Friday, April 29, 2005

Just one of those moments.

Hi Cotton Threads, and other non sewing devices, Well there I was in K Mark last night, having just put a push bike on lay-by. Now before you cringe Mikey, I'm just starting out again on the pushie, so a $99 bike will do me for now. I also go all the right safety gear, helmet, lights for night riding, on bike computer, and spokey dokeys. I decided to have a look around for some clothes, seeing as though they had a special on ladies wear, and as I was standing there looking at some tops, it happened. Suddenly my left knee went POP! I had some how had a ligament blow out, while standing still, as I fell over, I tried to stop myself from falling too far, and doing more damage, when the next thing happened. As my head hit the wall besides me I heard CRACK! My nose had broken on impact. It was just one of those days. Now I am not too worried about what happened. That knee needs replacing anyway, and it now means I have broken my nose 15 times, heck I even went into work today and I wasn't worried at all. The thing that bugs me is these kind of things just happen to me all the time. The worst part of it all is, I never found a top I liked. Better luck next time. Blog Out, HooRoo Bec

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Pay before you Fill

Hi Late night support desk helpline employees, and other non shift working types. I know I have a bit to write about my trip to Sydney, but I will get to that soon, after I have uploaded some photos. Well tonight for the first time, I had to pay before using the pump, at the petrol station. I found this a bit strange, because after all, I drive an '84 laser. If I did try to drive off, they could walk and still catch me. But anyway, in I went to pay first. Now I didn't know how much petrol my car would take, because I was just there to top up the tank for the rest of the month, so I gave the attendant $20, and asked for a reciept. In his best impersonation of someone speaking English he said to me "I give you when you have filled." Well for me that is not good enough. I'm not going to hand money over, for a service that has not been provided, just to have this guy tell me after I have filled the tank that I never gave him any money, and I have to pay again. This guy couldn't understand that. He refused to give me a receipt. So I asked for my money back, and he refused to do that. At no point in time would he understand that unless I got some proof that he had taken my money, I would take my business elsewhere. But in his mind, I wanted my money back, then to go and fill up, before returning to him to pay for it. I think it was fair enough refusing to hand over money if I had no proof that it had happened. After all, I was being treated like I was a criminal who would drive off with out paying, even though this guy had never met me, yet he was appalled that I was thinking he was a crim. In the end I finally got my money from him, and went down the road, where petrol was 3 cents a litre cheaper. I know where to fill up next time. If only Mr Huggies worked closer, then I could get a pizza at the same time, as long as I didn't look like a scum. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Monday, April 25, 2005

Sunday morning

Here I am, sitting down on the foreshore at Cronulla, enjoying a breakfast of Orange Juice, Strawberries and Yogurt. Relaxing in the first break of daylight, watching the early bird surfers do their thing. Even though the birds are churping and the waves are crashing on the beach, there is blissful silence. For the first time in many years, I am relaxed and enjoying the moment. I think now I am beginning to understand life a bit. Blog Out, HooRoo Rebecca

Saturday, April 23, 2005

We was robbed!

Hi Ceiling fans, and other non airflow devices, Well excuse the poor grammer in the title please, but tonight I saw my beloved Cronulla Sharks play for the first time. While we won the first half with some good play, in the second half, the bloody ref, watched as some Bronco shmuck dropped the ball as he was tackled, then gave them the free! Mind you, if it wasn't for the stupidity of Brett Kimmorley allwas kicking the bloody ball when he was with in Try scoring range, things would have been different. I am sure glad I know nothing about rugby, or I would have been really fustrated with the game.

In other news the meeting with the family went really well, and I'm going to stay over there for the next few nights. It will be nice to get away from the teenage girls who are coming down from the ekkies they have taken. They are pretty cool kids, but I think this is their first big time out of the home, and after two days of party, they want their mum. To end with, a moral to the story; "And that is why you should never use a goldfish to fry a chicken." As to what the story is about, I'll let you have nightmares over that one. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Roving Report, done while sitting.

Hi Cusions and other non comport devices, Well here I am chilling out in Sydney. When I say chilling out, what I actually mean, is sweating my arse off! It is very humid and hot for this time of year. Even after checking the weather patterns before I headed up here, and after packing for fine and mild weather, I really should be shoppoing for summer clothes for while I am here. Anyone got a spare visa card they are not using?

