Hi 01100101, and other non binary code existees,
What better thing to do on a stinking hot day than to find out how much of a nerd you are, here is my score.
Blog Out,
Hi 01100101, and other non binary code existees,
What better thing to do on a stinking hot day than to find out how much of a nerd you are, here is my score.
Blog Out,
Hi Skin care users, and those with dry facial features, Well finally it is here, the answer to the location of the remote control for my television set. The remote was found, in my bedroom, in an eski, along with seven almonds, my contraceptive pill prescription, and a G-String. Just what these items were doing bundled together I have no idea, so if anyone can answer that for me, I would like to know. By the way, don't bother answering 'You were drunk at the time." I've never tried alcohol, and have no interest in trying it, so try to be more original than that. :-) Blog Out, HooRoo Becky
Hi Cowfarmers, and those not assoicate withthe Dairy Industry, Well as the title suggests, I have gone bush. Now before you all get your dirty minds going, this is nothing to do with the American President, and I don't need to call the OMO help line for getting a stain out of a blue dress. What I am actually doing is spending a couple of days in Maffra, in Gippsland, doing a bit of R&R and also some work flogging off raffle tickets this Saturday night in the Metropolitan Hotel. Stan Munro is performing there, and it WILL be a great night, so get the last few remaining tickets while you can. Well what can I say about the journey down here... it was bloody hot for starters! After a walk in the midday sun, to get to Werribee station, I really wished I had bought the bag that had wheels, or rethink how much make up I carry when I go away. The train ride into Flinders Street was uneventfull and I didn't meet anyone "under the clocks", "on the steps", or across that ugly building. No I am not talking about Fed Square, I'm taling diagnals. Then it was a quick pamper of getting my nails done, and eyebrows (note singular, not plural) waxed, before heading back over to Flinders Street for a train ride to Traralgon. I would like to point out to the driver of this train a little thing called "prerelease". Just before you come to a stop, could you please let the brake off, before applying it again. It means that for those of us in First Clas, we are not being joined by those in the cheaper seats, as they all fly forward because of the jolt! From Traralgon, it was then on to a bus to Maffra. Oh I hate buses, but only because I have been in a bus smash before, so my survival chances are getting lower. All in all I left home at 12:30pm, and arrived in Maffra at 7:20pm, a nice bit of travelling for the day I think. Until we next blog, HooRoo Bec |
Ok everyone, here is you chance to answer this simple question, for you chance to wear your underpants on the outside, because you are a winner. Entry is open to everyone, and you can enter as many times as you like, via the comments page. So here we go with the question. Today, after three weeks of searching, I finally found the remote control to the television. Where was it located? Answer on Monday. HooRoo Bec
Hi Fashion Elites, and others of a lesser cloth. Well Monday was a big day for me. And it all started on Sunday night. There was Andy and I waiting to get into the room for comedy night, he calls the love of his life Neisha. After they chatted for a bit, Neish asks to speak with me, and if it wasn't for the fact Andy reads this blog, I would tell you all what she said to me. So the next thing I know, instead of having a lazy arse Monday morning, I am going clothes shopping with the two of them, to dress the young man to make him look a wee bit dapper. Now to paint the picture, Neisha and I are not what you would call short. She is around the six foot mark, I am a bit over it. Andy on the other hand could be a jockey, if he spent a bit more time in the sauna, and less time in the pub. So he kind of looked a bit like our little brother. So off we go into the first shop, where we start working on colours and styles. The strange thing is I was thinking/dreaming about how to dress Andy the night before, and so was Neisha, what is really strange is we both had the same idea of how he should look, so there was no battle between the two of us as to how Andy should be. Our only battle was getting past the old saying of "It doesn't matter how much you dress up shit, it is still shit." The challenge was on. We grabbed a heap of clothes, and headed off to the changeroom, and this is where the real challenge started. For some reason, Andy does not know how to dress himself. In saying that, he could put clothes on, but not actually wear them right. I'm not talking about jeans on head or stuff like that, it is just the little things like how a t-shirt should hang to give you that "look". For Andy it was a case of pull everything down, like you are wearing a dress, something we didn't try on him, but future shopping trips may lead to this. For us it was a case of, look like you just got out of bed, threw clothes on in the dark, while you were half asleep, and have never seen a mirror. In the end, Andy was always out voted and we won the battle. After a few hours, one cool dude emerged. The day was helped by Andy getting a 20% discount from a Cleo magazine I bought, which was good for him, and for me it was a return to the days of the Cleo centrefold, with Daniel McPherson in the middle. Everyone was a winner. From there it was lunch, Andys shout, and considering he had owed me a meal for about 6 months, it was good to get it back. I settled on the kebab, with the upgrade to a larger drink for only 30 cents more. What the hell is with that, who charges 30 cents more for a drink upsize?!?!? Andy and Neish went with the pasta dish, which I think for both of them looked more pleasing when it ended up in the toilet bowl a few hours later. After that it was off to Place Of Employment duties, and a late night for me. So to sum up the day: Andy went from looking like a dork, to worth a gork, now rates a 7/10 on the Rebecca Scale of Cool. Lunch was an 8.5/10 and worthy of a repeat eating. POE duties rate as a 0/10, and may earn a posting here in the near future. Well everyone, as Imani says "One of these days I'm gonna piss all over myself laughing." Until next time. HooRoo Bec
