Taken this long
Hi Lollies, and other non Dentist revenue raising things.
Bit of a "Left Overs" post this one. No flow to it, just a few little things I wanted to get out of my head.
We all know it is hard to find a needle in a haystack. But how painful would it be to try and find a piece of hay in a needle stack?
I played for the first time yesterday Touch Footy. After having played hockey on the Saturday, I thought some Touch Footy training would be a good way to stretch the muscles before going off and playing hockey that night. Don't as me where this sudden fitness rant comes from, I guess I just have white line fever, and I am not talking about cocaine.
Anyway, it was a mixed team, and I was playing for the light coloured tops. It was a muddy day, and at the end of it all, you get to see just where you got tackled or rather touched. The guys seem to only want to aim for one area, and I am sure you can all guess where that is.
I've started binge eating again. Well not recently, but I guess it happened over a month or so. So despite all the recent sport, my intake of all things Carbs and tummy has gone through the roof. Because of this, my weight is on the rise again. Guess I will have to really start watching what I eat again. I wish I was one of these people with a metabolism which actually moves at a pace faster than the sand dunes of time. Good old shift work doesn't help either, but that is no excuse.
I changed bedrooms the other week. I got sick of the one I was in, and the mess that was there, so I up and moved into the other bedroom, and then cleaned the junk out of my old bedroom. Next is to go through all my clothes and get rid of those I don't wear. I mean, heck, I have 72 skirts, time to downsize a bit I think.
Last night at Comedy, I got to be a judge for the night. My task was to be the hanging judge. It was a lot of fun, and to add to the night, I put on a sexy voice for most of my announcements. This was the cause of much amusement and smuttery from the players. I seem to be getting a reputation that is totally the opposite of the kind of person I am. Heck, even one of the male nurses who is attending to Rachy is making comments out loud to her, which he thought he was thinking to himself. Could there be a vixen in me yet? Nah, I'm just not interested.
If dogs lived in trees, where would cats run to if they were being chased?
A button just broke off my pyjamas. Curses, just as winter is setting in too. Guess I will have to replace these old tatty faithfuls now.
As the snow season is about to start here in Australia (I hear from Cazzie, that Queensland are expecting a bumper season of snow), I am wondering if Bob and Carl should make a return. I guess we will all just have to wait and see, then beg for mercy if they do.
Finally this month, a problem which has been happening since September 2004, when I changed my name, has been sorted out. On my phone bill, when I use my mobile to access the internet, my old name would show up on the bill. This got to the point where I got the ombudsman involved just over a year ago. It has taken this long to be sorted out, and all the telco wants to say is sorry. I can't wait for my contract with them to run out in two months, then they will be losing me for home phone, mobile phone and internet. Enough is enough, that is nothing short of insulting, so Optus, you can take your foreign call centres, and shove them, and all of your departments, up your SingTel arses.
With the current price of banana, I wonder why the supermarkets haven't put an electronic tag on them, so they know when people are stealing them. Sure one banana growing region got hit by a cyclone, but $12 a kilo, come on! That is more of a rip off than petrol, and that is hard to beat.
Blog Out
Grown up version
Hi MX readers, and other people who can actually read.
Yes, this is another post which concerns hockey. Hey, not much else happening in my life right now, but I will talk about other things too.
So as you know from my previous post, this weekend I was listed to play in two games. Two games of absolute hell, running around like a blue arse fly.
For the first game, I got named at Centre Half. This is a position I have never really liked playing, not because of the workload, it is just my least favourite place to play. You work hard in defense and in attack, but there is no real sense of achievement, because all you do is set things up, then pass the ball off to other people. But still, I do play any position on the field, and I don't grumble about it, so there I played.
Everything was going well, until about ten minutes before the end of the game. I tackled a girl for the ball, and it went off into vacant space. We both turned to go for the ball, and she tripped a bit. The next thing I remember is getting her elbow lodged firmly into my throat, then being on the ground, unable to breathe. Getting hit had caused a massive asthma attack, and just my luck, I had forgotten my pump. As I lay there trying to get in the little bits of air I could, someone else rushed their pump out to me, and it was empty. Thankfully someone from the other team had a pump. So I could at least get some medication into me, and start breathing. They called for the stretcher for me, but I refused it. There was no way I was going to be carried form the field. So I got to my feet, a bit dazed, and slowly walked off.