The ride up here was very slow. The train was late into Albury, as long time readers will know, and I think just after the Tabletop loop, we got stuck behind a freighter. A slow journey on bottom yellows all the way. I ended up getting off the train at Strathfield, instead of going all the way through to Central, even that was done at about 0830, and we were due into Sydney at 0700. I guess when they say arrive at 0700, they mean the general Sydney metropolitan area, give or take 300km's.

So here I am at Miranda Fair, or Westfield Miranda, or Come I Sucker, the name is something like that. I[ve been good and I have only bought an anklet and a cup of miso soup. The bus ride here was interesting. My driver was female, and there was this old guy who refused to get on the bus because it was being driven by "A bloody woman" [sic], well his loss really, because she shut the door and drove off, leaving him for the next one. A note to think of here is this bus route only requires two drivers on a Saturday, and both drivers on the route for the day are female. I guess the old fool will be waiting a while for the bus. I got chatty with the driver, she had always wanted to be a train driver and apon reaching the shopping centre, the stop was blocked by a Connex bus. She blasted Connex for a bit, then let us off on the street, as I left, she asked me who I drove trains for; "Connex" was my reply. We both had a giggle.

Well it is time for me to drink my soup and to finish my shopping. Later I am going to meet some family for the first time in many years. There has been a lot happen since we last saw each other, and I am really nervous. But don't worry, I am sure it will emd up as a blog entry. Blog Out, HooRoo Rebecca

PS: It is freaky seeing Franklins Supermarkets again.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

On the road, report one

Hi Telephone Poles and other non communication support infastructue devices. Well here I am in Albury, winding back the clock to the days of the break in guage, for rail travel between Melbourne and Sydney. Because of a two hour wait between services, which has been extended by the XPT running 30 minutes late, and because of a suggestion put to me on the train to Albury, I went in hunt of pizza. My experience was eventually finding an ok pizza, and being hit apon by three guys from Werribee, who were all old enough to be my father, thankfully none of them were, but given how drunk they were, I don't think it would have mattered. Well time to board the train. Until next time. Blog out, HooRoo Becky

There is no place like home

Hi Hair Bands, and other non custodial devices, Well in about an hour, I head off for Sydney on the train. That is the final mention of trains for this blog entry, so that I don't upset M!key. I'm looking forward to the few days away, because when I get back, my life will be flat out for the next 18 months, with no sign of a break. It will most likely also limit my blog entries. Yeah, like right! I am still waiting for people to ask me really weird questions that bug them, but no one has asked any yet. Maybe I should start another blog for that kind of thing, you are all getting to know me too well. In other news, please note the addition of a couple of extra links. If you have a cool blog out there, just let me know and I will add you to the list. While Aussie Blogs may be down, I am keeping up the good work. Our Improv Comedy spot got cancelled last night, so better luck next week, I will see what happens. I'm thinking of doing a show for the comedy festival next year, maybe "Improv in the Park", better put it to the rest of the group and see what they say. I'd also like to change the name of the group to INSERT. Oh the double meanings you could have with a name like that. I will keep you all posted. Well Sydney calls, so I will be remote blogging for the next week or so. Until then. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Halp! Halp! Gunzels have stolen my blog!

Hello Roof tiles and other non shelter type devices, Well with a name like Trampanto, it was bound to happen one day. I put up one blog entry about taking an XPT to Sydney, and Mister Huggies and B!key M!key MC go and turn my blog into a public forum to discuss the merits and service locations of the XPT. All I need now is for someone to crap on about trams and I may as well call this blog RAILPAGE. It was all too much for me this morning, I quickly ran out the door, and I am making this blog entry via my PDA while on the train, on my way to POE duties.

