BB Nominations Ver 5.0
This Is Big Blogger
I know it is a short week, but these things happen. Something that is a bit of a history making event has happened this week. This week, there is ONE nomination.
For those of you wondering how I select the nominees, what I do, is ask people to pick a number, the highest numbers chosen by people, are the nominees. I then ask again, at a later date, and the Cyberhousemate, with the highest votes, is out.
So we come to this week, where I asked five people, and they all said the same number, so that one person is out. As to who that person is, I am not going to tell you, I'm going to make you all wait for that. Don't worry too much though, you will all know who it is tomorrow.
Blog Out
Big Blogger
The trouble with blogging
Hi SMSers, and other non electronic communicative devices.
The trouble with blogging, is you have to try and remember little bits and pieces that happened through your day, so you can write about it on your blog.
Depending on how seriously you take your blogging, this can be a hard task. You find that you are looking for every little bit of crap, hoping to put some kind of spin on it, so that it makes for a good blog entry.
So why am I writing about this? Well today I had a really funny thing happen at work. It was one of those moments that is worthy of an award, I thought "Wow, I have to blog this." and then got on with my day. Now that I have gotten home, do you think I can remember it? No, not at all, hence I have just wasted two minutes of your time, having you read this.
Today, something I can remember, is this; Right now I am back in training for a couple of weeks, learning a new system at work. One of the guys I am working with is a bit of s Sci-Fi fan, primarily Star Trek. So what I have taken to doing is asking him questions about the show, but with a logical dumb twist. Today I was asking him about the Teleporter, on the show, questions like:
- If things were always breaking down on the ship, why couldn't they just teleport new stuff in?
- Can you use the teleporter for SMS?
- Are there any civilizations that can't use the teleporter, a bit like putting metal into a microwave?
- Are there different brands of teleporters, because I would hate to get one of those single regoin ones, like the cheap DVD players.
Needless to say, by the end of the day, he never wants to watch the show again. Now to set to work on the guy who likes pornos.
Blog Out
BB Verdict. Ver 4
This is Big Blogger.
This time, the person evicted is out, for good. They will not be re-entering the house.
So, with that having been said, it is time to go
Thanks for playing, why not try you luck on Wheel of Fortune.
Blog Out
Strange Dreams Inc
Hi 50MHz transmitters, and other non radio devices.
I have strange dreams. These are not induced by any kind of chemical substance, I just dream of weird things, strange combinations, things that make me while I am sleeping, go hang on, this is weird.
I once drempt that the family of my ex were being buried alive by Druids in shallow red hot coal graves at a Shell service station. To stop them from moving around a lot they had been mummified.
We were still together at this point in time, maybe it was a sign, maybe I should have listened to that one dream, but times move on. One thing I do wonder about, why was it a Shell servo and not just any servo? Am I getting product placement in my dreams? I think I should leave that one for another blog.
Last night, I had another one of those dreams, not that anyone was getting killed, it was just a weird combination.
The dream went along these lines.
I was walking down a street, trying to find where a friend lives, mind you I had no idea of what their address was. Next thing I know I was walking along, not the street, but the street directory, where I discovered an old disused railway line.
Next thing I was standing in the street where this railway line was, but for some reason I couldn't buy the railway line, because there were old wagons on it. So I decided the next best thing to do, would be to steal the police car that was sitting on the street, and take it for a cruise.
Now this wasn't a normal cop car, it had a pantograph, and was powered by a 750v overhead wire. When I got into the car, for some reason I was naked, but I still took it for a drive. Up and down the street I went, then suddenly the Policeman who the car belonged to stopped me and got me to pull over into a Cobb & Co stable.
I got out of the car, handed him the keys, and he gave me a new lawnmower, and said not to worry about having taken the car, it needed a run anyway.
So there you have it. If anyone can expalin this dream to me, please do, I have no idea what it means, and come to think of it, I'm not sure I really want to know what it all means.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 7
This is Big Blogger,
Here is the challenge for this round:
If I was BIG BLOGGER, I would......
Blog Out
BB Nominations Ver 4.0
This Is Big Blogger,
Tonight I am feeling quite ill. So I looked through the latest challenge entries, and I have decided that, thanks to Mr Huggies, the guys have won the challenge.
