Monday, May 08, 2006

Mem-wahs of a Rachy

Hello Everyone, Well today I went and saw everyone's favourite blogger, the Queen of the word that is fucktard. Yes I visited Rachy. The first thing to note is just how much of a money grab goes on there. The bastards charge $9 a day, for television. Yep, that's right, $9 a day, $63 a week. For the amount of time Rachy will be there, which amounts to about two months, she could afford to buy any of the following items, and still have change.

  • 10 Hours of lap dancing
  • 15 Hard cover books
  • 20 Slabs of beer.
  • 120 Hotdogs from the footy.
  • 440 litres of petrol.
  • One of Michael Jackson's children.
That to me is total bullshit. You should be able to at least afford two of Michael Jackson's children for that price, he needs the money. Oh and the hospital sucks too. She is in fairly high spirits. Actually, I commented to her, this was the first time I had not seen her at least three parts pissed. She promised to correct that soon. Dr. Evil said on Rachy's blog "Tell the lazy bitch to get posting soon. Use those exact words Rebecca and you'll give Rachy a cheap laugh." Her reply, was "Well get up out of your chair and do it yourself." But she was trying not to piss herself laughing while she said it. I'm sure once she is back blogging she will comment more. Speaking of which, considering this is a fairly newly built hospital, it really sucks there is no internet access in the place. The excuse given was, "But then people wouldn't get their treatment, because they would spend all day on the net." Well fucktards, maybe if people could communicate with the outside world, they would get better. Heck, even the maximum security prisons here in Victoria have broadband. It appeared as though all nurses there have to remove their sense of humour, and in a majority of cases their frontal lobe too. Hey people, here is an idea. If you don't like looking after sick people, get another job. Try treating your patients as humans, and you might enjoy your job. Now this is all sounding very negative I know, but don't worry, Rachy still has a big beaming smile on her face, is still opinionated, and still had time to say the word boobies in general conversation, so she is doing well. I plan to go back next day I have off work, so I will print out any comments, and take them into her next time I am there. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca


At 5/09/2006 02:18:00 am, Blogger Michelle said...

$9/ a day!!! Well, it's $10 at the hospital that I work at. How many hours of lap dancing would I get ;)I swear that some nurses should work in a penetenary, maybe they will get their asses kicked for being such "fucktards"

As for the internet that is absolutely absurd! Obviously they have never had to kill time in a hospital before!

Glad Rachy is in such good spirits, it should help to make her recovery go alot faster.

At 5/09/2006 12:40:00 pm, Blogger Deadman said...

Hey, babe, say the word and we'll come bust you out of the joint. But only if you promise to flash us some tit!

At 5/09/2006 02:29:00 pm, Blogger Hillbilly Mom said...

I am OH SO MISSING YOU in the Big Blogger house. I will toast you with a big mug of Sump Cola when Mark busts you out of the joint. (Do you think he used 'bust' and 'joint' for a reason?) The tit-flashing is optional. I will still toast you without it.

At 5/09/2006 05:04:00 pm, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Heya Rachy, don't let them sad faced nurses upset you in any way..and don't let 'em make you think we nurses are all alike coz we aint :)
Lookin' forward to reading your postings here on Legless.
Cheers Cazzie!!!

At 5/09/2006 08:10:00 pm, Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Rachy? Are we still talking about that old cow? Her last album came out weeks ago... and it was shit at that! I had to make my cat whistle showtunes at me just to get it out of my head.
Now get out of my elevator, or I'll crown you with this bowl of mangoes.

Russell Crowe

At 5/10/2006 02:26:00 am, Blogger Barb said...

Good nurses are worth their weight in gold - bad ones just plain suck. And the $9 a day charge for a TV is just plain robbery!

I'm with Hillbilly Mom on the breakout. Flashing is optional - but I would help with the breakout if I lived closer!

At 5/10/2006 05:11:00 am, Blogger Mommy Needs a Xanax said...

We should set up a paypal link for people to donate to Rachel's television fund.

At 5/11/2006 03:03:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ann, that's a great idea. Excess can go to other things, of which there is no lack, and then on to others when she returns.

Barb, you are 110% right about good nurses.

Stew, which end of the cat was doing the whistling?

At 5/11/2006 11:44:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys the television setup is already being taking care of. The problem is getting through to the idiots in charge of the televisions at Austin hospital. Can you believe a fuckin answering machine at the hospital!

Any way anybody who wants to help out can donate on Rachy's blog or at It's A Matter of Opinion.


At 5/11/2006 12:01:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TV should be turned on today. We finally gave up and had to call Rachel's mum and have her tell them to hook it up. She said the only way anyone can get hold of the entertainment dept is by accidentally turning on the TV, then they would be there in less than 5 minutes.

At 5/11/2006 07:02:00 pm, Blogger Stewed Hamm said...

Typical bueracracy - impossible to get ahold of anyone until they want your money. Good to hear that Rachy's mind will be sufficiently rotted by TV when she returns to us.

Tom - regardless of which end it uses, if I could get a cat to whistle showtunes I'd be selling tickets all over the place.

At 5/13/2006 01:24:00 pm, Blogger Deadman said...

Barb - The breakout idea was mine, and flashing is NOT optional - It's mandatory!


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