First Time for Everything
Hi Apple cores, and other non rotten things. Well it finally happened. Yesterday I got my first Signallers Caution Order at work. Yay! There I was, just driving along, on my way to Broadmeadows, when the No.20 signal at Kensington decided to throw a wobbly. It was stuck on RED (both lights), so I could have spent the rest of the day there. But no, I instead got a SCO, and I was on my way, 6 minutes late. Hohum, I hear you all say, who cares, and at some point I might agree with you. But it was a big day for me. You see, in the past, if there was a faulty signal, everything was recorded, so no paperwork needed, just exchange names, interests, what time you finish, and what colour carnation you would be wearing at the bar, and you are on your way, but not this time. Kensignton is not recorded, so the Signaller has to physically do something. Here it involved, getting down out of the signal box, walking down to the signal, handing me the order, then walking back up to the signal box, up the stairs, pull the levers to operate the boom gates, then show me a green light, so I could go past. As Lisa Simpson would say, "I am the Lizard Queen!" To mark the occasion, instead of handing in the SCO at the end of my shift, with my shift report, I kept it to show you all.

That's harsh and hurtful Bec. If you want to find me, I'll be over there, sulking...
These forms are known as SW10 in Queensland which gives the driver authority to pass a red signal.
Hi Mikey,
Glad to see you are reading. All in good fun. I'll get a packet of Ginger Nut Biscuits for you, to make up for the harsh comment.
Hi Mr Huggies,
Here the orders come in a variety of names. Signallers Caution Order, Verbal Caution Order, ATC System Caution Order, Train Authority, dictated Caution Order, Type Written Message Form.... the list goes on.
One name for them all would make things a lot easier
I have on idea what you're talking about.
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