After reading about his tomato paste and cheese jaffle, I visited the little girls room, and had to hold back my own hair, curse living alone.
Therefore the Nominees this week are:
- Neisha
- Colbs
- Misha
- Hillbilly Mom
The verdict will arrive when I feel well enough.
Blog Out
Back in school
Hi Self-raising flour, and other non selfing things,
Well today was my first day back in the classroom at work. Learning one of the new trains, which should be pretty easy in a way.
I'm the only female in this class, and the boys are giving me heaps of shit. Not because I am a woman, but because I have an interest in trains, trams, and I know my stuff.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm baking one of my world famous Boston Buns tonight, should make for an interesting class tomorrow. I just hope the bastards don't expect it every week.
Blog Out
BB Relents
This Is Big Blogger.
I have decided to let COLBS back into the Cyberhouse.
However, the over all standard of Jaffle entries is very poor. I am expecting unusual fillings from you Cyberhousemates, instead I get things I can order in any shop that puts a drop of paint above the letter E in cafe.
At this rate, all Cyberhousemates will be nominated this week.
Blog Out
Big Blogger Special Offer
This Is Big Blogger.
There have been a few complaints that Big Blogger was too harsh on Colbs, when she was voted out of the BB Cyberhouse.
Because of this, Big Blogger, being the caring, sharing, person I am, is making an offer to all Cyberhousemates.
You all have a choice to make; Either Colbs can come back into the house to continue her quest to win, or, you can choose what is behind "Door Number Three"
It is your choice housemates, let me know. Oh and by the way, anyone who asks what is behind Doors One and Two, will get very nasty treatment.
Blog Out
Random Insight
Last night I was watching television, and I noticed that everyones head was too big for their body. Not massivly huge, just a bit bigger than you would expect, maybe about 10%-15% bigger.
I really should wear my glasses more.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 6
This Is Big Blogger
A new challenge is now set. This is one that I am sure most of the females here can relate to, so the girls should win this one hands down. To make things interesting, I am going to pit the girls against the guys. Who ever wins this challenge, also wins for their gender, and the other gender will all be nominated for the next round of eviction.
To make things fair, I will also do a guy orientated challenge in the near future. Also given the guys have only three contestants left in the house, compared with the girls four, the result will be weighted, as soon as I can work out the maths.
So here is the challenge.
As we all know, we get cravings from time to time, now while Big Blogger is NOT pregnant, but cravings did happen to me the other day. After stuffing my face with all matter of food for the day, I finally finished off the day with Anchovies on Mint Patties, which are a kind of chocolate bar, for those who don't know what a Mint Pattie is, also, before anyone starts, Anchovies are a kind of fish.
The Challenge:
Big Blogger wants you to come up with the most cravings like Jaffle you can think of. For those of you who don't know what a Jaffle is, in other places, it is known as a toasted sandwich.
Now as everyone knows, a Jaffle, must contain cheese. Apart from that, any ingredients are up to you, with one exception. The Jaffle can not, under any circumstances, contain any type of mushroom, or mushroom product. Big Blogger has an allergy.
The top three Jaffles I find most creative, will be cooked in my kitchen, and sampled, the one I like the best, will be the winner.
It is time to fight for your rights Cyberhousemates.
Blog Out
Big Blogger
One of those days.
Hi Sunnyboys and other non iced confectionary,
I got up for work this morning at about 3am. I had actually woken up about 15 minutes before the alarm went off, fully refreshed and looking forward to a great day at work.
The day started off however a little bad. When I got to work, there was no parking for me. Given I had started before public transport started, this was a bit of a problem. So what happened was, I was sent way to a station on the line I was running first, and my train was delivered to me, by my trainer. He was not happy that he had to drive. For the Gunzels out there, the train was a Comeng, which is pretty much the workhorse of the Melbourne fleet, and a fairly nice train to drive, for something that is getting up around the 20 year old mark.
So I did that run, then straight onto another train. This time I was hoping not to get a Comeng. I had gotten a bit sick of them of late, and a change would be nice. This train was not a Comeng, no not a Seimans either, it was a Silver, aka Hitachi.
Now for those of you who don't know, the Silvers are on the way out. There are only 8 of them running, if they run at all. They are dirty, cluncky, there is no air conditioning, and generally they are not much fun to drive.
