Monday, January 02, 2006

Beclakia Strikes Again!

All Sneeze Beclakia! Well everyone, seeing as though the new year has started, I thought I should give you a Beclakian update. Our war with Hillmomba continues, and today to took a turn for the better. As we all know, an army marches on its stomach, or in the case of the hillbillies of Hillmomba, they march on their beards. That has got to hurt. Anyway, as of today, thanks to the profits of our T-Shirt sales (which have been found to age a Christmas pudding in just 3 hours, instead of the usual year it takes traditionally), we have now purchased a new company, say hello to the latest Beclakian company..... SONIC

Now that we own the favourite Drive-In of not only America, but also Hillmomba, there are going to be some changes. Well actually there is going to be only one change.... From now on, Sonic will no longer be serving Sonic Cherry Diet Coke. It is to be removed from all menus instantly. I know this is a low blow Hillbilly Mom, and it strikes at the heart of your country, but this is war, and you must be stopped. Have a nice day. All Sneeze Beclakia! Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca


At 1/03/2006 09:34:00 am, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

Now you have done it! We in Hillmomba have headaches from our caffeine withdrawal. You will pay for this! There is nothing meaner than a hillbilly with a headache...unless it is a hillbilly on crystal meth with a headache. Since we have the headaches, we have had to stop our crystal meth production, and there goes our economy. As soon as this headache goes away, we will regroup. You'd better sleep with one eye open over there in Beclakia!

At 1/03/2006 10:43:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I thought Sonic was just an annoying hedgehog...

At 1/04/2006 12:40:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...Bottersnikes and Gumbles...How I laugh and snigger...he he he he, they are soooo cute! Think I would rather be a Gumble though, I do not fancy having glowing red ears when I get angry, 'specialy since we have had recent total fire bans and all,,, I could very well start a bushfire here! Guess it pays NOT to get too angry then aye.
Yummy, where can I get some of that Sonic Cherry Diet Coke?
Catcha later Aligator!

At 1/05/2006 07:16:00 pm, Blogger LanternLight said...

I'd buy a t-shirt, especially if it had a catchy corporate logo or geeky saying such as "There's no place like".

I'm cheap like that...

At 1/06/2006 10:21:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Hillbilly Mom,
Yeah, like you scare us! Next we take over Save-A-Lot, then the local Chex factory, and finally, we appoint you a new job as a full time jury member.

Hi Anon,
So did google. It took ages to find a Sonic photo. The one good thing is that I am now a member of their kids birthday club.

Hi Cazzie,
I guess after reading those books you are now saving up your jam tins, just in case you find any Gumbles. I thought you would be enjoying this hot weather, after all, we both know what happens to Bottersnikes when it rains.

Hi Lantern,
A Geeky shirt is currently on offer. Please see next post.


At 1/07/2006 01:05:00 pm, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

OOOHHHH, I'm SHAKIN'! You can't scare me THAT easily! I have been in the trenches. I have taught reproduction to a class of 35 8th Grade students. I have a tough outer shell that can not be cracked. Not even by ALIEN blood.

At 1/07/2006 03:22:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Hillbilly Mom,
So what! Teaching Reproduction to 35 kids in Hillmomba, heck, that's just coversation over a family meal. Surely they were all related somehow, brother, sister, cousin, all of the above.

At 1/08/2006 05:36:00 am, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

OOOWWWWWW! That hurt! We are building a nation. There's no need to worry about population control. You'd better watch your smart-mouthing! I have half a mind to send Grandpa-Dad over there to whoop you! I have the other half of my mind on drinking a delicious Sonic Cherry Diet Coke while I whittle another corncob pipe for the newest baby born in Hillmomba.


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