Hi, Spurlunkers, and others not like. Well this is something I have stolen from the kick arse chick Neisha. Thanks girl! I have lots to write, but can't be bothered right now, so I am stealing this idea, and putting in my own details. 107 Absolutely Useless Facts About Rebecca 1. My favourite animal is the Yabby 2. It took me 7 years to score my first goal in hockey 3. After playing for twenty years, I managed to only score 4 times 4. I Am Not Religious. 5. I've been married, and wont do it again. 6. I have an older sister, we don't talk. 7. I am a morning person, 7am is a sleep in for me. 8. My clothes consist of only one pair of jeans 9. I have had about 40 broken bones 10. I have Dyslexia. 11. I'm left handed, but do most things right handed, because of a broken left arm when I was young. 12. I got kicked out of Uni. 13. I prefer my exclusive company, to the company of others 14. I hate cats. 15. I am a master at building things with lego. Currently building a working microwave from it. 16. I don't believe in star signs. 17. My favourite colour is green, but I look horrible in it. 18. My least favourite colour is Red, and I look good in it. 19. I love taking photos, especially of old bridges 20. I use to bite my own toe nails. 21. Cooking helps with my depression 22. I find fluro lights annoying. 23. I survived a 100km/h bus smash. 24. I don't do carnival rides. 25. I like musicians who can play more than one instrument. 26. John Lennon was fantastic, he still rocks. 27. I lived for a year in Queensland. I got out on good behaviour. 28. I have never been to prison 29. I've been on tv heaps, and no one knows it was me. 30. I barrack for Richmond, Cronulla, Liverpool, Washington and the Waratahs. You work out the sports. 31. I have two children, and I love them dearly. 32. I planned my wedding day around a tide time for the photographs... it rained. 33. My childhood house was across the road from a park. 34. I am allergic to mushrooms. 35. I am allergic to Aloe Vera 36. I have never tried coffe 37. I want another motorbike, I miss mine. 38. I believe the Herald_sun only contains two truthful things, the comics and the page numbers. Sometimes they get the page numbers wrong. 39. I collect cows. 40. I don't wear my glasses as often as I should. 41. My favourite icypole is a Sunnyboy, the flavour depends on the mood. 42. I use English spelling, there are words that have a "U" in them, ok! 43. Winter is my favorite season 44. I Prefer To Be Cold Than Warm. 45. I wish I had feet that were in the "normal" size range. 46. I can't stand having my toes touched. 47. I'm crap at Auslan, but I try. 48. I've had enough of office place politics. 49. I clean my toilet daily, if not more than that. 50. My doona is oversized for my bed. 51. I have a Post Office box. 52. Peppermint Chocolate is my favorite. 53. I get about 300 emails a day. 54. My favourite actor is James Earl Jones. 55. I like trams. 56. I am a bit of a technology geek. 57. I hate how clothing sizes are never the same. 58. I Am NOT My Sister. 59. I donate plasma. 60. I've released a single, it bombed. 61. I do charactor voices for animations. 62. I think that James Brashaw has a sexy voice. 63. I've had a DVT. 64. I can't wear anything gold. 65. I can cut people loose at the drop of a hat. 66. I can eat a whole watermelon. 67. I have never done any drugs. 68. I hate flying, and even going to the airport. 69. I have never seen a porno. 70. I can't remember more than three numbers in a row. 71. My favourite purfume is Clinique Simply. 72. I Am Pro-Abortion. 73. I have part of a tree embedded in my head. 74. Fishing is really boring. 75. I never wash my car. 76. I was bullied at school. 77. My toenails are painted green. 78. I am known to eat flowers. 79. I play golf right handed, but putt left handed. 80. I Changed My Name By Deed Poll. 81. I actually like South Australia...from a distance. 82. My second footy team is Collingwood. 83. I once won a national writing award. 84. My favourite book is "A Fortunate Life" By Albert Facey 85. I would drive 300km's to my closest friends house if she needed milk, I wouldn't do it for family. 86. The longest shift I ever did at work was 38 hours long. 87. I love test cricket, hohum about one day cricket, find Twenty/20 a joke. 88. Kangaroo meat is my favourite red meat. 89. I dream in colour. 90. I prefer listening to albums instead of CD's. 91. I plan to live to 113, but I know I will be assasinated before then. 92. I swam across Lake Hume and back when I was 12 years old. 93. I once appeared naked in a film. 94. I get motion sickness. 95. I have a fear of cars with out number plates. 96. I never send out Christmas Cards. 97. My first Sexual Experience Was at 20. 98. I like bonfires. 99. I sleep with a pillow over my head. 100. My birthday fall son Friday the 13th every few years. 101. My "use in all" spice is Lemon Pepper. 102. I am sarcastic. 103. My favourite sandwich is Ham, Pineapple, Egg, Beetroot and Vegemite. 104. I never use cheese on a sandwich. 105. I don't put water on my toothbrush before I use it. 106. As a teenager I read MAD magazine.