After I left the field, an amazing thing happened. The rest of the team lifted and scored two goals! Only problem was the opposition had previously scored two goals, so we ended up with a draw. One good thing out of it is, we worked out the way for the team to be inspired to play hard and fast hockey, keep me off the field.
So there I was, having been hit for six, stuffed after having run my arse off for the game, and what do I do? Well like the fool I am, I went out and played in the second game too.
For the first 15 minutes, I wasn't allowed on the field, because of being a substitute player, but as soon as that time was up, I was in action.
In the space of 3 minutes, I had two goals on the board. Something weird is happening this season, I seem to be turning into a goal scoring freak. For someone who has spent her life in defensive roles on the hockey field, this year it is a case of "look out goalies"!
A few minutes later, I was stuffed, and I got rotated onto the bench. I came of the field, and lay on the ground, I was stuffed. But that didn't stop my team mates from the first game, from leaning over the fence to give me curry about not scoring goals for their team. Ahhh, you have got to love your team mates.
After a few minutes to catch my breath, I was back on the field, and wouldn't you know it, I copped a stick in the knee, and out goes my knee cap. Thankfully it was only a minor dislocation, so I just popped it back in, and kept playing. You have got to love sport, it is so good for you.
Having played in two games of hockey, and being completely stuffed from both, I then headed out for the night. For months now, one of my girlfriends and I have been planning a "Pizza, DVD, and Bitch" night. Basically it is grown up version of a slumber party. On the way there though, I managed to witness the reason for always wearing the correct gear when riding a motorbike.
This guy on a Harley, turned the corner in front of me, as he accelerated away form the corner, his wife on the back of the bike decided that was the right point in time to let go, and do something with her helmet. The result? Well she fell off the back of the bike, broke a tooth, her cheekbone, cut her face up in various places, took the skin off her hands, and possibly also broke her hip.
Now the broken bones would have most likely happened, but if she had been wearing a full face helmet, gloves and the correct clothing, she would have at least saved her skin.
After attending to her in a First Aid role, I finally got to the "Pizza, DVD and Bitch" night. Slight problem though, the pizza store had no delivery drivers working on the Saturday night, so we ended up eating Chinese instead. It was a great night, and basically anything that moved got a serve of bitchiness, but it deserved it.
The next day, we went shopping, just a bit of a look up and down Brunswick Street, and it was there, at the tender age of 31, I entered my first ever "Adult Store". My girlfriend had worked in one years ago, and she had known for some time, that I had never been into one of these stores, so after seeing one, she dragged me in.
I must say, there is some weird shit in these places. At times, I didn't know if I was in an Adult Store, A medical museum, or a saddle shop. All I will say is some people are into some very weird shit, but hey, if it turns you on (even if you have to insert batteries and turn it on first) they hey, enjoy it, you are not hurting anyone. Unless you get the studded leather wrist bands and matching whip that is.
Having experienced one of those stores, I now see no need to go back, unless they are the only place open at 4am, and they have started to stock milk and bread, and I don't see that happening in a hurry.
So the end result of my weekend, is a few sore body parts, but a very relaxed mind. I think I won in the end.
Blog Out,
Of the field
Hi Fishplates, and other non checkrail devices.
Interesting day at work today. I got there, signed on, got told I was double booked, so go home. I was there for all of 30 seconds, got paid for 8 hours. Got to love being in a union.
So I decided to do some blogging instead.
I got offered a part share in a race horse this week. An interesting proposition, and one I am thinking of taking up. The thing will cost me $10 a week to be in, and I thought to myself "Mmmm, a race horse, $10 a week. I could blog about that." So I am now waiting on the paperwork, and I think I will take up this offer.
The racing industry isn't something that interests me, heck, I even forget to bet on the Melbourne Cup, but the idea of being the owner of a horse sounds good. I can't remember what its racing name is, but its stable name is Lily. Once this all happens, I will keep you all informed.
