Pampering Part two
Well here is the continuation of photos from my pampering the other day. Before anyone comments, no I was not turning green with illness, it is from the fluro lights, which put off a green glow. The make up was designed for a differen't lighting situation. These photos are just snapshots from my mobile. If anyone is looking for a day of pampering, and you are in Melbourne, I recommend you try Melbourne College of Hair and Beauty.

You look like your going to faint in those photos...
I Demand You Go Out And Get Your Freak On, Right Now !!
You Look Far Too Fantastic To Be At Home Infront Of The Tv.
Love, Love,Love That Top Too By The Way.
And Your Hair Up Looks Fabulous.
Okay. Enough Ass Kissing.
For The Record, There's Nothing Wrong With Being 110 Kilos :)
Except When Your Jeans Don't Fit, I'll Admit, That Can Get Annoying.
I had never considered the advantages of metric over avoirdupois. From now on I’m going to tell every one I weight 91 rather than 200, and that my truck has a top speed of 177 rather than 110. Most girls I know would eat bugs if they thought it’d get ‘em down to 110. Nice pictures.
there's no way you could possibly weigh that much, it certainly doesn't look like it anyway... but the photos turned out so well that I feel like I am in need of some pampering as well, but they might have a bit more to work with with me! Looking great dear :-)
Hi Mr Huggies,
I may as well have. 8 hours and no lunch break, I needed one.
Hi Neisha,
Yes the problem with getting all beautiful on a Monday night, which is followed by a 4am start. Grrrr
Hi Bert,
Metric is better, except for some reason, I still measure new born babies in Pounds, and height in Feet.
Hi Misha,
Mmm, I'll think about it some more, still not sure. Maybe I should do some photoshopping of it first.
Hi Rachel,
I certainly do weigh that much, I hide it well, but wish I didn't. Being 6foot 2inches tall helps, but about 20kg needs to find somewhere else to live. To prove I am, in fact, what is classed as obese, I will take a photo next time I am on the scales at the bloodbank.
Hi Sheriff,
Thanks for the kind words. I really can't be bothered too much with the who hair thing. Heck, four years ago, my head was shaved. I might just save the hair up look for a special occasion.
Well all, I'm off to bed, chat soon.
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