Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Where's the logic?

Hi Builders White, and other non unspecific paint colours. I wasn't going to blog tonight. I was just going to kick back and relax, then do some typing tomorrow, but an issue got the better of me. Before we get to that, the Photo of me at Spencer Street needs explaining. I'm not actually going anywhere. I was seeing a friend off on the train, because the court order said I had to. She wanted a photo of me, so she could show her sister what I looked like, why she didn't just give her the link to this page I don't know, but so be her desire to look like a Japanese tourist. Given she would be reading this by now, I hope you have solved the problem of sand in your bathers, by not wearing any. So, onto this blog. I was having the night off from blogging, because I was doing some shoe shopping. A simple task for most people, just go into a shop and buy a pair of shoes, not simple for me. It is not that I have a shopping phobia, quite the opposite. The issue I have with shoe shopping is the size of the shoes. I am a size 13, depending on the make. For some reason, shoe makers the world over seem to think that womens foot sizes stop at 10. They must have some logic that if our feet were any bigger, we wouldn't be able to stand close enough to the stove. Now I can get shoes, heck I haven't been walking around bare footed for the last 15 years since I got these flippers, but for me, a pair of shoes costs about $200 for a nice pair, on special they set me back about $125. Where is the $15 clearance stock for me? Curse you size 7 people, CURSE YOU! So every now and then, I go ebaying, or look online and find heaps of shoes in my size, but think about this for a minute. I am over six foot tall, I have a large foot. So why the hell would I want a 4-6 inch heel on any pair of shoes I find? Why would I want the only material to be PVC? Why would I want said shoes to be 'sexy' shiney black or red only? I want shoes I can buy milk in, not whip someone in a bedroom while calling them Gimp! The other thing that happens, is I go into a shoe store that proudly advertises "We Stock Ladies Large Sizes". I am very pleasant and ask for their size 13. The answer always comes, We have a few shoes that are size ten, would you like to try those? Mmmm, let me think about it? NO, NO, [insert nasty word] NO! If I was a size 7 and asked for a 7, would you tell me you have some size 4? No. Stop trying to get a sale, and simply say, no we don't have that size. Then as I politely walk from your shoe, I can set fire to it, starting with your "Large Sizes" sign. Starting next week, I think I will cut off my toes, then I might be able to squeaze into a size 10. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 8/24/2005 11:19:00 pm, Blogger Bert Ford said...

I may be wrong, but I don't think the size 13 6" PVC Heels were ever intended for a girl.
Perhaps you could take up cobbling as a hobby?

At 8/25/2005 09:22:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Bert,
I think you may be onto something there. Surely though it is hard to change gears in a truck wearing them though, but I guess they have to wear something to match the paintwork.

At 8/25/2005 09:23:00 am, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Sheriff,
You're a size 11 I take it? Can we swap feet please?!?!?! Just for a little while, I'd love to have tiny feet like that.

At 8/25/2005 02:36:00 pm, Blogger Huggies said...

is Andy B the Gimp man? He always needs a good whiping. ;)

While we are here I don't know why I haven't seen you at the Olympics swiming for Australia. You could probally beat Grant Hackett even with those large feet.

At 8/25/2005 03:00:00 pm, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

Where were YOU on the night those Oklahoma people went looking for Bigfoot and "someone" chucked rocks at them? Do you have an alibi?

At 8/25/2005 09:01:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Mr Huggies,
I'm sure Andy would be happy to be your Gimp, just instead of a whip, use a points bar.

I did actually make the 1990 Commonwealth Games swimming team, but due to injury had to pull out.
These days it is just my fat stomach that keeps me afloat, but I will be heading back to the pool in the near future, I'll qualify for the Masters Games.

At 8/25/2005 09:03:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Hillbilly Mom,
I have a perfectly good alibi. I was washing my hair that night. I also had a lot of mud to wash off my feet, but I wont say anything more about that.

At 8/26/2005 03:11:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap that would be so fucking annoying, not even the size of the feet would be annoying but all of the stupid people you have to deal with in the process of getting shoes... on the opposite end of the spectrum I know someone who has size 3 feet and they can't get any decent looking shoes and has to wear inconspicuous children's shoes or have shoes specially made

We should start a People with Big Feet day, where we come up with various plans to taunt people who don't have problems getting decent shoes

At 8/27/2005 12:47:00 pm, Blogger Bert Ford said...

Just as an after thought...
How do you look in the PVC heels?

At 9/01/2005 10:03:00 am, Blogger Mommy Needs a Xanax said...


I think that's a good idea. I would love to taunt normal people.

When she says size 13, I'm assuming that the sizes are on a different scale in Australia. I wear a 10, and have trouble finding shoes.


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