Saturday, July 30, 2005

First Time for Everything, comment

Hi Boys In Bubbles, and other non pokey things, Well I was writing this as a reply to a comment in a previous blog. The reply started to get a bit too big, so I decided to make it into a post. Hi Bert, I drive trains for a living. Depending on the signalling sytem used, for the track where you are, depends on the order you need to enter into that section of track, under different conditions. Normally things just work on signal aspect, but sometimes things go wrong, and you need some other authority to enter into that track section. Sometimes I have no idea what they are talking about either. We have some interesting rules like:

Under no circumstances are you allowed to pass a fixed Home Signal at Stop. The Three exceptions to passing a Home Singal at stop are: 1. Defective Signal. 2. Single Line Working. 3. Render Assistance.
So here you have a rule that says you CAN NOT pass a Home Signal, displaying stop at all. Do not pass go, do noit collect $200. Yet there is three exceptions to do it! What makes things more confusing is that not all of the exceptions are usuable with every Home Signal. For example, if you are entering into a Single Track section, you can't have Single Line working. If there is a Low Speed signal attached to the Home Signal, and that is not Track Circuited, then you can enter the section on that signal aspect, which would mean the rule for Rendering Assistance would not apply. Well I hope that makes things as clear as Mud for you Bert. I don't want to go into things further, because then all the Gunzels will flock to this page to foam. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Comics continued

Hi Cheap Digital Watches, and other non timekeeping devices, Well it's time for another in my cartoon series. Still quite a few of these to go, so I hope you are all enjoying them. If anyone wants a copy, just feed Mitch with your request, and I can email you the full size image, in original black and white, or photoshopped colour.

Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Friday, July 29, 2005

First Time for Everything

Hi Apple cores, and other non rotten things. Well it finally happened. Yesterday I got my first Signallers Caution Order at work. Yay! There I was, just driving along, on my way to Broadmeadows, when the No.20 signal at Kensington decided to throw a wobbly. It was stuck on RED (both lights), so I could have spent the rest of the day there. But no, I instead got a SCO, and I was on my way, 6 minutes late. Hohum, I hear you all say, who cares, and at some point I might agree with you. But it was a big day for me. You see, in the past, if there was a faulty signal, everything was recorded, so no paperwork needed, just exchange names, interests, what time you finish, and what colour carnation you would be wearing at the bar, and you are on your way, but not this time. Kensignton is not recorded, so the Signaller has to physically do something. Here it involved, getting down out of the signal box, walking down to the signal, handing me the order, then walking back up to the signal box, up the stairs, pull the levers to operate the boom gates, then show me a green light, so I could go past. As Lisa Simpson would say, "I am the Lizard Queen!" To mark the occasion, instead of handing in the SCO at the end of my shift, with my shift report, I kept it to show you all.

Now don't all go WOW at once, and no flash photography please, only crappy photos allowed. Which I guess only Mikey can take photos of this. (That will do to check to see if he is reading this blog.) This post was meant to be up two days ago, but blogger was cracking a wobbly with me. Here it finally is. I can't remember what else I was going to write about here, so I'm just going to leave it as is. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Snow Season 9

Hi Big Fat Pigs, and other non stockmarket commodities. Well I am currently working on some other blog entries (gee that sounds dirty to me, I have to stop typing it), so while you are waiting, have a feast on another adventure of

BOB and CARL, Snowmen.
Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pampering Part two

Well here is the continuation of photos from my pampering the other day. Before anyone comments, no I was not turning green with illness, it is from the fluro lights, which put off a green glow. The make up was designed for a differen't lighting situation. These photos are just snapshots from my mobile. If anyone is looking for a day of pampering, and you are in Melbourne, I recommend you try Melbourne College of Hair and Beauty.

