Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Non Ratings Season

Hi Bears, and other non hybernating creatures. Well it has been a while since I blogged, I know, I checked the dates. I have a good reason though, it is the non ratings period here at the moment, you know the time when crap television is on, radio hosts go on a refresher break, and Rebecca stops ranting for a bit. Since getting back from Perth, I have been enjoying my 3am starts at work. Yes I know I must be insane for ENJOYING 3am starts, but it suits me fine. I have no issue with going to bed at 5 or 6 in the afternoon, and then get up at 1:30 in the morning to go to work. Today however was different, I had an 8am start, so a nice big sleep in was on the cards. So I set my alarm for 5:30am, after managing to stay awake until 8:30pm to watch Mythbusters. When I woke up, the alrm had not gone off, this was because it was only 4am, but a good sleep in for me, so I set about getting up and doing some house work, while listening to the radio. I tuned into 774 ABC Melbourne, because I know their breakfast show starts about 5:30am, the time I should have been waking up, so I could start my get ready for work routine then. No need to tell me, I have a sick mind, and should get a life. While getting ready for work, the quiz for the morning come on. Now the ABC have pretty crappy prizes, unless you are into ABC books, or music, but heck a win is a win. (Oh, for those of you who don't know the ABC is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, aka the Federal Government) So the question today was something about someone born on this day in the 1950's, in Paupa New Guinea, of Russian royalty. I had no idea, but I thought about a name that sounded kinda Russian, was kind of famous, was in the media of late, and so I called. Next thing I know, with the answer of Paul Grabowski, or some similar spelling, I had won the quiz! w00t for me, I could now wear my underpants on the outside, I was a WINNER!!! The prize for being such a brainiac, I have no idea, but they are posting it out to me, and I will find out what it is shortly. What ever it is, who cares, I will milk it for all the blog entries I can. In other news, finally I have a Court date set, for a hearing into access to my kids. After over a year of trying, it may finally be coming to an end, but I expect a long court battle ahead. As it happens, I will keep you all posted, I don't want to go into details here, incase my ex, or their lawyer reads this blog, except to say to the heavily pregnent lawyer of my ex, I HOPE YOUR KID HAS A HUGE HEAD, IS BREACH, AND HOLDS ON, ON THE WAY OUT. The other thing I am looking into at the moment is moving house. I live too far out of the city at about 30km, so somewhere back to about the 8km mark would be nice. I've found quite a few places, but arranging inspections is hell. I can only wish all real estate agents I have dealt with in the last few weeks follow the example I have set for my ex's lawyer. Anyway, enough for now, time to get on with reading other blogs I think. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 9/28/2005 01:48:00 pm, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank goodness, you're back. I was starting to worry that "Fitty" had put you in a barrel.

Did you really win that contest, or just DECLARE yourself the winner?

Maybe your prize will be a leg lamp. Maybe it will be an all-expense-paid vacation to Beclakia. Maybe it will be a ferret on crack. Maybe it will be a treasure chest full of pencil sharpeners, pencils, scissors, tape, and toenail clippers. Maybe it will be a Sonic Cherry Diet Coke.

How can you sleep, wondering about the possibilities?

At 9/29/2005 08:11:00 am, Blogger Huggies said...

Real Estate Agents are CUNTS!

I'm with Andy B ... Cave them Nads in!!!

At 9/29/2005 09:14:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Misha,
I expect the case to drag on for at least a year. Expect for it to make the media, I am sre that is a threat they are going to pull on me.

Hi Hillbilly Mom,
No Fitty around here, I just design his T-Shirts.
I actually WON this time, I didn't declare myself the winner at all, they declared me, I do declare.
As for the prize, I will be checking my post office box shortly.

Hi Andy,
I'll let you have part of the prize, so you will get your 8 cents a day back.
I'll leave the kicking of organs to you though, I don't want to scuff my shoes.

Hi Mr Huggies,
Would you like to line up after Andy has finished?


At 9/30/2005 04:54:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Sheriff,
The item is in my Post Office box, but is too big, so it has been carded, so what it is, is still a mystery to me.
This house sounds promising, but I am looking for a rental, unless you want to take on a renter?


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