Split and fractured
Hi Tissues, and other non fall down things. It is with great sorrow I now mourn the passing of a friend. A friend who has been there with me through the good times and the bad. A friend who has grown with me, and out grown me at times. A friend who has given me pain at times, yet other times has eased my pain. A friend who has been there through the bland times, and the colourful times. But now they are no more. Yes Rants readers, last night, I said good bye to the toe nail on my second right toe. It all suddenly happened a few months ago. There I was cutting my toe nails, when I noticed that 2R was looking a little worse for wear. A blood blister had formed under part of the toe nail, and the other half was split and nearly falling off. Oh I tried and tried to save it, but it was all in vain. 2R had decided her time had come, and growing she would do no more. Over the next few months, she split and fractured more and more, to the point where last night, the last section of what could be deemed a toe nail came loose. We have now gone our separate ways. So I ask of you all, to spare a minute of your thoughts, bow your head, and look at your own toes. Hopefully you will never have to suffer the loss I have suffered. I would now like to present to you an ode to my toe nail.
Oh nail of toe. A woe woe woe, Is me. Instead of being trimmed, Your life has reached the brim, And now you are gone. Never again to be painted green. Never again, to be seen. You now leave me odd, With these feet of mine. Ten toes I have, But nails, only nine.Now if you will all excuse me, I need a moment alone. Blog Out, HooRoo Rebecca
Oh no, I hate toes..don't do a toe story pleeeeassssseeeee :)
Oh, ok, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Hey, what about getting a fake toe nail..as opposed to a fake finger nail? Paint it green, we can have a green day party then :)
I'll pour out a little of my 40 oz. for your homey, T-Nail.
Peace, yo.
Poor little 2R...I'm assuming the toe itself will stay?
Cazzie... a prosthetic toenail... now there's an idea. Maybe one could build wifi into it, or a little extra memory for those days when things seem a little fuzzy and indistinct?
Hi Cazzie,
I know you hate toes, hence I called you at home, sent you an SMS, and hired that sky writing plane, just so you knew about it. Not going to get anything fake for the toe. It made it's decision, now it will have to live with it.
Hi Stewed Hamm,
Yo, Word. That's the bomb, man, yo the Man. Peace Out.
Hi Tom,
Yeah, I think I will keep the toe. You never know when I might lose a thumb, so it could come in handy.
Hi Tom,
I think you are onto something here. I could replace the toe with a USB memory card. Mmm, I wonder how many Gb I could fit into my body? Maybe I could replace one of my kidneys with a hard drive? I think you are onto something here Tom.
Hmmm... I'd leave the kidney alone for now and stick with the toe(s). Though I guess if you kick someone you could lose some good memories. Or maybe that's what steel-toed boots are for. But there are indeed other possibilities. The old iPod built into an ear is always useful.
Shirls neighbourhood needed that toe nail Becc :) Claude the Crow..
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