Rosy, working her magic. She needed to use a lot with a face like mine. Hair Up! I don't think it is really me. Poser! Yeah I know, but I can work it. Woooah! Back that camera up. Call now, I'm ready and waiting for your call. lol Should I change my profile photo to this? Meh, I need to loose wright, 110kg is too much.
Well there you all have it, settle down boys, I'm not looking. hehe Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Monday, July 25, 2005

w00t! Pampering

Hi 105.1fm, and other non radio frequencies. Well what a wonderrfuly day I had being pampered. Nothing bets spending 8 hours in the salon, and coming out of there feeling a million dollars. Now beofre i go further, I want to give a HUGE plug to Rosy who did, as well as many other things, my make up. Now more photos will follow, but here is a quick sample of her handywork

So if you are looking to have your makeup done, by a fantastic woman, with international experience, call....
ROSY 0432495792
So on with the pampering. I had planned to spend the morning down at the salon, then head off to work. Thanfully work was cancelled, so I spent the entire day getting pampered. All up I got the following treatment
  • Manicure
  • Facial
  • Body Massage
  • Full Leg Wax
  • Eyebrow threading (first time having this done)
  • Photographic Make Up
We ran out of time for the following, but they will happen next time:
  • Petticure
  • Eyelash Tint
At the end of the day, I feel great, only wish I had somewhere to go tonight. Oh well, that will have to wait until next time. Right now I want to write more about this experience, but I'm too excited, and it is also dinner time, and I have to watch Mythbusters. So until I further this blog, Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sadie, the Cleaning Lady.

Hi Natural Colour (150d), and other non Vegemite ingredients, Well I have just spent the last 3 hours, cleaning out the inside of my car. Yes that is right, three hours. Now I am sure you must be thinking I drive some kind of Hummer, tour bus, but no, I drive a humble 1984 Ford Laser. Now incase the international viewers don't know what a Laser is, here is a picture. I would also like to point out that I am a HOLDEN, not a ford girl, but I needed something to drive. More on that later, here's the picture.

Now this isn't a photo of my actual car. This is one that I took off the web, recoloured in Photoshop, then posted here on my blog. Yes that is right, I am too lazy to go and take a photo of my own car, why? Simple, it has started bucketing down with rain here, and I am not going to get any wetter, except for a bath after I have blogged this. The other sad thing is, my car isn't even this shade of blue, that is wishful thinking, on the off chance I may wash the outside of it one day. Now before you all start, we have been on water restictions here, that's why it hasn't been washed. I'll get around tot he outside one day. OK, back to the reason for this post. I was cleaning out the inside of my car, and isn't it interesting, just what some of the things are you can find. Now I am not going to get into the yucky stuff, I'm just going to list some of the more unusual things.
  • A Hockey Ball. Given I haven't played for two and a half years, how a ball got into a car I have only owned for 18 months, I will never know.
  • A copy of the first Edition of Maddison magazine. A fairly recent publication, but one I have never bought.
  • A BNC connector. Huh? I hear you say. Well you use it to connect BNC cables.
  • Six and a half peppermints. I found these when I took the casing off the handbrake cover (yes it was a thorough clean). I didn't eat any, they went straight into the vacuum.
  • A scooter. I'll be making use of this to get to work someday.
  • Four CD's that I haven't played in years, now on rotation.
  • My tax return from last year. Now I can get this years done.
  • Three socks. Now I know where the washing machine has been putting them.
  • And finally, $6.85 in loose change. Yay! I got paid $2.28 an hour to clean my car.
On the up side, I now have a windscreen I can see though, I no longer have the smell of wet dog in my car, even though I have never owned a dog, and I finally now know why my rear windscreen wiper is not working. It turns out the wiper motor has decided to break away from the rest of the metal stuff, and is free ranging in the back of the hatch. Looks like I'll have to go to a wreckers. So to everyone else, who has a bomb of a car, try giving it a clean, you never know what you might find. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Sunday Cartoon

Hi Dimes, and other non Heads or Tails devices, Well it is Sunday morning, and I'm going to slack off and not post. Not that I don't want to, but I have a car that is begging for it's yearly clean out. So instead I offer you another in my series of comics. This one I am not sure if it is having a dig at Dogs or guys, but I am sure anyone who has sons (I have two) or a husband who thinks the toilet is only visited during an ad break in a tied football game, can relate to this one. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Bettering Inventions. The Rebecca way.