While at said POE yesterday, I really put my foot in it. A friend who is thinking about doing the same course that I am currently studying, came over to read through some of my training manuals, just to see if it would all be a bit too much for her. Anyway, a guy come upto the window wearing a Driazabone jacket. I have always loved the smell of a Driazabone, and so in the interest of good customer service, I informed the wearer of such a love. All totally innocent. Well you should have heard the laughter from those around me. According to them, I had put on a sexy "pick me up and take me" tone. Needless to say, I don't think they will let me live this one down in a hurry. Gee I am glad I only have a few more days to go in that department. Should I bake them a cake before I leave? Maybe one made from the egg all over my face! Blog Out HooRoo Bec

PS: For those of you who didn't get the reference in the title of this blog, it is from the film that had Meryl Streep in it about the Azaria Chamblin case. I just wish the film crew had been taken by the dingo instead.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Remote blogging Ver 2.0

Hi Zone One Dailys and other non metropolitan tickets, Well here I am, sitting at POE, aka work, with nothing to really do. So I have decided to try a different kind of remote blogging. Last time I tried remote blogging, the email took about a week to go through, and then was all messed up. That one was sent from my own MAC, where I normally blog from. This time, I am typing this one on my PDA, and it is sent via my mobile phone. I'm confident that this time it will work; Having just had a tomato katchup (my only American indulgence) throw back, I'm hypo, that has got to help. Blog Out, HooRoo Bec

Friday, April 15, 2005

I'm leaving on a Jet-Train

Hi Nail Polish Removers, and other non corrosive chemical blends, Well as the title suggests, I'm leaving on a Jet-Train, to Sydney next week. Well I don't think it is a jet-train, the XPT is more likely to be a turbo charged V12, or something like that in a push-pull set, but Jet-Train will do. I booked my ticket on the train, becuase I don't fly too well. The strange thing is, after spending over night on a train, I arrive in much better condition than I would if I had flown the one hour there. I really need a break, and it has been about five years since I had a holiday. Given that I am going back into training at work in two weeks, and because I just happened to be on the phone to CountryLink at the time, I booked my ticket. My plans while I am there, are pretty simple. I've got some family and friends to see there, and since I have last seen them, there have been a lot of changes in my life. If they don't want to see me, I am cool with that, I'll be happy not to have contact with them, if they don't want to contact me. I'm not being negative about the whole thing, but I've reached a point in my life where I am not going to try and hold onto the past. But I am hopeful this wont happen, I have respect for them, and I hope likewise. Apart from seeing people there, I plan to have a day kicking back enjoying the sights and sounds of the Sydney Tramway Museum. Tradgic I know, coming from Melbourne, and going to Sydney to see trams, but hey, a girl has to have a hobby. The other good news at work is the police are going to come down there, and open a can of whoopie. Only problem is I wont be there to see it. It would have been nice to see all the scum being done over. I don't take pity on these people, they are violent towards me, and I am just trying to do my job. The sooner they are fixed up, the better. Gee this post is sounding a bit dark and heavy, it wasn't intened to be that way, I guess I go up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, but heck, at least I did sleep last night, even if it was on the floor in my loungeroom. Ok so I didn't plan to sleep there, I was kicking back watching the footy show, and next thing I knew it was morning. Here is a life tip, don't try and rub your eyes in the morning when you are still wearing your glasses from last night. in the half comotose state I was in, it is a shock thinking your eyes have lost all feeling. Well time for me to hang out the washing and blog out, until next time. Blog Out HooRoo Becky

Monday, April 11, 2005

Curses of Insomnia

Hi Desk Calanders, and other non Gregorian dating devices, Well it is 2300, or 11pm, depending on how your read a clock, and I can't sleep. I actually went to bed about two and a half hours ago, and I am still wide awake. So I decided to get up, make myself a nice warm cup of honey and milk, and type this blog entry with no glasses on. That should get me sleepy, I hope, after all I have to get up in five hours to get to work. Arrrrgh! Something I was thinking abuot, why I lay there in bed, was having an "Ask Rebecca" blog. There are a few people I have kind of got to know though this blog, their pictures appear on the right hand side as links, which was a case of me trying to be funky with HTML. Well I am happy with the results. So anyway, if you have any questions that keep you awake at night, be it on any subject at all, let me know, in the comments section and I will make a post about it. In the words of Red Symons, from 774 ABC Melbourne, you'd be surprised at what I actually know. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Cooking With Bec. Vol.3