I was also a bad girl this week. I didn't go to hockey training at all. Not my fault though, I am working on the late arvo shift at the moment, and I happened to have worked both training nights. So I sent the selectors an SMS which said
"Fine to play on the weekend, just let me know which game. Sorry I couldn't train this week, but work duties called."
To my surprise, I got a reply today, which was not what I was expecting.
"Hi Bec, can you play in both the 3rds and the 4ths this week? One game after the other."
Ok, so let me see. In the fourths team, I play as an Inner (inside Forward), which means 70 minutes of running flat out, the full length of the field. Usually at half time I collapse on the field with an asthma attack, and manage to just get my breath back, before doing it again for the second half. At the end of the game I can hardly move.
In the thirds, I play as a high sweeping Full Back. So I run three quarters of the field, across the width of the field, tagging whoever in the opposition has the ball, and making sure they get nowhere near our goals.
By half time I am having an asthma attack, by full time, I am stuffed and can hardly move.
So what did I answer to the request for me to play two games back to back?
"Sure, I'll be there, I'm looking forward to it."
Yeah, I am insane to be doing this I know, but what the heck, it will be fun. Sure I will be tired for my girls night out later that evening, but it will all be worth it. Besides, after the amount of time I will be spending on the asthma pump, I will be full of adrenalin for hours, so I will have to burn it off somewhere.
Blog Out
An Open Letter
Hi Rants Of A Rebecca readers.
A few people have asked me over time why I moderate comments here on R.O.A.R. well it is a pretty simple question to answer.
I am not trying to censor the internet or anything like that, I am just publishing the comments of one poster to this blog.
I would love to name this person, but they are too scared to put their name to their comments, because they know they are an idiot. Despite their limited mental ability, for the last five months they have been leaving comments, which have no substance, or relevance to what I blog about. What you don't realize is, I have moved on with my life, and I am happy with my life. If you have a problem with me, then get over it, grow up and get your own life, time is passing you by as you waste your time here.
Getting frustrated with not seeing their comments on my blog, they even took to leaving comments on other peoples' blogs, problem is, for them, those comments were just ignored, as they are here.
So what I am doing now is making an offer to this anonymous fool. Put your name on the comments you make, and I will publish them. Or if you really want to show yourself for who you are, tell me the time and place, and I will meet with you to discuss your problems. Hopefully then you can come to some kind of senses, that will either see you saving bandwidth by not typing comments, or actually offering something the world may be interested in.
If you don't want to take up the offer, and just want to continue leaving comments that no one will ever see, go right ahead, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, doesn't ruffle any feathers, doesn't annoy me. All in all, it is a non event, just like you.
With a subject
This Is Big..... Oh bugger, wrong blog.
Hi Skirting Boards, and other non carpentry things.
Dang, I'm having a bad night, I have forgotten what I was going to blog about, seriously.
I sat down here with a subject to write about, and as my fingers graced the keyboard, the thought vanished. Mmmm, what to do now?
Well, I have visited Rachy again a couple of days ago. We just talked shit, complained about anything and everything, then I left. Yeah, an exciting life I know.
I'm getting a lot of double looks on the bike. Take yesterday for example. I headed down to my local shopping centre to have coffee and to talk crap with Cazzie. I parked my bike in a typical bike parking spot, and went about getting all the bike gear sorted out.
Oh the dirty looks I got from people of all ages, even to the point of some old bag complaining about bikes and riders. There was also the usual teens who could "ride a bike like that but don't" crapping on. One of the teens said to me "Nice bike mate, must be a real chick magnet."
I just took off my helmet, flicked back my hair and said "Well, it worked for me."
The guy spun out, his mates laughed at him for hitting on a chick, then punched each other after realizing that what they said was such a (in their words) "gay" comment to make.
The oldies were in shock over the fact a woman was on a bike, which for some reason made the whole situation worse.
I think next time I will just have to turn up wearing a bikini and 4 inch heels, so as to not give people the wrong idea. To hell with wearing the correct safety equipment, this is all about image.