Hi Recurring Dream, and other non Crowded House albums. In my line of work, I get to see a lot of Hi-Vis vests, in fact, I even have to wear one myself at times. Now sure these vests do a great job, but they are pretty boring. Here is a sample:

As you can see, if you happen to run into someone wearing one of these, who cares? Road workers, couriers, track crews, etc should all be warned, you look like crap. So what I have done, is make some improvements to the vest, so that it looks better. Now sure during the day, it looks the same, but these things are designed so you can be seen at night, so why not be seen with style. Why not stand out as an individual, instead of a couple of stripes? Why not look fashionable in one of my all new Rebecca-Vis Vests?
Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Hillbilly Mom's Challange

Hi Buffalo Grass, and other non itch picnic surfaces. Well in a comment about a previous post, Hillbilly Mom, said:

Yes, he does resemble Joan Rivers. I used to think she was amusing, but now she is a screaming haggish shrew. Try saying that 10 times fast! Thanks for the Bob and Carl fix.
So, I tried it. I nailed it first time, but regardless of that, I have to apologise for my hair. It was still drying after getting out of the shower. I would have posted this sooner, but I had to rush off to work.
Oh, and by the way, if you are on a dial up connection, this file will take a while to download, it is 3.4Mb Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Friday, July 22, 2005

Snow Season 8

Hi Staples, and other non evasive weightloss devices. Well as requested by Hillbilly Mom, well ok, she didn't request it, she mentioned it, but anyway... It's time now for another exciting adventure of BOB and CARL, Snowmen.

Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Back in the USSR

Hi Eggs, and other non fryable devices. Well yesterday I called into my old highschool. It had been a whiles since I had been there, well 13 since I had offically left, but I still go back there to say hi. Anyway, I got in the lift, and in walked one of my old Media teachers. Actually if she reads this post, I better say Studio Arts (Film) teacher. I said hi as she walked in, she said hi back, and that was about it. She didn't recognise me. As we were travelling up, she looked at me, looked again, and then it all clicked for her. We carried on like two young teenage girls, who had just gotten their first copy of Dolly magazine, which was a bit weirdo for the other person in the lift, then she said what only Cleo (her name, not the magazine) could say. "I didn't realise it was you, I thought you were Russian!" She told me later that is because, according to her, I am tall and beautiful, therefore I must have been Russian. Now I've had quite a few compliments in my time, and quite a few marriage proposals via the net (LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BASTARDS, I'M NOT INTERESTED!), sorry, that is not intened for anyone who reads this blog, just the guys fromt he sub contient who are after a visa. But anyway, I've had quite a few compliments on how I look, but I have never been called Russian. Needless to say it was a great time, and we will be catching up again at some time. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Well it made me laugh

Hi Dextrin, and other non think things. I got sent this GIF file today. I don't know the details of it, but I am going to call it "Typical Windows User, Using Internet Explorer." I'm sure after that title, you can all work out I'm a MAC girl. As they say, once you go MAC, you never go back. lol

Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Deposit this!

Hi Lawn Mowers, and other non cutting devices, In a very Andyistic way, I've had my troubles with the Bendigo Bank. It was a long running battle, one that saw them pay me compensation, but one that kept going. Finally last month, I closed my accoutns with the idiots. This would have been done sooner, except I had to get all my internet banking stuff sorted out first. So the day finally came, that I went into the local brnach to close my accounts, and what a drama it was. Firstly, they tried to tell me my account was in the RED, and couldn't be closed. Then they tried to tell me, there is a two weeks notice period before the account can be closed. Then they tried to say the computer system was down, so they couldn't close it yet. Then they tried to get me to come back at a later stage, because they were too busy, given it was the lunc break rush. My reply to all of this was to stand my ground and insist the account was closed there and then, and that I am not leaving the window until the accounts are closed. The woman serving me was getting very fustrated at all off this, I don't care. Anytime she muttered something under her breath, I just pointed to the idiot next to her and said "If you have a problem, take it up with that fool, he is the one who started all these problems." That just fustrated her more. Finally after 46 mintues, my two accounts were closed. Yes that is right, 23 minutes to close each account. Oooh it felt good to have done that. End of story. Blog Out HooRoo.... WAIT!!!!!! Not the end of the story, with banks, it can never be that simple. About a week later, I get an email form their online banking section, saying my account has insufficent funds for automatic debt. I ignored it. The next day the same email came through, then the next day the same thing happened. So instead of getting angry, I wrote a nice little short email to the bank, informing them of their error. It went like this:

Dear Bendigo Bank, You are a bunch of idiotic fools, who have no idea of what you are doing. Stop wasting my time by sending me emails. Get your act together and PISS OFF! Regards Rebecca Edwards
I got an autoreply, thanking me for my email, how nice of them. The next day the actually wrote back:
Hello Rebecca,
Thankyou for your email. You should receive no further emails from Bendigo Bank Ltd. I apologise for any inconvenience or confusion this email may have caused. If you have any further queries please call us on 1300 366 666 or send a return email. We are available from 8am - 8pm weekdays, 9am - 4pm Saturday and 10am - 4pm Sunday AEST. Thankyou Rachael Online Service Consultant Bendigo OnCall Ph: 1300 366 666 Facsimile: 03 5433 9616 Email: Web Site:
Now, hopefully the will stop harrassing me, and I can get on with my life. Incase you are wondering why I left Rachael's details on this blog entry, it is for anyone else who is having issues with Bendigo Bank, now you know who to blame. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I've found my kids

Hi Everyone, For those keeping up with the saga, I have finally found my kids. They had been living in a town called Hawkesdale, about 300km west of Melbourne, until March this year. Today I found out they are now in Maryborough (Victoria), which is about 170km from Melbourne, to the north west. So today I quickly got ready this morning, which is hard to do after coming off 8 straight nights at work, and drove up there. The school, which is the way I foudn them, were obligated to call my ex, to say I was heading up there. Even though my intention was to just have a chat with the school and explain everything that has been happening, they still had to call. With in five minutes, my ex had picked up the kids, I was still 3 hours away. After meeting with the Principal of the school, things were much clearer for them, and some major concerns were raised, regarding the kids education and mental health. It turns out that my eldest son, who was reading and writing at a Grade Four level in Grade Two, is now struggling with Grade Three. So next week I am going to see the school shrink, who is seeing both the kids, and hopefully something can be sorted out. At least for now I know for sure where they are, it is a start. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

On with the show

Hi PET containers, and other non 5 cents on return in S.A. only items. Well with Big Blogger out of the way, it is time to get on with some real postings. One of the things that came out of the Cyberhouse though, was I was going to do an "Ask Becky" thing here. Well to just do that would be plain and boring. So instead I enrolled at my local online university, and I am now fully qualified in the modern day ancient art of...

So here is how it works. Just take a photo of your plate, after you have eaten your toast, and let "Mitch the Mail Mouth", do some eating. Once I have your photo, I will be able to tell you all about your past, your future, and your neighbours' future. So start sending in those pics, and let me sort out your life for you. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca, Toast Crumb Reader.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Big Blogger THE WINNER!!!

This Is Big Blogger, Well after a hard battle, a winner is finally ready to emerge from the Cyberhouse. After the final votes had been counted, here are the results. Sheep on a Unicycle 301 Hillbilly Mom 2583 Mr Huggies 4002 The Winner of Big Blogger, for 2005 is MR HUGGIES!!!!

Well done Mr Huggies, you played a good game, and it has really worked for you. To Hillbilly Mom, you tried as much as you could, but at the end of the day, the voting public just weren't on your side. Thank you very much for playing, remeber you do go away being the higest ranked American, well done. A prize will be coming your way shortly. For Mr Huggies, you walk away from the Cyberhouse, the proud winner of nothing! You can wear your underpants on the outside though, because you are a WINNER! Well that is all we have time for, for Big Blogger 2005, thanks for internetting, see you next time. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Snow Season 7

Hi Weetbix, and other non watertight devices, Well I know no one likes Bob and Carl, but curse you all! I am going to keep doing their adventures until I get a laugh. I don't care if you are laughing with me or at me, I WONT BE STOPPED! And now that I have gone back to bed, and woken up on the right side of the bed, it is time for another exciting adventure of:

Blog out HooRoo Bec

BB It Is Finally Ending Tonight!

