This blog moved ages ago, but I only just realised the link didn't move with it. You can find me now at See you there soon. Blog Out, HooRoo, Rebecca.
Rants of a Rebecca
Friday, October 27, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Spring Cleaning
Hi Rants Readers. I'm doing an upgrade of my servers and website. What this means is the Rants will be up and down like a yo-yo, for the next week or so. Don't worry, I will be back into the full swing of things soon. HooRoo Rebecca
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Split and fractured
Hi Tissues, and other non fall down things. It is with great sorrow I now mourn the passing of a friend. A friend who has been there with me through the good times and the bad. A friend who has grown with me, and out grown me at times. A friend who has given me pain at times, yet other times has eased my pain. A friend who has been there through the bland times, and the colourful times. But now they are no more. Yes Rants readers, last night, I said good bye to the toe nail on my second right toe. It all suddenly happened a few months ago. There I was cutting my toe nails, when I noticed that 2R was looking a little worse for wear. A blood blister had formed under part of the toe nail, and the other half was split and nearly falling off. Oh I tried and tried to save it, but it was all in vain. 2R had decided her time had come, and growing she would do no more. Over the next few months, she split and fractured more and more, to the point where last night, the last section of what could be deemed a toe nail came loose. We have now gone our separate ways. So I ask of you all, to spare a minute of your thoughts, bow your head, and look at your own toes. Hopefully you will never have to suffer the loss I have suffered. I would now like to present to you an ode to my toe nail.
Oh nail of toe. A woe woe woe, Is me. Instead of being trimmed, Your life has reached the brim, And now you are gone. Never again to be painted green. Never again, to be seen. You now leave me odd, With these feet of mine. Ten toes I have, But nails, only nine.Now if you will all excuse me, I need a moment alone. Blog Out, HooRoo Rebecca
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Shadow angles, it
Hi Bed Crumbs, and other non Bert objects. Well guys, I am sorry to say, I forgot to take my camera to hockey. But don't worry, I had my mobile phone there, so I still got some photos of me as a goalie. Seeing as though, I had to transfer them to the computer, I decided to clear out the memory from my phone while I was at it. So now I will present a section of images from my phone.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I only hope
Hi Wicker Baskets, and other non woven wooden things. Just wondering why Mountain Bread is called Mountain Bread, when it is completely flat. But I guess Open Plains Bread doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Anyway, that is not what this rant is about. This is just another boring update on Rachy. When I went to see her today, her door was closed. That could only mean one of three things
- She was having a 'time out' for being naughty.
- She had escaped.
- She was dead.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Worry there is
Aren't human beings a funny thing? I don't know why anyone would ever want to be one, but as my motto says, "Each To Their Own". Over the last few days I have overheard some wonderful acts of foot in mouth, and been involved in one myself. I will go in order of events, which means I get to embarrass myself first. On Friday night I was having dinner with a girlfriend of mine. As we waited for our meals, we were flicking through the newspapers there, and I started reading the Personals section. Now it is not that I am looking for anyone, I just find these things funny. As I read one of the ads, I realised I had misread it, and pissed myself laughing, my friend, lets call her Lisa (not her real name) asked me what was so funny. This is how events went from there. Me: I was reading this personals ad, this is what I thought it said, "30yo woman, with a gash, looking...." But after reading it again, I realised it was actually gsoh. Lisa: [laughing]: You are such an idiot sometimes. Why would someone advertise that? Me: [laughing harder]: I know, I misread it, but it is funnier this way. Here, see it for yourself, it does look like that. I handed the paper to Lisa, and she went bright red. I asked her what was up, and she replied. "This is my ad. I put it in there." Now guess who was going red. The second one happened on Saturday night at Hockey. I went along to support one of our teams, who were playing a bit short of players that night. One of the girls watching the game said she would play, as much as her mother didn't want it to happen, give in this girl is 18 weeks pregnant at the moment. One of the other players there asked: Other Player: So how did all this happen? Mother: Well the stupid bitch slept with her dead beat boyfriend, and low and behold she got up the duff. So now that dead beat has done a runner, she has to bring the kid up on her own. Other player: Oh I was just wondering why the team was short actually. The third one happened after my game on Sunday, where I had a clean sheet as a goalie. Sorry guys, there are no photos yet, I forgot to take my camera. But don't worry, I am in goals again next week, so I will make sure I have my camera there. Anyway, these two women had been chatting for most of the game, when one said to the other: One: I was up the snow last weekend, and there was this bunch of guys trying to pick up this girl. She was good looking and all that, but it was so obvious she was a transsexual. Two: Oh yeah, how do you know that, I mean what made it so obvious? One: Well I can pick them a mile away. Those people really stand out, I don't know how they think people don't know. Two: So if someone like that was say, standing next to you, you would know? One: Absolutely, in an instant, it is always so obvious. I mean these guys couldn't pick it, but I always can. Two: Oh, that is interesting, because I had that surgery a few months ago. One: No way, that's impossible, you're not a freak. The others there all turned to One and agreed with what Two had said. One sudden had to leave for some reason. To finish things off, another one from Saturday night. One of the young girls playing on the Saturday night, came back to where we were all sitting, with the following statement. "There is a guy down there, and he is like, you know, a real pervert. He has mxymatosis in his eye, and you all know how he got that like." The older ones of us there looked at her puzzled and enquired how. She rolled her eyes and said, "He got it having sex with rabbits, that's the only way you can get it like." So all in all, an interesting weekend. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca
Friday, July 21, 2006
Any news at
Hi Potholes, and other non avoidable traffic hazards. In the Hockey photos comment section, the discussion has now moved across to my summer sport, that being Cricket. It appears that Tom is becoming a bit of an Australian played sports tragic, and can't get enough. The question is though, does everyone else want to see a post about cricket? It is a subject that I can crap on a fair bit about, so the boredom factor is a big issue. So I will leave the decision up to you all. Do I blog about cricket, and if so, should the blog entry be in the form of a Test Match, a One Dayer, or a Twenty20 game? Personally, I like Test Matches. In other news, well there really isn't any news at the moment. I've been in one of the dips of the rollercoaster ride that is life, so I have been keeping pretty quite with things. I know what the issues are, and I am dealing with them, but it would be nice if these issues didn't exist. But now I have worked out a way to get back, and things are improving. Now for all of those who have been asking, I am goalkeeping this week at hockey, and I will take along my camera, so there should be photos of me looking like the side of a bus on the Rants soon. Speaking of buses, apparently mine is now sleeping with Cazzie's bus. I will check on it tomorrow. Blog Out, HooRoo, Rebecca.