Oh, and for anyone who is interested, the bike is going very well, despite some idiot today deciding to cut in front of me and stop, because he wanted to wait for a parking spot. Good thing I am on the ball when I ride.
Now if only I could remember what it is I was actually going to blog about. Oh well, it gives me something to write about next time.
Blog Out
PS: Running the spell checker, it wanted to change "Rachy" to "Racks". lol
Hello Everyone,
Well today I went and saw everyone's favourite blogger, the Queen of the word that is fucktard. Yes I visited Rachy.
The first thing to note is just how much of a money grab goes on there. The bastards charge $9 a day, for television. Yep, that's right, $9 a day, $63 a week. For the amount of time Rachy will be there, which amounts to about two months, she could afford to buy any of the following items, and still have change.
- 10 Hours of lap dancing
- 15 Hard cover books
- 20 Slabs of beer.
- 120 Hotdogs from the footy.
- 440 litres of petrol.
- One of Michael Jackson's children.
That to me is total bullshit. You should be able to at least afford two of Michael Jackson's children for that price, he needs the money. Oh and the hospital sucks too.
She is in fairly high spirits. Actually, I commented to her, this was the first time I had not seen her at least three parts pissed. She promised to correct that soon.
Dr. Evil said on Rachy's blog "Tell the lazy bitch to get posting soon. Use those exact words Rebecca and you'll give Rachy a cheap laugh."
Her reply, was "Well get up out of your chair and do it yourself." But she was trying not to piss herself laughing while she said it. I'm sure once she is back blogging she will comment more. Speaking of which, considering this is a fairly newly built hospital, it really sucks there is no internet access in the place. The excuse given was, "But then people wouldn't get their treatment, because they would spend all day on the net." Well fucktards, maybe if people could communicate with the outside world, they would get better. Heck, even the maximum security prisons here in Victoria have broadband.
It appeared as though all nurses there have to remove their sense of humour, and in a majority of cases their frontal lobe too. Hey people, here is an idea. If you don't like looking after sick people, get another job. Try treating your patients as humans, and you might enjoy your job.
Now this is all sounding very negative I know, but don't worry, Rachy still has a big beaming smile on her face, is still opinionated, and still had time to say the word boobies in general conversation, so she is doing well.
I plan to go back next day I have off work, so I will print out any comments, and take them into her next time I am there.
Blog Out
On this Day
On this day, back in 1999, my son Zachary was born.
A wonderful kid, who has been through too much in his life already, but still faces every day with a beaming smile. At least that is what I remember.
Although it has now been nearly two years since I saw my sons, I still think of them every day. Today being Zachary's birthday, I feel gutted. Words can not describe how bad I feel about not being there to share this special day with him.
So Zachary, where ever you are, have a wonderful 7th birthday. I know the time spent apart can never be regained, but when it does happen soon, I will do my best to make sure it happens.
I love you.
Right up the
Hi Slugs, and other non creepy crawly things.
Well, yesterday I finally picked up my bike. Oh it was a wonderful occasion, that was short lived, even before it started.
You see the problem is, in Melbourne yesterday, it decided to bucket down with rain. While this didn't dampen my spirits for riding, as I am an all weather rider, it did make me feel like someone was out to get me. I'll explain it further in bullet form.
- Get my bike learners, it rained.
- Get my bike license, it rained.
- Buy my first big bike, it rained.
- Sell my first big bike, it rained.
- Buy my first bigger bike, it rained.
- Sell my first bigger bike, it rained.
- Buy this bike, it rained.
As you can see a pattern has developed. I keep buying bikes, then selling them for bigger bikes, oh and in case you didn't notice, IT ALWAYS F&@%ING RAINS.
You know, just once, I would like to get a new bike, and be able to ride it home in dry weather, so I could wear in the tyres, get to know what it can and can't do fully, and fully enjoy the experience. But no. Instead I have to put up with teaming rain, which fights for dear life to get under my protective cover of Dri-Rider, rain which makes me wish my helmet had windscreen wipers, and rain which makes every idiot in a car think that slamming your brakes on at the last possible second is a good thing.