This Is Big Blogger, Big Blogger will be ending in a mere 15 hours, so get your final votes in. It would have finished earlier, but much worse duties keep getting in the way, hence the delay. Hillbilly Mom has won the final challange, giving her an extra 1000 votes, however at this stage, that still puts her about 500 votes behind Mr Huggies. For those who are wondering, the correct answers:

  1. Air Bass Guitar
  2. "Krusty wants out!"
  3. Cows
  4. Vegemite. The travel pack squeezy tube.
  5. Well I will be doing a weekly Ask Bec section, and getting on with some real blogging. Look out, you have been warned.
So there you have it folks, soon we will all be free of this dang thing we call BIG BLOGGER. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

BB Final Challenge

This Is Big Blogger. For the final challenge, we have a few questions about Big Blogger. This challenge is open to every one, but if you are not Mr Huggies or Hillbilly Mom, then please let me know for whom your correct answers should apply. The Cyberhousemate with the most correct answers, will recieve an extra 1000 votes. Here are the questions:

  1. Big Blogger knows it is time to get out of the shower each morning, when she starts to "air play" what musical instrument?
  2. What Simpsons quote does BB say when she gets home from a hard day at work?
  3. BB's favourite animal is?
  4. What food stuff does BB keep an emergency supply of?
  5. What should Big Blogger do when this comp is over?
Good luck to everyone involved. Answers posted in the next few days. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Shameless Plug

Hi Dry and overcast, and other strange weather patterns, Well what i have now is a shameless plug for a great place in Sydney to grab a feed. For those who have not heard of PAUA, it is a great place in Surry Hills, which actually stands out from the crowd, when it comes to great places to eat. So why am I plugging this place? Well I had a great meal there when I was last in Sydney, and I forgot to blog about it. They put me on their mailing list, well actually I wrote down my details, and today I got sent an email about their latest great night. In a way I guess I owed them one.

Bastille Day Thursday 14th July is Bastille Day and once again Paua is having a Bastille Day Dinner *Rillettes de Lapin - Potted Rabbit w/ Toasted Brioche *Le Civet deLievree tave de celeri-rave - Hare stewed in red wine with celeriac cooked in butter *Artichautes a la Barigoule - Artichokes in Olive Oil *Epoisses Berthant - Soft French Cows Milk Cheese *Soufflé aux Chocolat - Chocolate Soufflé w Coffee Liqueur and Chocolate Ice cream Cost is $65 and you can BYO (bottled wine only $6 per bottle corkage) or let us choose the wine for you Booking essential sitting at7:30pm Alice Hyde Paua Restaurant 555 Crown Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 02 9319 2976
So for anyone in the Sydney area, or for anyone with enough frequent flyer points, who wants a great meal, head out and check out PAUA. Just so you all know, I am not being paid to say this, if somewhere is good enough for me to give them a mention, I'll mention them. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

BB Final Vote Update

This Is Big Blogger, Well after a couple of days voting, Mr Huggies was winning with 60% of the vote. Hillbilly Mom was coming stone cold last with only 5% of the vote. Amazingly she was being thumped by a cheese sandwich. So in true Hillbilly style, she has eaten the sandwich, and taken over its votes. The 5% of the votes left behind by Hillbilly Mom, were swooped up by a Sheep on a unicycle! Only on Big Blogger could such a ting happen. Stay tuned for more exciting developments. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

Snow Season 6

Hi Everyone, It is time once again, for the least liked cartoon in the world! Yes, that is right, another exciting adventre of: BOB and CARL, Snowmen.

Oh that Bob and Carl, they make me laugh so much! Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Sunday, July 10, 2005

BB Challenge Version 15

This Is Big Blogger Well it looks like my last challange was too easy, so I am setting another one, this time it is in two parts. Groaner Lines I want to hear the worst pick up line you have used, or had used on you, and also your best Bar Room joke. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

BB The Final Vote

This is Big Blogger Voting is now open, for you to choose who will win Big Blogger. Vote as many times as you like, no need to call any 55cents per call phone numbers, just click on the link, and hope for the best. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

Saturday, July 09, 2005

BB Challenge Version 14

This Is Big Blogger, Well here we are, challange time. Given we have one half of the world against the other, it is time to stand up for your country and... SHOW US YOUR NATIONAL PRIDE! Yes the challange for this round, is to write a stirring speech for your countryfolk. Show them how proud you are to be an Australian or American. Use as many cliches of national pride and icons as you can, and get the heart pumping for those you represent. Do It For Your Country, Your Country Needs You! Blog Out, HooRoo Big Blogger

