinfeld post, a post about nothing. The only reason I am writing anything is I finally have a day off today, the first in many weeks. Now it isn't that I have been working every one of them, it is just when I have had a day off, I have had heaps of stuff to do, so the good old alarm clock would have to be set. Today is different. Today is a stay in PJ's day, although I am going to break that promise to myself, I have a few things to do, not because I have to do them, but because I want to do them, and the good thing is, no timeline is set to do these things. One of the good things that has happened, is I have been given a date to stop doing the work I am doing at work, and go back to what I am employed to do, I'm looking forward to that. Finally I can get on with my job, and actually look forward to going to work. Gee this post is getting really shitfull and boring, I'm hating it myself. I feel like I should go out and have something weird and wonderful happen to me, so the readers out there can have something good to pass on to their friends. I think I will try and get a photo of something interesting for you all today, will that do? Another thing I am thinking of doing is getting back into music a bit. The only thing is I have a couple of concerns. Do I buy a guitar, or a drum kit? Pros of guitar is; very portable, a bit more variety, and fun to play. Cons; I would have to cut my finger nails back, and I can't decide between a 6 string or a bass. Drums, pros; My first love in music, and great pysical exercise. Cons; I live in a rental, and I don't want to piss my neighbours off anymore than I have, also it has been about 15 years since I really played drums, so I would be really crap. Maybe I should just take up piano. Oh and by the way guys, I am not interested in playing the flute..., I've seen American Pie. Well that is enough from me, it's breakfast time. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 4/05/2005 11:58:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

How about the Recorder or Clairanet ?


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