Oh, slight side note here. To the idiot car driver who yelled at me last night "Get off the road, you shouldn't be riding in weather like this, it is illegal." I suggest to you two things. One look in your mirrors before deciding to change across four lanes, there is other traffic on the roads. Two, cut up your license into jagged pieces, and shove it up your arse. You obviously have no idea with road laws.
Now don't worry, this blog is not going to turn into one of those Us and Them rants about Bikes vs. Cars, I am a car driver too, but I will tell you all a short story, and hopefully something can be learnt by it.
Someone I use to know, drove their car right up the arse of a truck, as they were merging into traffic. The truck was only just moving along, maybe 30km/h, as that was the speed of the traffic flow. This person (I would like to note right now this is NOT me, and yes this is a true story) managed to hit the truck while driving at 60km/h. They were very lucky to walk away from this one. When asked what the hell she was thinking when it happened, the reply was "It is not my fault. How was I meant to see a truck there, it shouldn't have been on the road, I was looking for cars."
Yes, that is right, they thought that the only things that should be on the road is cars. Why? Simple. Car drivers generally look out for cars, because that is what they are in, and they are use to seeing them, as they are the majority of road users. So please bear in mind, that there are other things that use the roads, and it may save you from a nasty collision.
Blog Out
Don't make them
Hi Street Sweeper, and other non Breakfast at Sweethearts things.
So, are you looking for a work out? One that will keep you fit like you have never been fit before? Well I have the answer for you, and it is not as hard as you think.
After work today, I went swimming with Cazzie and her kids. Boy oh boy, what a work out. Those kids can keep you active in the pool and swam off your feet. Who cares about swimming laps. Mind you it was a lot of fun, and we will be doing it again very soon I am sure. Her kids also have a great marker for when to get out of the pool. No it is not the old standard of when your fingers go wrinkly, it is much better than that. When the kids hair start to glow fluorescent green, it is time to get out. Sure it looked a bit freaky, but it looked so damn cool. A lot better than me in my red Speedo Endurance, and Bright Pink swimming cap.
In other news, I should have my new transport sorted out by the end of the week. After looking around for a while, I have finally settled on this....

It is a Honda VFR 800. A nice little bike with some get up and go. Hopefully I manage to get a day off this weekend and I can take it up to the hills and really test it out.
I had tried out a lot of bikes, but as all riders know, when you sit on a bike, you know if it is the right one for you, and this one feels it for me. So after having been on Honda's all my life, then switching to Kawasaki's for a few years, I am now back on the Honda's. I would have liked to have got a Kawasaki ZZr600, but they just don't make them anymore, and to find them second hand is as rare as hens teeth. So I will just have to put up with the extra 200cc's of grunt, the fantastic handling on corners, the responsive brakes, and the sheer excitement that is this bike. I guess beggars can't be choosers.
Blog Out,
Goals to get.
Hi Dogspikes, and other non nail like things.
So I was in goals on the weekend, and I managed to keep my perfect record of never having had a Penalty Stroke scored against me. However there was a slight problem in that we lost the game 10-nil.
Yep, that's right, it was a crap game. Now you may be thinking I was just sitting back there doing nothing, but I worked my arse off. The probelem was the team we were playing against stacked their team with players from a much higher grade. I'm not making excuses, but when the opposition even gloat about the fact they have done it BEFORE THE GAME, well it is just not very sporting is it?
Next week, if we play on the Saturday, I will be in goals again, if the game is on the Sunday, I will be back on the field, and I now have 9 goals to get back. Looks like I will become a scoring machine this season, maybe.
The good thing is I am not as sore as last week. I have a few bruises, but nothing much, so I will be right by next week.
In other news, I look like getting a motorbike this week at some stage. My transport needs require upgrading, and getting back on a bike is something I am looking forward to doing. I took a ZZr1100 for a test ride last week, and it had a lot of get up and go. It has been about 18 months since I was last on a bike, and it felt great to be back on two wheels. All I need to do is find the right bike.
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