Snow Season 5

Hi Tarmac Adam, and other road surfaces. Well it is freezing cold and 5:53pm here in Melbourne, and you all know what that means.... It's time for another adventure of:

Blog Out HooRoo Bec

BB Eviction 11

This Is Big Blogger, We are now down to the final two. Ooops, hang on, I have to kick someone out first. Ok, I spin the bottle, and it is time to go.... DeadPanAnn Sorry to see you go DPA, you have been a great intruder. Don't forget to kiss the nearest boy on your way out of the Cyberhouse. Well views, that leaves us with two contestants left. Representing the Northern Hemisphere is Hillbilly Mom. Representing the Southern Hemisphere is Mr Huggies. A week of challanges ahead, with a winner decided soon. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger.

Curse of the Arvo Shift

Hi Pool Tables, and other non pocketed items. Well for the last two weeks, I have been on afternoon roster at work, and it is really taking its toll. For some reason I just can't adjust my hours to suit starting Place Of Employment at 1300-1600 (that's 1pm to 4pm) each day. I think this has to do with me being a morning person. Now being a morning person is really pshing the point I guess. Have me start agt 0300 (3am) and I am fine to have to get out of bed two hours before that, have me start in the arvo, and I just can't get my head around it. So what does this all mean? Well it means my blog suffers, I am not performing at my peak, so my posts are few and far between, or crap, or both, just like this one. I think about something during the day, and remind myself to blog it, then get home, and I'm stuffed, so I forget to blog. I think I will have to get a tape recorder to make mental notes to myself. I really wonder how people like Mr Huggies, and Andy do it day in, day out. I'm not having a go at shift work, I just wish all my shifts were early. So to my avid reader (yes I am talking about you, feel chuffed) enjoy a game of tiddly-winks, until I return to normal services. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

BB Challenge Version 13

This Is Big Blogger. Time for the next challange. Given the Yanks are now on holidays, and that means summer camp for them, for those left in the house it means, you are all off to Camp Blog.

"Hello Mudda. Hello Fudda."
For the task, you have to write a letter home to your parents, letting them know about all the fun you have been having at Camp Blog. I'll leave this challange open to your imagination. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

BB Nominations Ver 9.0

This Is Big Blogger. Time for some more nominations. Given there are only three people left in the house, it is only fair to nominate all of them, therefore, the nominees are:

  • Mr Huggies
  • Hillbilly Mom
  • DeadPanAnn
The next to be voted out, will be decided on Friday. Good luck to you all. Blog Out HooRoo Big Blogger

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Cleaning Up

Hi Carboxaldehyde, and other non high scoring scrabble words. Well it is nearly the end of Big Blogger, which means I will have to redo the links on my blog, to get rid of all the X marks. In doing this, I've decided that I'll add a few more links to great blogs I know, and also give people the chance to remove their blog link from my site. So if you want your link added or removed, just leave a comment and I'll see what I can do. The other thing I was thinking about, is how many people go to the trouble of putting their blog links in alphabetical order. Now while this may show these people have too much time on tehir hands. Also if you looked in their sock drawer, things would be arranged by colour. This is the way Mother likes things. Isn't that right Mother? Would you like to meet Mother? Mother would like to meet you, you dirty little.... Sorry, got a bit carried away there. I'm all better now, but when will the killings stop!!! Alright, now things are much clearer, as I was saying, some people put their links in alphabetical order. Now with my name beginning with the letter "R" (and today being brought to you by the number 12), my blog is usually right down the list, so many people may never get to it. So, what I've decided to do, when I update the links is rename my blog "AAAAA aardvark". With this new name, I am sure to get a lot more people viewing my blog, and the good thing is, it reflects a lot more about me than the name "Rants Of A Rebecca", I'm sure you will all agree. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Friday, July 01, 2005

Snow Season 4

Hi Ball...Yessss! and other non Australian Rules Football sayings.
Well I have just eaten a large pizza, all on my own, and that can only mean one thing....
By the way, I'm not joking about eating a whole pizza. Oooh I feel sick now. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

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