To make matters worse, the one I had, was a slug, and this was only the second time I had driven one, the last time being over a year ago. Oh I was soooo happy when that run was over and done with. I knew the next run would be done on a Comeng, because the roster requires a split of the train for this one.
The next train turned up, and it wasn't a Comeng, it was a Seimans, one of the new trains. Now this is going to be interesting, because the job was to run the train out to Williamstown, then back to Newport, split the train into two 3 car sets, and then get a lift back to Flinders Street for tucker (meal break). Instead I drive the train out to Willi, then back to Newport, then back to the city empty cars. Finally tucker time!
After tucker, I wasn't feeling to well, but I still ad to drive a train out to Werribee and back, oh the agony of it all, by now I was really stuffed, I'd had enough, my eight hours were nearly up, so I bailed.
In a way it was an interesting day to have driven three of the different types of trains on the Melbourne system, but it was a job number I will try to remember, so that I never have to do it again.
Time to blog out and have a nap I think, tomorrow I have off, then it is back into the classroom for two weeks.
Blog Out
BB Verdict. Ver 3.1
This Is Big Blogger,
Because of the developments in the Cyberhouse this week, instead of voting out two contestants, one will now be voted out.
It is time to go....
Thank you for spending time in the house, now don't let the door slam you in the bum on the way out. Oh and as a going away present, could you please put this bag of rubbish in the bin on your way out.
Blog Out
Big Blogger.
BB Verdict. Ver 3.0
This Is Big Blogger.
It has come to my attention that one of the Cyberhousemates, has broken the rules.
This Cyberhousemate was the only one who, when asked, refused to bring PORN into the Cyberhouse, which defies the very kind of person they are.
Their name will not be mentioned, however their name is maked by a special code, which I am sure you will all be able to notice.
This housemate has put shame on the name of Big Blogger. I can only hope that other housemates can show a better example.
Blog Out
Big Blogger
BB Nominations Ver 3.0 LATE DEVELOPMENT
This Is Big Blogger,
The evictees for this week have been put on hold. The reason for this is a startling new development in the Cyberhouse, which Big Blogger is currently dealing with.
All nominees for this round are still current, but a decision will not be made for the next 24 hours at least, as to who is voted out.
The only hint I will give is there may not be two people voted out now. It could be more, it could be less.
Blog Out
The wonders of shift work
Hi Bread crumbs and other non left overs.
Well for those of you who only do a 9-5 type job, this is something that you wouldn't really think about, but it can lead to some embarrassing situations.
Last night, when I finally got home about 5pm, I was stuffed. It had been a long day, having been up since 2am for employment duties. Given my Saturday was going to be interupted with more employment duties, straight to bed was on the cards, so that a good nights' sleep was ensured.
Now I don't have an issue with going to bed around 5pm. I can get to sleep no problems when it is daylight, my problem is going to sleep when it is dark and waking up at daybreak, but that is another story.
So there I was, having just got naked (no comments about that in replies please) and about to get into bed, when there is a knock at the door. This was quite an unusual event, given I have been living here for about 8 months now, and no one has ever knocked on my door before. To make matters worse, it was one of those "done with force from years of experience" type door knocks. This kind of knock could only mean two things. Door to Door sales reps (Including Pay television, phone companies, tin rattlers and god fearers) or, it could have meant the POLICE!
I called out, who is it? The reply came back "It's the Police" Bugger it! If it had been any of the others, I could have answered the door nude, but now I will have to put some clothes on.
I quickly threw on my PJ's, the ones that have written on the front "Sorry. Did you say something?" Maybe not a good choice, but choice that was needed.
Well the Police officer got a bit of a shock when I answered the door in my PJ's. I could see it ticking over in his head that this was some kind of Desperate Housewives scenerio he had wandered into, and that maybe he could join in. Umm, sorry, NO WAY!
Anyway, he had a chat to me about some people who use to live where I do. It turns out they had recently purchased a car, a Holden Astra, and had given my address as theirs, that was the last anyone had seen them, or the car. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying this is a good thing to do, but if you are going to swindle a car yard out of a car, why the hell would you pick an Astra?