Hello Colourful Balloons, and other non latex products, Well today in CWB, we are actually going to steal a recipe, and change it around slightly. Readers of this blog, will recall my friend Monique, who stayed over at my place a few months back, made a wonderful dish, which became known as Monique's Five Finger Chicken. The reason for the name, is long and ancient, or it happened, first, or it was somewhere in the middle, or it referred to an event that was yet to occur, but whicgh would be made clear once you knew of the other event. For those of you who can not follow that sentence, in other words, it was named after a scene in a Quintin Tarrentino film. That film being Kill Bill Vol.2 In the film, there is some martial arts move where you hit the victim with five fingers in certain places on the chest. The person can sit there, for as long as they like, but as soon as they take five steps, they die. With Moniques Five Finger Chicken, you have five mouthfuls, then as you get up to go and get a drink, you walk five steps and die. Well maybe not die, but you will feel that way..., until you fart. So anyway, here is Rebecca's Four Finger Chicken. One less finger, which means one less fart. Now the thing to remember here, is apart from chicken, I wasn't too sure on the other ingredients needed for this meal, so I just went with what I thought would work, in the end, it was quite tasty, and very easy to make. Ingredients: Chicken Mince, as much as you like, I used about 400g. Spring Onion, an entire bunch, Small can of Pineapple pieces. Half a red Capsicum Laksa Paste Tin of Creamed Coconut milk Olive oil Rice. How to do it all. Put the rice on to boil, that is a side dish, or as I put it on the plate, something to put the other stuff on. It makes it easier to eat when you are using chop sticks. If you have trouble with the principles of how to boil rice, stop right here, don't cook, have a piece of fruit instead. Chp up the Spring Onion, into about 10mm long bits, do the same with the Capsicum, and also open the tin of Pineapple. Just put these to the side for now, no eating the pineapple, but you can drink the juice, just don't cut your lip on the tin. Into a frypan, add some olive oil, and when it is heated, add the chicken, brown the chicken (or white it,... just cook it until it changes colour ok.) Add in a couple of heaped teaspoons of Laska Paste. If you like it hot, add in some more, but this ammount gives it just a nice bit of flavour. Mix through the chicken. Add in the Spring Onion, Capsicum and Pineapple, mix through until they are cooked. Add in the Creamed Coconut milk, and stir on a high heat for a few minutes, then turn the heat right down and stir for a few more minutes. Now it is time to serve it all up, and you are done. Enjoy the eating. Blog Out. HooRoo Bec

Friday, April 08, 2005

A 2337 News Special Report

Hello and welcome to this special news report. In yet another bizzare twist of events surrounding the wedding of Prince Charles and The Horse Chick, it has been revealed that Osama Bin Laden, will be attending the wedding. Although Osama is not on the offical wedding party list, it turns out that the Queen scalped her ticket to the event on Ebay. Prince Charles was heard to say "I can't believe this is happening. First, we have to move the location down the the crappy little twn hall, I mean heck, it is only a couple of hundred years old! Then Pope goes and dies, so he doesn't have to perform the nuptuals, and now this! It totally ruins the seating plan. Now George Dubba will want to sit on a differnt table, well stuff him, he was put on the kids table for a reason, and I am not moving him. Osama will just have to sit with Camila's family, no one will notice him there, heck Camila's mum has more facial hair." The Queen is also said to be quite annoyed at events, she was over heard while taking a royal toilet break, "Bloody hell, the bastard only bid five cents, how the hell can he he the highest bidder? Bloody ebay contract, now he will have to attend. Blast out of paper, where is a Corgy when you need one?" In further events surrounding the wedding, it turns out the only television camera that were planning to attend, were the students from the local primary school, doing a media project. This plan is now on hold, as the entire school population has vanished, since going public with this news. More news at 2338

Thursday, April 07, 2005

How do I reply?

