It's finally here!
The Big Blogger Cyberhouse is now open
Hi Keychains, and other non ding jangle things. What the hell was I thinking? As regular readers of this blog will know, I decided to start playing hockey again, and I am feeling it today. I would have typed this last night when the game was over, but I could hardly move my hands then, let alone any other part of my body. Heck, even my eyes are sore from the game, so seeing the screen is a strain. For those who know the game of hockey, you will know what an Inside Forward (or Inner) does. For those who don't know, basically, you run the full length of the field back and forth for the entire game, non stop. For some strange reason, I played the game as an Inner, and boy did I work both ends of the ground. By the end of the first half, we were one goal down. Early in the second half, the ball was, passed to me in our back half, and I ran the rest of the field, short pass off to the Centre Forward, she tapped the ball back to me, and I made a nice little flick pass past the Goalie, to make it one all. This was my fifth ever career goal. I scored one in 1987, one in 1989, two in 2003, and now one in 2006. Who knows, there may be a forward in me just yet. A few minutes later, there I was on our backline, making a save after the ball beat our Goalie on a short corner. Talk about playing the field. So now, I can hardly move, yet work calls, so I must go earn my pay. Needless to say, the hockey bug has bitten me again, and I am there for the season. Next week I understand I am in Goals. Don't think this is going to be easier, I expect to be in more pain than I am today. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca
Hi Way to Hell, and other non street signs. Ok, so I know it has been a while since I blogged, but I have been busy, honestly. You see, because I have decided to go back to playing hockey, I've had to do a bit of a fitness hit of late. We had a practice game last Wednesday, and I was stuffed from all of the running around. Gee this game is hard when you haven't played for a while. What has made matters worse is this coming Sunday is the opening game of the season, so only two more sleeps for me to get fit. Getting fit would have been easy, except for the big basket of Easter Eggs I got from Cazzie and Co. Now before you all go telling me I could have just not eaten the eggs, well that would be plain rude, and I am not rude. Oh I almost forgot, before Mark asks, yes I will publish a photo of me in my uniform, but it will have to wait until about round four. In other news, I have a rant. We all know of the term, Sunday Drivers. Well I want to add another thing to the list of idiotic, Sunday Walkers. These people are the ones who wander around aimlessly, and screw you up as you try and walk places. Now walking is a pretty simple thing to do. One foot in front of the other, keep in a straight line, turn when you have to, after looking to see you wont bump into anyone. But not for these people. It is like volvo has decided to make footwear, and these people are the test drivers. Everyday I have to deal with these idiots, who swerve all over the footpath, step out in front of you after seeing you walking along, or just stop in the middle of nowhere to do nothing. What we need is a walking school. Somewhere to teach these people a few simple lessons.
Hi Fancy Pants, and other non Chapel Street clothing. Right now, I am living the life of a millionaire. No, I haven't actually obtained a few million dollars some way, but I am close to nutting out the details for the bank heist. Just need to watch Ocean's Eleven a few more times. Anyway, as I was saying, I am living the lifestyle of a millionaire, because right now, it is new knickers for me every day. Oh it is such a wonderful feeling to pull on a fresh pair of knickers, that have only touched you, and been touched by Inspector 7, whoever they are. But that is besides the point, it is such a wonderful feeling. You see, the other day, I was doing my shopping, and the particular type of everyday panties that I like were on special. Heavily marked down. So instead of paying about $7 a pair, I got them 7 pairs for $8.50. Needless to say, I got every pair in my size. This amounts to three weeks of clean underwear every day. When the day eventually comes around I have to wear the same pair for the second time, it will feel like I have been bankrupted. In other news, Easter is just around the corner, so I thought I would give you all a few images of Easter to enjoy.
Hi Barking Dogs, and other non tree covering eating animals. OK, so here is a Meme, that I stole from another page, thanks to a link from Mark. It works like this, except for the littl ebit of an edit I did to the original, but it still works: Here's the instructions: 1. Choose a search engine (e.g. Dogpile). 2. Pick 5 random blogfriends. 3. Enter their blog title into the search engine. 4. Do an image search of that word or phrase. 5. Pick an image that makes you say, "Aha! That's it!" So without further ado......
Blog Out HooRoo RebeccaHi Limbo Sticks, and other non uses for a broom handle. Well dress me up as a cymbal crashing monkey and call me crazy, but I am seriously thinking about going back to playing hockey. Now for those of you north of the equator, I am not talking about the silly ice version of the game, I am talking about the real thing. Over the last week, as I have laid here pretty much unable to move, I decided that my general shitty fitness level needs to be fixed. Sure I could go down the gym or take up jogging, but solo sport bores the crapper out of me. There is a slight problem with going back to hockey, and that is the injuries, past, present and future. I've broken bones, had soft tissue injuries, a couple of knees redone, have arthritis in my ankles, knees, hips, back, left shoulder and fingers, all from playing hockey. But still I can't get enough of the game. There are other issues too. I haven't seriously played the game since 2001. Since then it has been the occasional game, and coaching, and that ended half way through the 2003 season. So getting back into the swing of the things will be hard. I need to find a new club. The last club I was at, we parted on bad terms. It was petty politics, but until I get a letter of apology from the board of the club, I wont set foot in that club again. That will make playing some away games hard, so I guess I will just have to miss those ones. Also, looking through the player records from last year, it looks like my ex is still playing at that club. As interesting as it would be to be bitchy and go play there, I wont do that. Looking around the other local clubs in my area, they all seem to train on a Wednesday night, and Wednesday night is my comedy night, something will have to give, and I am not sure which at this point in time. Another issue is where to play. Should I be on the field or in the goals. I spent my junior years as a keeper, and some of my senior years also. But I could play on the field in any position too. As much as I love to keep, it is also where I got most of my injuries. I guess it will depend on what the club I go to wants, but all clubs are always short of keepers. At the end of the day, it is also going to be expensive to get back into the game. Looking at new shoes, socks, skirt, top, shin guards, club fees, etc, I am going to be looking in the range of about $600. Good thing I don't need a new stick. Mind you, if I do go back to the goals, well you may as well add another $1000 to that. Who said playing local sport was cheap? Well, I will let you all know what happens after I speak to a few clubs. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca
Hi Hi Hi Hi, and other non Paul McCartney songs. Well, this is a very painful blog entry to type. I would have typed it a couple of days ago, but I could hardly move then. That is not to say my movement is any better now, but I am struggling through. Last Sunday night, in one of those freak accidents, someone scared me just as I was lifting my head. The result was my neck muscles trying to flex two different ways at the same time, and things went snap. So now I have a week off work, and maybe longer, waiting for things to heal. It is a real bitch, because I can hardly move my head, with out massive amounts of pain, and my arms and legs have that "giddy" feeling when I use them. So for now, not much is going to happen on the blog side of things, and this years Big Blogger 2, has been put on hold until the host is better. Blog Out HooRoo Rebecca