So to cut a long story off, because I have to get to employment duties, for all of you who work you soft little Monday to Friday 9-5 jobs, spare a thought for us shift workers who are doing it hard, doing it tough, doing it at all hours, and doing it naked at odd hours.
Blog Out
BB Nominations Ver 3.0
These are the nominations for round three:
- Andy
- Sophie
- Mr Huggies
- Colbs
- Misha
- Redneck Mom
This week has also been declared
Sweepstakes Week, therefore there will be
TWO cyberhousemates voted out this week. You have about a day to plead your case.
Blog Out
Pick a story: Dial A Dropping
I was visiting a friend in hospital, who was feeling a bit shitty, so a bit of cheering up was needed. I told her about a new concept I had been working on, one that I think has merit.
Remeber in school, when everyone was shy, and if you liked a girl or guy, depending on which way you sway, you would have to tell him or her about this. The problem always was getting the courage to do it, so being the great thinkers all school kids are, you would get one of your friends to do it. The best part about this, was if they guy or girl didn't like being told this, you could then blame it all on your friend and get to hurt them.
Welcome to 2005, and a new service Dial A Dropping. All you need to do is give us a call, and we will break the ice for you. It is simple to do, all you need is a credit card, and a few moments of your time.
There are a couple of services available, so let's run through them now:
"You're Dropped!"
We arrange for one of our qualified staff to run past your boyfriend/girlfriend at their place of work, yelling out "You're dropped, and you stink too!" A simple service, which has worked well for years.
"[Insert Name] Likes you."
One of our staff members casually walks up to your potential boyfriend/girlfriend, while they are standing around with a bunch of friends, and at a carefully planned time, informs the entire group that your potential suitor likes you, things your hot, and wants to snog you. They then run as fast as possible away, so as to not hear any reply.
We also offer more direct services, like our one day course in how to walk up to the person you like, punch them in the arm, and then say to them "I love you." How to write your initials and their initials, inside a love heart, on the toilet wall. Finally the all time favourite how to avoid boy/girl germs.
By the end of the hospital visit, feelings were high, and so was the patient. Got to love the endless supply of pain killers.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 5
This is Big Blogger.
There have been complaints by Cyberhousemates about too many challenges. Thankfully BB is in a good mood today, so here is another challenge:
Summer School
For all those who have not yet completed the challenges, you now have a week to get up to speed.
For all of those who have done the challenges, you get to go to Sumer Camp. Fell free to dance around you house naked, staying up all night, and playing spin the bottle.
Blog Out
BB Verdict. Ver 2.0
This is Big Blogger.
The next blogger out of the Cyberhouse is:
It is time to pack the electronic abode and leave in 20kb's.
Blog Out
Pick a story
Hi Keyboard keys, and other non pressable things.
For my next blog, you get to choose the story.
You see I was visiting a friend in hospital tonight, and many interesting and funny things were discussed, but I don't have time to blog them all, so you get to choose from:
Prince and his ribs.
Death by cork.
Dial a dropping.
The story that gets the most votes by the time I next log in, will be the story that gets told.
See you all in a couple of days, I'm busy tomorrow.
Blog Out
Help me I'm dying
Hi Front load washers, and other non water saving devices,
Well it will saden you all to know, that I have taken an online test and found out when I will be dead.
It turns out my "dead line" is May 2054. I guess this means I only have 49 years left to blog.
If you would like to know for just how much linger, you can read my blog for, check out the site here.
If you are going to live longer than me, please let me know, so I can make arrangements for you to carry on my work.
Personally I think this is a load of crap, because it said I would die of a heart attack, yet my test for work shows I have more chance of seeing Elvis, Jimmy Hoffa and Harold Holt sitting around a table at an all night taxi rank, than I do of having a heart attack.
Well I guess there isn't much time, better go book my funeral.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 4
This is Big Blogger
Cyberhousemates, you have a new challenge.
I want you all to rob a bank, that way I can offer prize money, but that is not the challenge, for this week at least.
Hey look, BB made a joke, you see I do have a lighter side.
The challenge for this week is to make up charactors for a new childrens television show.
The name of the show is "FUN TIMES AND RHYMES!"
You have the freedom for you charactor to be any member of the FTAR team, but there are rules.