Hello Sao eaters, and those whom have never made Vegemite worms. Today, at my place of emplyment, I spied a young boy, around the age of three, wearing a Spider Man outfit. He certainly looked the party, so I decided to play along with it, broadening this young mans mind, putting a smile on his face, and making him feel important to the world. It would be the kind of life lesson that would make any parent proud. As he neared me, I commented to the boy, "It is a good thing you're here Spider Man, now I know we will all be safe." The boy turned to me, put hist fists on his hips, and scorned to me, "Oh, it is just a costume you silly!" Before shaking his head and walking off. Needless to say I was stumped, it was not the response I was expecting, but in no way was I offened, I just wish I had had a reply to the boy. After all how silly was I to not know he wasn't the real Spider Man. Undoubtedly he will grow up to be a lawyer or something. Blog Out, HooRoo Bec

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

The 2337 news

Hi Glucose Syrup, and other non sugary things, Well it is time for a bit of an update, news style. In todays top story, Rebecca is really pissed off with the cattle at work and wants a holiday. Today she put in for some overdue annual leave, and plans to spend some time in Sydney. This will be her first holiday in about five years, let's hope things happen. In a connecting story, Rebecca would like to point out the accepted shortenings of her name. The use of Rebecca, Becky and Bec are fine. However, the use of Bek, Beck, Becc, Bekky, Beckie, Beccie, Nathan, Beque, Bex, or any other mis-spellings really pisses her off. Having made this news public, she is sure that there will be people comment who want to push the boundries. Don't bother trying, she knows where you all live, every last one of you. And now for sport. While in Sydney, Rebecca is hopeful of seeing her beloved Cronulla Sharks, have a huge win over the Brisvegas Broncos. This will actually be the first time that she has seen the Sharks play, as every other time she has been in Sydney, they have been playing interstate, or when they play in Melbourne, she is interstate. In a statement left to all Melbourne Storm supporters, she said "Get a life morons, just because I live and was born here, I don't change my team, I'm loyal. Oh and stop showing off that bloody premiership cup, just because you have one and we don't. There is nothing wrong with our Superleague silverware." Rebecca also went on to point out that she has in no way jumped ship from her beloved Richmond Tigers, and AFL remains her number one football code. In breaking news, The cajan Kangaroo, that Rebecca has just eaten went down very well. Expect that recipe to be used again. Now for the weather. Rebecca likes it to be cool, so if it is over 24, forget it, she hates it. And finally.... A big thank you goes out to Mr Huggies, of The Huggies Files. Thanks to him redoing his b,log, we can now post to it. Nice one Huggies. Until next time, May your blog be readable, HooRoo Bec

I'm a Pirate

Well in true pirate fashion, I have stolen this from m!key. He may be the Captain, but I be the better pirate, arrrrh.

My pirate name is:
Dirty Bess Bonney
You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hey Huggies!

Hi Huggies, Just wondering if there is any chance of you heading across the river in Brisboring, to my old house in Morningside? I moved out of it about ten years ago, but I think I left the stove on. I'm happy to provide the address for you, I just hope you are not one of these Queenslanders who is afraid of crossing the river. Oh and BTW, nice photos on your blog, if only I could join as a member to post this comment there. :-) HooRoo Bec

An Unimportant Update

Hi Bar Codes, and other no scanable items, Well this is kind of my Seinfeld post, a post about nothing. The only reason I am writing anything is I finally have a day off today, the first in many weeks. Now it isn't that I have been working every one of them, it is just when I have had a day off, I have had heaps of stuff to do, so the good old alarm clock would have to be set. Today is different. Today is a stay in PJ's day, although I am going to break that promise to myself, I have a few things to do, not because I have to do them, but because I want to do them, and the good thing is, no timeline is set to do these things. One of the good things that has happened, is I have been given a date to stop doing the work I am doing at work, and go back to what I am employed to do, I'm looking forward to that. Finally I can get on with my job, and actually look forward to going to work. Gee this post is getting really shitfull and boring, I'm hating it myself. I feel like I should go out and have something weird and wonderful happen to me, so the readers out there can have something good to pass on to their friends. I think I will try and get a photo of something interesting for you all today, will that do? Another thing I am thinking of doing is getting back into music a bit. The only thing is I have a couple of concerns. Do I buy a guitar, or a drum kit? Pros of guitar is; very portable, a bit more variety, and fun to play. Cons; I would have to cut my finger nails back, and I can't decide between a 6 string or a bass. Drums, pros; My first love in music, and great pysical exercise. Cons; I live in a rental, and I don't want to piss my neighbours off anymore than I have, also it has been about 15 years since I really played drums, so I would be really crap. Maybe I should just take up piano. Oh and by the way guys, I am not interested in playing the flute..., I've seen American Pie. Well that is enough from me, it's breakfast time. Blog Out HooRoo Bec

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