Becking About
Hi Castle Towers, and other non crappy shopping centres Well I got sick of dreaming about having an elephant in my backyard, who kept breaking my hammock, when it used it as a G-String while pole dancing at a club on weekends. Or dreaming of replacing the tap washers in a primary school. Really I should get out more, and stop thinking of such things. Speaking of getting out, here is a photo of me out and about. It was taken a few days ago, so I'm going to open it up to two competitions. The winners win a holiday in Beclakia, all expenses paid (by you). Comp One: Guess where I am going. Comp Two: Funny caption time, come on, this is open to some witty stuff.

Travel Beclakia Railways - it's a Beckla way to travel!!
"Rebecca's the name. Customer service is the game. I will gladly show you to the toilets."
I will say you are going to...train with the Beclakian Nose-Breaking Team. receive your "Special Award" from the Blood Bank--which may or may not be a leg lamp in a box marked "fragile."
HI Hillbilly Mom,
Just what are you suggeting by saying I will show people to the toilets? I'm not that kind of girl!
BTW what the hell is a Leg Lamp?
A leg lamp is, well, a leg lamp. It was in the movie "A Christmas Story." Ralphie's dad won a prize, which he called his "special award." It came in a big wooden crate stenciled "fragile," which the dad thought was its name and pronounced it "frah jee lay." Inside the box was a plastic woman's leg in a fishnet stocking with a fringed-skirt lampshade. It was very sleazy. The dad put it in the front window of the house for all to see.
Uh...about the toilet comment. That toilet arrow is pointing right at you. And you look like you would cheerfully show people how to get there. Aren't the toilets in Beclakia golden thrones?
Hi Hillbilly Mom,
Thant explains it, thanks. I did notice that the "Disabled" sign is pointing right at me, should have photoshopped that one. lol
Well I know the toilet seats in Beclakia will have warmers, dang mine is cold today.
"Fragile." Say, it must be Italian!
Nice place. Check out mine sometime. :)
Fuck no not Cuntry Link. I think you must be heading towards Sydney again.
Comp one: You are a "Customer" going to get "Serviced". (With a rolling bag full of extraneous apparatus)
Comp two: "Mummie's watching"
And,apparently. Rebecca is where the "Customer Service", "Toilets" & "Luggage" are. And, they'd like us to see it as a group.
Hi Andy,
Sorry not going to that dump of a town Maffra.
The sign was going to say Everything this way, but some idiot put a V/Line office behind the pillar, and that screwed up everything.
Hi Darkseason,
I bet they don't end up renaming the place Southern Cross, it will mostlikely be renamed something like McDonald's Station. Change here for V/line services, and would you like fries with that?
Hi Mr Huggies,
Mmmmm, Sydney, you are sort of getting warm. Right train, wrong track.
Hi Bert,
Re Comp One, I don't want to go there.
Re Comp Two, I don't want to go there either.
I think I will just stick to the trains.
Hi Misha,
I'll get a photo of me standing next to a "normal" sized person. The weight issue is something I wear the right clothes to hide, but look forward to a blog about that soon. I'm not that photgenic, normally I am on the other side of the camera, which is where I prefer to be.
I think there's a photo of us on the M>Tram farewell tour together somewhere.
In addition, you could be a good connie or a trolley dolly with legs like that.
Hi Agent,
I'm sure that photo is in existance, and next time I see that person who took it, I'm going to let down all of their tyres. I'm not going to name names, I'm sure they know who they are.
Yeah, my legs are not too shabby, I might do a short skirt photo on my birthday for all the readers to see.
I didn't know that room 105 was issuing short skirts as part of the uniform now. Where's mine?
Hi Agent,
That's the thing about being in a different department, I got to room 120.
Can you help me then? I need one of those reflective bags and a camo-style jumper with the padding in the arms. Don't ask.
Hi Agent,
I've heard about what you do. It is sick I tell you, very sick. Keep doing it, and you'll be sorry. No jacket or bag for you.
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