- You must be a childrens charactor, not some kind of sexual pervert.
- You must give your charactor a fun name.
- There can not be two charactors for the show that are the same. ie: Not two bears, or hand puppets. Each charactor must be different from the rest.
- Your charactor has to have a FTAR super skill, that is childrens orientated. ie: The best colouring in things.
Your challenge has been set.
Blog Out,
Wanted, one body clock
Hi Caffine Addicts, and other non hypo types,
Well last night at 7pm, after a day of pretty much stuff all, I decided it was time to go out for the night, so therefore time to get out of my PJ's. Just then the phone rang.
"Hi Rebecca, we have a shift on tomorrow, 3:22am start. See you then."
Now don't get me wrong, I actually like 3am starts, it is a good way to get the day over and done with quickly, but I like to have a bit more notice. If I had the notice, I would have done a shitload of stuff during the day, so that I would be tired and ready for bed at 5pm. You see a 3am start means a 1:30am wake up call for me, and that is cutting it down to the minimum.
So at 2am, I wake up, from a few hours of cat napping, (what was that about minimum time to get ready?) quickly rush around, and get out the door at 2:40am for the drive to work.
When I get to work, I find out where my train is parked, and go to get it ready. I press the panto up button, and... nothing. Mmmm. I give the controllers a call, to find out the following:
"Yeah hi, we have an occo at SKN, so no power to NMY for another hour, sorry."
Thankfully I know what this statement means. It means I could have stayed in bed for another hour, oh well, I'm here now, may as well sleep on the train.
About 20 minutes later, we have power, so I start my prep, then go back to sleep for another 20 minutes, until my departure time.
First run of the day is easy, dock the train to the station, then go have lunch, or tucker as we call it. The the second half of the day is where the fun started.
Run a train to Broadmeadows, easily done, there and back, now run a train to Cranbourne, easily done there, not so on the way back.
It turns out there had been a car try to board a train on a level crossing, so things had been a bit stuffed up down that way all morning. I got to Cranbourne, five minutes late, but that's ok, because I had 19 minutes to wait on the timetable. My departure time arrives, and I don't get the signal to leave. Mmm.
I call the signaller to find out what is happening, only to be told:
"Hi Driver, you have been AMEX for 6418, now forming 6420, 1037 depart."
Now this to me says one thing... OVERTIME!
Anyway to cut a long story short, I finally got home about 1:30pm and went straight to bed. I finally woke up at 5pm, because my phone was ringing, and now I don't know which part of the day it is, my body says morning, my brain says late night.
Now this wouldn't be too much of an issue, because I have tomorrow off, except I now have to go across to the other side of town to record a voice over, and I have to be there at 9am! Arrrrgh. Somebody lend me a body clock please!
Blog Out,
BB Nominations Ver 2.0
As all Cyberhousemates were warned at the start of this competition, some of my weeks are long one, some are short.
This week is a very short one, one day. So it is time for nominations. The person voted out will be known on Wednesday, so you have a chance to grovel.
This week there is three nominations:
Don't worry if you missed out being nominated this round, your chance will come.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 3
This is Big Blogger
Challenge Version Two is still active, and will remain open for another three days.
Challenge Version Three is now open:
Bloggers must do a review of a breakfast cereal. This review must be done in the style of a film review.
You can choose any cereal you like, milk is an optional extra.
Blog Out
Bec (aka Big Blogger)
A dogs day
Hi Scruntched Up Pieces of Paper, and other non recycled materials,
Well I had to head over to the other side of Melbourne today for a bit of a meeting. The meeting was nothing to write about, so that is the last mention of it.
Anyway, as I left the meeting (bugger, I said I wasn't going to mention it), I realised that where I was, was just a ten minute drive from my Hairdressers house, and that is where my dog lives.
Now to say that Harold is my dog, is a bit of a lie, because his name is Wilson, also because he is not actually my dog. You see when my hairdresser was buying a new dog, in this case a Bull Masif, I was actually living at her house at the time, so I lay some claim to Wilson.
Now back ten months ago, Wilson was a beautiful little puppy. Fast forward to today, Wilson is now a bloody huge puppy, but still very beautiful. I hadn't actually seen him for about two months, two months ago, he was a big dog. Now he looks like a bigger dog, that has eaten the big dog he use to be, if that makes sense.
