Saturday, September 03, 2005

On with the show Vol.2

Hi Facial Tissues, and other non absorbent papers. Well it has been a while since I blogged, three days in fact. Now it seems like a lot longer, and for me, I feel like I have let my reading public down. Regular blogging is like producing a television show, just you don't have to deal with talent, which is why my blog is so poor, but enough about that. Now that I have started typing, I've forgotten what I was going to blog about, so I'll come back to this post later.

OK, so now it is much later. Saturday Morning to be exact, and I have remembered what I was going to blog about, but not what I was going to say about it. But I'll give it a go. I'm sorry it took soo long to get back to blogging, a week is a long time with out blogs for me, but I wont go into the reasons for it.
I have a hole in my head. Nothing unusual about that I hear you say, everyone has a mouth, a nose, ear's, that kind of thing. No, I have an extra hole, well not exactually a hole, it is more like a divot, and it is not really seeable with the naked eye. It is on my forehead, just to the right of centre, it came about many years ago, in my teen years........[Insert Harp Music, and Dream Sequence Now] As a teenager, I was quite lucky, I didn't suffer from too many pimples. Sure I got them, it was a part of growing up. Given I still get them occasionally, well I guess I just haven't grown up yet. For me, I didn't get those weepy puss filled mammoth pimples, that seem to take over an entire face (good morning to anyone who is reading this while eating breakfast), I seemed to always get the blind pimples. The kind of pimple that you know is there, is full off puss, but is that deep under the skin, it can't make it's own way to the top. These pimples seemed to like unusual places, the edge of my nose between the eyeball and nose, upper lip, where you could feel them every time you moved your mouth, and the worst place of all, my ears. Oh those ones hurt the worst. One morning, as I did the daily mirror check for pimples, I noticed a nice big beeming one on my forehead. This was prime real estate in the pimple world. Great location for squeezing, well away from any nerve endings, close to the surface, full of pussy potential. It was mine, I had to have it. I looked closerin the mirror, seaching for the ideal exit point for the puss, so I could get my fingers either side of the golden beauty and squeeze the life out of it, eureka, I've got you now. It all happened in slow motion, as I pushed on that pimple, you could see the puss inside swirling around, fighting the urge to spring forth, and then...... POP! It actually made a loud poping sound, and out came the puss. The head of the pimple went flying across the room, and landed on the mirror, holding briefly before sliding down to it's horrible death, but that wasn't the end of it, no, I kept squeezing, and more puss came out, and more, and more, and more. It was a never ending river. I stopped, took a breath, wiped away the puss, and there was still more, so I went in for the second wave of the attack, even more puss came out than had happend the first time. I'd hit the gold mine! I knew this pimple was the mother pimple. With this one gone, no other pimple could be born, their Queen would be dead, I would be free of my pizza face. The second wave of attack ended, but a third was needed, just to make sure it was all gone, making sure I got to the point where blood started to flow. Around the edge of the pimple, it looked loike a war zone, blood and muck eveywhere, the damage was done, I had won the battle. Pleased with myself, I headed off to school, proudly showing the middle of my head, where the red mark of victory remained. The next day, the uprising of the Pimple's Underground Army began. It turned out I had only wonded the Queen Pimple, she was back, and ready to fight. Partly under the scab that had formed, she was gathering forces to overtake my entire face, something had to be done. I called in the special forces, and operation Tweezers began. This time, my attack caught the pimple off guard, it wasn't ready for such a large scale attack, and it's PUA was short lived. The next week, after the rebuilding works had taken place, I saw a monument to this bloody battle, something that would live with me for the rest of my life. A lone hole, or trench if you like, reminding me of that battle. Lest We Forget, but we are sure glad for make up. Blog Out HooRoo Bec


At 9/03/2005 03:03:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to have creamy chicken soup for dinner... but I think I might just have toast or something now!

At 9/03/2005 04:31:00 pm, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hi Rachy,
Toast, a great idea! How about having some creamed corn on it?

PS: mmmm, must dash off to the supermarket now.


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