What should be
Hi traveling Salesmen, and other non free steak knife people.
Wanted, a good home for Mitch.
Some of you will remember my posting about Mitch, who for some time now, has been my mailbox, for all things email.
Problem is, people don't see him as a mailbox, so I keep getting asked where to send emails to. So I have decided that it is time to go Mitch.
The problem is, what do I replace Mitch with? I'm open to all and any idea's on what should be my new mailbox. Maybe I should keep Mitch and just animate a letter going into his mouth, but I think a new direction is needed.
Your thoughts please.
In other news, auditions will be held in a few days for Big Blogger 2. Yes, that is right, this year I am not just putting you all in the house to fight for your lives. This year, you have to want to be in the house.
Blog Out
Now we have
Hi Lawnmower Man, and other non alarm clock waking up type devices.
Well I am sorry I haven't been posting lately, things have been a bit flat out with the Commonwealth Games at work. We just get over them, and now we have the Formula 1 Grand Prix and the start of the footy season this weekend. I will get back to blogging when I have more than three seconds to myself.
I will leave you all with one question though, that I think needs to be answered and addressed.
Why is it that the Muppet Show band has not been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
This is a band that has universal appeal, can play any style of music, and has played with the biggest musical names to ever grace the stage. Not only that, they have real talent, and never play a bum note, unless Gonzo joins in.
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So caught up
Hi Catchy Tunes, and other non elevator music.
Forgive me, for I have sinned.
Now before you go clicking on another link, or hitting that Back button. No I have not gone all born again on you. No, it is much worse than that.
After months of consideration, I finally bit the bullet the other day, crossed over to the dark side and purchased a windoze laptop.
Now don't worry, I haven't completely gone insane, and that wont happen. I am still a Mac girl, and I still believe that "once you go Mac, you never go back". But a couple of applications I own, have just never been made for the Mac, and the bastard Bill (you all know the one) just wont let them be made for Mac, because he know they will kick arse.
So there I was yesterday, with Comeng (the name I have given the laptop), fresh out of the box, all plugged in and ready to go. I pressed the "on" button, and the pain began.
Restart, after restart, after restart, finally it had set the right time zone for me, and decided that I did in fact have a "Human Interface Device" connected, which wouldn't work until I had done a restart. They have the never to call this Plug and Play? It is more like Plug and Pay... with your LIFE!
Next was a time to get onto the net, and what is the first thing this laptop does? 'Oh look, I have all of these updates that are fixes for the crap we installed during the building process. I'll just take the next hour or so out of your life to install them, even though you are on broadband.' Then when it is all done..., RESTART!
Profanities were flying thick and fast in the direction of Comeng, but as always, it just sat there, with that stupid little window, and the blue light stolen from KITT of Knightrider fame, moving back and fourth. I am not giving in yet, and I wont. I will use it as required, and wonder every time why the world is so caught up in using such a crap operating system?
Hang on, I can answer that. It is simple, after all, it is the same reason people eat MacDonalds. It is everywhere, it is always the same, and no matter what you do, you know you are going to pay for it later.
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Rachy's Grog Blog

After Rachy let me loose on her website, this little bit of cross promotion is the least I can do.
Be there! If I am not working, I will be.
Blog Out
Am normally waking
Hi Qbert, and other non 3D/2D graphic Atari 2600 games.
Someone call the national hotline. Stop being 'alert but not alarmed', and start being 'alarmed at the lert'.
I have become a terrorist of sorts. You see, over the last weekend I have hijacked Legless in Perpetuum, the electronic home of Rachy.
It all started innocently enough, with a posting about Rod Stewart's daughter, and from there, I have taken over. If you want to see the destruction I have caused, by all means, go and have a look, but you have been warned.
Today was meant to be about house cleaning, and sleeping. If I could manage the two of them at the same time, it would have been great, but alas, it was one at a time, and sleep came first. At the moment, I am doing late shifts at work, which means starting around the 5-6pm mark. This mark is usually about an hour or so away from my usual bed time. The time I am now getting home from work, is the time I am normally waking up. Couple this with my all night drive back from Sydney and needless to say, my body clock needs some repair work done.
I also pretty much haven't been home for about two months now. Sure I am still living here, but this is the first day I have not either been out and about, working, or just not home. So the order of the day is housework. It is a real shame when you put in a day of house cleaning, manage to completely fill your rubbish bin, and your recycling bin, do two loads of washing, vacuum the house, and clean up a heap of the mess, only to look around and see the place still looks like a bomb has hit it. Might be time for a Jewish Stocktake, except I am in a rental, and I think I would have trouble getting my bond back if I did that.
As most of the world knows, the Commonwealth Games are on in Melbourne right now. For those of you living in America, who have no idea what the Comm Games are, just think of the Olympics, with out Russia, France, Germany or America. In other words, the Commonwealth Games was invented by the British, to prove they are better than the countries they still like to refer to as "the royal subjects". The slight problem there is, the British suck at sport, and over the last few Comm Games, it really has become a case of The Rest of The Rest of the World, verses Australia. I don't want to sound unAustralian, but gee, could we please have an upset loss against Cypress in the lawn bowls or something, please!