Wilson is a lap sitter. He loves nothing more than to curl up in someones lap. The only problem is, because of his size, (which is about a metre tall, with a head the size of a basket ball) Wilson would have trouble sitting on the lap of Jubba the Hutt. But Wilson doesn't mind that, he just uses his size to bowl you over, and then goes about sitting on your lap. Good thing I wasn't trying to break into the house.
After about an hour, I had to go, which was disappointing, so I gave hugs and kisses to Wilson, smothered him with love, and said a quick "see you" to my hairdresser. Gee I love that dog.
Blog Out
BB Verdict. Ver 1.0
This is Big Blogger
The first person out of the Cyberhouse is:
Tetherd Cow can still continue to post to this blog, but is out of the house for the competition. Better luck next time.
Blog Out
BB Nominations Closed. Ver 1.0
This is Big Blogger.
The nominations are closed for this week.
There are FOUR people nominated for eviction from the Cyberhouse.
- Neisha
- Mr Huggies
- Richard
- Tetherd Cow
The first person to leave the house will be known in 48 hours.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 2/Nominations
Nominations for who should be voted out of the Blog are now open, anyone can nominate anyone, and extra weight for a nomination is granted for creative entries. On a side note, you don't have to be in the house to nominate someone either.
Yesterday while Big Blogger was out and about, I saw a business with the name of "New New Therapy".
Now I have no idea what this business does, or what a "New" therapy is, so what the heck a "New New" therapy is, is anyones guess.
So here is your challenge, I want all Cyberhousemates to find an unusual business name. The business has to be a real business, and not one that you have just made up.
Other examples of businesses I have seen are "Discount Childrens Footware and Subwoofer Clearance Centre" and "Tran Viet Pottery and Immigration Services".
Blog Out
Never fall asleep
Hi Iced Mugs, and other non cooled drinking devices,
Well I did a bit of a silly thing today, I fell asleep at the blood bank.
I was there to do a plasma donation, number 155, or somthing like that, but they needed some other stuff from me, I can't rememebr the name of the stuff.
Anyway, they usually take so much, unless you have the time to donate more, in other words, a double donation, which is all cool.
I started donating and after about 15 minutes, I fell asleep, which is usaul for me, those chairs are just too relaxing.
About an hour later I woke up, and I was still going on the machine, they figured I was so relaxed, I may as well keep going, nice one.
The only good thing about all this, I go an extra sausage roll in my refreshments, so I guess it was worth it.
Blog Out,
Hi Bracelets, and other non decorative jewellry,
I have decided to let you all in on a little secret. A week for me is not 7 days. A week for me is finished any day I have a day off from work. Some weeks I work for 10 days, others for three, you will never know, until I end a week.
You have been warned.
Blog Out
BB Challenge Version 1
Cyberhousemates, this is your challenge for the week. Each of you must include reference to a "cat" in your blog. Extra points will be added for creative entries.
Also other Cyberhousemates, or CHM's are allowed to vote on why you should leave the Big Blogger blog.
For the information of all, you will know when you have been voted out of the cyber house, when an "X" appears next to your link.
Blog Out
Bec (aka Big Blogger)
So I've been tagged
Hi Wooden drawers, and other non storage devices,
Well it looks like I have been tagged by Mikey, so it is time for me to go run and hide in the corner, behind my pillow. But before I do:
Turd in a punch bowl
Hell onto you I will lob
Turd in a punch bowl
All thanks to Beazabob
Turd in a punchbowl
See the fish swim round
Turd in a punch bowl
Betty give Chuck the crown
Turd in a punch bowl
Surpression, dismiss, timetable,
Turd in a punch bowl
Remission, attain, fable!
Ok so the last one was a surrealist verson, but Carlos from the wonderful world of Spatula City enjoyed it.
Blog Out
Welcome to Big Blogger
Hi Timetables, and other non information services,
Well for those of you who live in Australia, you will know that Big Brother is currently on tv. It wouldn't matter if you had been living under a rock for the last 10 years, those bastards are flooding everywhere with their adverts.
So, in true Aussie style, I've decided to steal the concept, and put it to my own nasty use.