Hi GUnzels and others not alike, Well I have a post to write, but I am too tired right now, so I will wait until I have time. Until then, here is some song lyrics I wrote a few years ago, to give you something to read while you are on the toilet. HooRoo Becky Nicola Rose Nicola rose into this world, From the sweetest seed, Her flower did bloom, Petal by petal, she grew. Nicola knows how tough her life has been, But she is shining , a beautiful flower, She is a beautiful girl, her rose has bloomed, Now her heart is shining through, Nicola has always been a beautiful girl, Other just didn’t see her that way, They held her back, They held her down, Society conform or others will frown, Nicola rose, Her rose does bloom, The seed of the girl Will be a woman soon. Nicola rose into this world, From the sweetest seed, Her flower did bloom, Petal by petal, she grew. No devil inside, it was herself, Her mind filled with doubt, Always told she was wrong, Her heart kept strong, Her seed did grow, her stem grew strong, Now it is time for her flower to show, Her petals soft, her scent so sweet, The morning sun a pleasure to greet, Nicola rose, Her rose does bloom, The seed of the girl Will be a woman soon Nicola rose into this world, From the sweetest seed, Her flower did bloom, Petal by petal, she grew.
Hi Everyone, Well it is Vanlentines day, a day for lovers, a day for wannabe lovers, a day for hanging the bed sheets from an overpass on the freeway with the words "Marry Me Shazza, I love you! Barry" on it. A day when women look forward to getting flowers and chocolates, and guys look forward to sex. Quite clearly Valentines day is for women, for guys, it is a day like any other. I've never been one to celebrate Valentines day. For me it is a "hallmark" occasion. A bit like Mothers day, Fathers day, or any other day that exists for stores to sell crap that no one wants. My ex was someone who got excited by Valentines day, I could never remember when it was, and she would get shitty abou that. Heck for me my life was just work, work and work. I had no idea what day it was let alone having to worry about a day being "something special". What did I care about it anyway, it wasn't like I was ever going to get sex, I was more interested in eating the flowers anyway. So for Valentines day today, I am taking it pretty easy. A friend of mine is heading back to Sydney today, and it is her birthday today (Happy Birthday Monique) so a bit of shopping is on the cards, befre she leaves on a jetplane. Well, be blog and prosper, chat soon. HooRoo Rebecca
Hi Imaniacs and everyone else. So there I was two nights ago, wondering what I could do for Monique for her birthday, and I thought of it. She is a bit of a gunzel (someone who likes trains and trams, for those of you who don't know), and has a real head of steam, when it comes to steam trains. After I surprised her by picking her up from her hotel, well actually she had already left the hotel, so I tracked her down at a tram stop in the city, surfice to say that $300 radio tracking device I got off ebay worked well, I just hope she doesn't notice the scar from where I medically inserted it. From there we headed up to Castlemaine, to catch the K class steam train to Maldon. The first class tickets we had, we upgraded to a foot plate ride in the cab. Monique was like a kid in a lollie shop, a smile wider than the nullabor plain. I think it was the most exciting day for the train crew, one having women in the cab, and two, one of us being a trainee train driver too, they were in excitement land. After reaching Maldon, a quick walk into town to burn off the cake we had had earlier in Castlemaine, then off to the fish and chip shop to putting it all back on. From there, it was a quick walk around town, where many a photo was taken, and Monique was introduced to Castlemaine Rock. A local dish, well local lolly that is very morish. Then it was back to Castlemaine, on the train, first class of course, is there any other way to travel! Once we were back in Melbourne, Monique decided to cook up one of her special dishes, a chicken thai curry thing, before we sat down to watch Kill Bill Vol 2. As much as I liked this movie, ideally I should have watched Kill Bill Vol 1 first, but who cares about minor details, the title kind of gave way the plt anyway. There is a scene in it where the Kung Fu master has a five point death jab or something like that. After he hits you, you take five steps and your heart explodes. Moniques Chicken Special also had this effect, but on a much lower part of the anatomy. I can't wait to try it again. Well until I blog again, HooRoo Rebecca
Hi Everyone, Well I am finally up and running on the world of blogs. Sure right now the motor is not quite running too good, but I will get there with it and fix things over time. I guess this blog is like my life, in transition. I don't know how often I will post things here. I get these moods sometimes where I just type and type, so if you are looking for a long read to help you fall asleep at night, add this page to your links. I work in public transport, and to tell you the truth, most people are idiots. So I will have a few stories about those kinds of people. Sure some people might call it nasty, I call it venting. For now however, I must get on with cleaning my house and sorting things out for the weekend. Chat soon, HooRoo Rebecca