In other news, my yo-yo diet is working well again. Dang I have to start getting fit before the cricket season next year. A few guys at work are looking at getting a mixed Touch Footy team going, maybe I should give it a go. If I do, look forward to reading about how I have just popped out another knee.
Blog Out
Half way along
Port Hacking Tidal Point
Hi Leeks, and other non high priced vegies.
Yes, once again I have been away from blogging, but above is my excuse, isn't it lovely.
I've just spent the last few days in Sydney, seeing family and catching up with some friends. It was a spur of the moment thing, that saw me hire a car (mine has no aircon) and drive for 9 hours through the night. After spending three days there, it was another 9 hours through the night to get back. I think I really should go an have some sleep before going to work in a few hours, but I had to give my readers something to chew on.
If you have never driven the Hume Highway from Melbourne to Sydney, here is a good way to make some money from your co travelers, if you have any. As you are driving along, make a bet with them regarding the number of submarines you will see on the way. As they scoff at you for being so silly (and secretly wonder at what point on the drive you are going to do a "Fitty" on them), tell them it is all a bit of fun, and you will take bets that you will see at least two. This is a guaranteed way of making some money, or at least getting a free Truckstop Steak Sandwich on the way.
Now for those of you who have no idea about the Hume Highway, it is Route 31 between Melbourne and Sydney, which goes inland for the 830km (or so) journey. Sure it passes over a few rivers, but given the droughts we have, you would have no hope of getting a submarine anywhere. Which is why, when you are about half way along the road, which in my case was about 2am, you get to the town of Holbrook, where you are greeted by the sight of this....
HMAS Otway
Sorry about the quality of the photo, it is a bit dark at that time of the night. But what you see, is a full sized submarine, which is in the park on the main street of the town. Of course, being a town that is landlocked, and about 450km form the nearest sea water, you just can't go around having a submarine in the main street, that would be crazy, which is why they have a second submarine, explaining why they have the first submarine.
1:5 Scale model of B class submarine
While in Sydney, I got to sample the fine dining at
Paua, and I can tell you, no finer food can be found in Sydney. Close down all the famous Doyle's that people go to in Sydney, and replace them with a chain Paua's. You would need that many once word really got out. While I am sure the owners of Paua would be cursing me saying this, as it would mean more work for them, I had to say it. Please note, there is no cash for comment, or free feeds coming my way, I just like what I ate.
Apart from that, not much else happened while I was there, but it was great to go. After only having just gone back to work a little over a week ago, after my four weeks holiday, three days away was a welcome time to relax and kick back. Next time I head there though, it will have to be more of a party time, so look out Sydney, for I will return in July/August.
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Best you country
Hi Reversing Beepers, and other non alarm clock sounding devices.
Umm, yeah. Sorry about the break, I didn't realise it had been a week since I blogged. Ok, so it is now over a week, but I am getting around to it. Sure I could lie and say I have been working hard on Big Blogger, but I haven't. But don't worry, or maybe do, Big Blogger is coming back.
Firstly, a link I was directed to today The Pirate Bay. I don't know anything about this site, I think they are one of those P2P download sites, but their legal letters to and from various places is a bit of fun reading.
Anyway on with the show. The Commonwealth Games are hitting Melbourne in less than a week, and we should all be "United By The Moment". But I am not. Instead, I am "Annoyed With All the Advertising". Sure they have to try and flog this dead horse of colonialism, but please, I don't see the need for a special release of Green and Gold deodorants, with the Games logo on it. This blatant money grab stinks, no matter how much Rexonna you use.
Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the athletes. This is a chance for people from smaller, sometimes third world countries, to prove every four years, that hard work on the track and field, to be the best you country can offer, will give you a chance to defect to a better country. Unfortunately, this time around, the Commonwealth Games are in Australia, so if you do defect, you will spend the next four years in an Immigration Detention Centre, somewhere in the desert, and you will miss the next Commonwealth Games.
Melbourne has really changed a lot for the Games. We have slapped on a new coat of paint everywhere, in fact the town has been covered in this kind of whimsical blue, a bit like this colour (local monitors may have to be adjusted to see how bad it is), flags,decorations and prices are going up all over the place, to show how friendly a city we are, and once again, we are proving that if you put two port-a-loo's together, they breed. It has just about become impossible to not see a mobile dunny, we must really be giving the tourists the shits.
So if you are coming to Melbourne for the games, enjoy our smiling faces (the organisers handed out free botox), enjoy our fine March weather (yeah, we know it is autumn, but still hitting 40C), and enjoy seeing Gold, Gold Gold! For Australia.
Well, it's time for me to go and enjoy a Games altered road network. Maybe I should head down to 7-11 to get my Games Slurpee (15 cents from each sale paid in endorsement fees), so I can cut out the bottom, to use it as a megaphone. Road Rage is always so much more fun when they can hear you shouting.
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