So here is how it works. Each person whose blogger link appears on this page, is a contestant.
- Each week one of you will be voted out, until there is a the worlds first BIG BLOGGER.
- Each of you have been given a number, and these numbers have been placed in a hat.
- One number will be drawn out each week, and that person is out of the Cyberhouse.
- There will be tasks, that need to be published on your blogs each week. Failure to do a task will result in an extra number being placed in the hat for all other contestants.
- New house members can be added at any time.
- The ultimate winner gets nothing. Unless I can find a prize by the time this comp ends.
Good luck, and good blogging, you are now all in the house of
Blog Out
The bikkies are gone
Hi Mountain Bikers and other non extreme sportists,
Well you have got to love remote blogging.
Three minutes ago Mikey came down to my work, and embarrassed me. But that is ok, because he is now the proud posesser of some Ginger Nut bikkies from New South Wales.
Enjoy the bikkies Mikey, I hope they are not too crushed.
Blog Out
Happy Birthday Zachary
Hi All,
Today my youngest son Zachary turns six. It is now eight months since I've seen my kids, when my ex just packed up one day and was gone. I'm still fighting to find out where my kids are, and I will never give up that fight.
I love you Zachary, I hope you are having a good birthday. I have your present sitting here, for when I see you next.
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Git Yer Vitamens!
Hi Compact Disc Covers, and other non protective devices,
Well a few days ago, I started taking a multi vitamin. Being a shift worker, my diet is not what you would call the best, nor is it routine, so a bit of help wouldn't go astray.
I decided on a Multivitamin, designed for women. Now I'm not going to get into a brand name war here, so I will leave the brand name out of it.
Anyway, I thought the one designed for women, would be my best bet, rather than choose the one for men, the other one for children, the otherone shaped like cartoon charactors, or the one that is made exclusively from cardboard, and tested on animals or rugby players.
Now I haven't really noticed any changes, except for my urine. It now has a distinct yellowish/greenish tinge to it. Mmm, I though, better read the label, and see if there is anything wrong with this.
The label only says: [insert brand name] Women is a complete multivitamin multimineral supplement, tailered to the needs of women. [insert brand name] Women includes extra Iron, B Group Vitamins and Calcuim.
Nothing really there to worry about, I think, but to be on the safe side, I decided to check out what the Men version had to say for itself.
The label there says: [insert brand name] Men, is a complete multiviamin multimineral supplement. It will allow you to sit on the couch for hours on end, watching the Bathurst 1000, while the lawns mow themselves. This tablet allows you to drink an extra 6-8 cans of beer, while at the footy, with out having to eat more than two meat pies. By taking this tablet, women will find you irisitable, and will want to make wild passionate love to you, while you talk to her sister on the phone.
Mmm, I think that maybe this multivitamin is a total crock, either that, or I should find a womens one that does the housework for me.
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Sophie is going to kill me
Hi Moisturising Creams, and other non hydrating products,
Well my good friend Sophie now has her own blog. It has just been born, so don't expect too much from it for now. But congrats on the arrival Sophie.
Anyway the reason she is going to kill me is I have added a link to her blog. You can either click here, here or here, to get to the blog, or on the right hand side, in typical Rantgirl style, you can click on the image.
This image is the reason she will kill me. Because I only had the one photo of Sophie, I decided to photoshop it a bit, in an aim to get her to send me another photo. Instead I think it will just mean she will send around a couple of big nasty guys, who will make me an offer I can not refuse. Gulp!
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A few recent photos
Hi Dinner Plates, and other non cutlery items,
Well I decided to upload a few photos of me, because I think the current Blogger pic needs up dating, so I've decided you can all decide for me.
First photo is from the "Try Hard Sexy" range, just me and my webcam and some hormones raging.
Or second photo today comes from the Sydney Tramway Museum visit. Here I am showing off my wares, while travelling on a coupled set of O class trams. Not the wind in the hair, and they look of contented excitement on the face.
Our last photo for the day is aboard the XPT on my way home to Melbourne. Shortly after this photo was taken, I burst into tears, as Sydney had been an emotional time for me. But please no sentimental voting.
So there you have it, voting lines close after I have made enough money fromt he 1900 number to cover my next holiday, so vote as many times as you like.
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